

单词 a soum of sheep

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a soum of sheep
1. The number of grazing animals, esp. cows or sheep, that can be sustained on an area of pasture. Also in a soum of sheep: a definite quantity of sheep, defined as the number that can be sustained on a certain amount of pasture (see sense 2), and varying in different places from four to ten. Now chiefly historical.Recorded earliest in soum's grass at Compounds.
the world > food and drink > farming > farm > farmland > grassland > [noun] > pasture > capacity of
levancy and couchancya1691
carrying capacity1857
1423 Charter (Edinb. Reg. House) No. 37 in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue (at cited word) Myn infeftment..of twenty sowmys gyrs in the common pastor of the landis foirsaid.
1443 Ayr Burgh Court Bks. 28 Jan. in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue (at cited word) At ilk man hald twa soumys & a hors.
1508 in R. Pitcairn Criminal Trials Scotl. (1833) I. 58* Of shutting up her ‘gudis’—viz. sixty-five ‘soumes’ furth of her said third part.
1610 in J. M. Thomson Registrum Magni Sigilli Scotorum (1892) VII. 202/2 Togidder with the pasture of sax sowmes of nolt..uponn the ground of my landis of Grenelaw.
1700 in C. B. Gunn Rec. Baron Court Stitchill (1905) 146 Wher any possessed but one Soum in the Mayns that Soum shall absolutely be a Kow or Oxe and not a sheip.
1794 J. Sinclair Statist. Acct. Scotl. XII. 396 A privilege of pasturage for 72 soums of sheep upon the common, 5 sheep being reckoned to a soum.
1884 Rep. Crofters & Cottars Scotl. App. A. 468 in Parl. Papers (C. 3980) XXXII. 1 In Lews and Harris..a man is entitled to send so many soums to the grazings of his townland.
1962 H. A. Moisley et al. Uig iii. 70 The Island townships vary from having half their soum of sheep..to double..to well over twice as many.
1991 M. McLean People of Glengarry (1993) v. 73 This new level of rent in Lochiel roughly equalled £1 for each four soums of cattle.
β. 1433 Ayr Burgh Court Bks. 4 May in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue (at cited word) It was ordanyt in plan court that ilka man sal haf ii sommis in the common & na mar & v schep til a som.1472 in C. Rogers Rental Bk. Cupar-Angus (1879) I. 162 The priuilege that pertenys to ws of the mure of Munthquhel to the vale of xxvj Summys of Catale.1657 in J. D. Marwick Rec. Convent. Royal Burghs Scotl. (1878) III. 453 [He] has also by his chartour right to the pastorage of sex sume of guidis wpon thair comoun pasturag.1780 A. Young Tour Ireland (Dublin ed.) I. 284 Keeping a cow is a sum; a horse a sum and an half;..a barrel of potatoe setting..all these are sums.1900 Spectator 15 Dec. 886/1 Generally one cow equals a sum or collop... A peasant will tell you, ‘That field can feed so many sum or so many collops.’1941 Irish Times 25 Sept. 4/7 I was told that virtually the same number of animals is allocated to a Derry ‘sum’ as to a Kerry ‘collop’.2000 B. Dornan Mayo's Lost Islands vi. 163 In 1863 the landlord John Walsh had increased the number of ‘sums’ from 40 to 48.γ. 1691 Corshill Baron-Court Bk. in Archæol. & Hist. Coll. Ayr & Wigton (1884) IV. 186 The Judge findeing the said comon moore not swimed..the saidis pairties ordaines John Brown..and Robert Faullis..to goe and try quhat swimes the said moore can hold.
extracted from soumn.2
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