

单词 over-cold


Forms: see over- prefix and cold n.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: over- prefix, cold n.
Etymology: < over- prefix + cold n. Compare earlier over-cold adj.
Excessive or extreme cold.
the world > matter > properties of materials > temperature > coldness > [noun] > excessive
tr. Palladius De re Rustica (Duke Humfrey) (1896) xi. 54 (MED) For ouer cold, do dowues donge at eue Aboute her roote, algour away to dryue.
1626 F. Bacon Sylua Syluarum §411 The Earth doth..save it from over-heat and over-cold.
1823 Ld. Byron Don Juan: Canto VI xv. 8 Over warm Or over cold annihilates the charm.
1834 M. R. Mitford Charles I iv. i. 48 Overhot! But that's A fault may pass for virtue. Overcold's, Your modish sin.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2004; most recently modified version published online December 2021).


Brit. /ˌəʊvəˈkəʊld/, U.S. /ˌoʊvərˈkoʊld/
Forms: see over- prefix and cold adj.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: over- prefix, cold adj.
Etymology: < over- prefix + cold adj.
Excessively cold; too cold.
the world > matter > properties of materials > temperature > coldness > [adjective] > excessively cold
eOE Bald's Leechbk. (Royal) (1865) ii.xvi. 194 Tacn þæs ofercealdan magan.
OE Rune Poem (transcript of lost MS) 29 [Is] byþ oferceald, ungemetum slidor.
?c1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (Paris) (1971) 125 When it happeþ þat flegmone is made ouer colde [?a1425 N.Y. Acad. Med. to mych infrigidate]..þe mater þeof is congeled.
a1450 Pater Noster Richard Ermyte (Westm. Sch. 3) (1967) 54 (MED) Þe leche..in gederyng of gresses & temperyng & makyng of salue..ordeyneþ þoruȝ grete bifore lokyng & temperyng hem in mesure, þat þei ne be ouerhote ne ouercolde.
a1500 (?a1450) Gesta Romanorum (BL Add. 9066) (1879) 311 Man in dignyte..gladly the smale correctes; the malefactours conspiren and sayn he is over cold.
1587 G. Turberville Tragicall Tales f. 160v The fire doeth frye, the frost doeth freese the colde breedes care, the heate doeth harme, The middle point twixt both is best, nor ouer-cold, nor ouer-warme.
1621 P. Heylyn Microcosmus 4 The two ouer-cold, or Frigid Zones, are situate betweene the two Polare circles and the very Poles.
1671 J. Sharp Midwives Bk. ii. iv. 109 The windy Mole proceeds from an overcold womb, Spleen and Liver, which breeds wind that fastneth in the hollow of the part.
1870 W. J. Courthope Paradise of Birds 84 No longer over-cold or wet Do we feel heart-ache, care, or fret.
1894 Scribner's Mag. Sept. 276/2 The water is over-cold for much swimming.
1920 W. P. Trent Hist. Amer. Lit. 438 Lowell was free to enjoy his academic lecturing far more than he did his experiences as a peripatetic in the West, where overhot stoves and overcold audiences put his good-humour to a severe test.
1988 Washington Post (Nexis) 13 Dec. c23 Metro gets as many complaints about overcold cars each winter as it gets about overhot cars.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2004; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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