

单词 out of church

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out of church
b. Without article, esp. in in church, out of church. Used esp. of the building during or immediately before or after a service. Cf. sense A. 3.
OE Metrical Charm: For Delayed Birth (Harl. 585) 13 Þonne seo modor gefele þæt þæt bearn si cwic, ga þonne to cyrican, and þonne heo toforan þan weofode cume, cweþe þonne: Criste, ic sæde, þis gecyþed!
OE tr. Theodulf of Orleans Capitula (Corpus Cambr.) xxiv. 337 Hit gedafenað þæt gehwylce cristene men..on Sæternesdæg cume to cyrcean ond him leoht mid bringe ond þær æfensang gehyran.
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) (Peterborough contin.) anno 1131 Ðes oðer dæies..cusen þa muneces abbot of hem self and brohten him into cyrce mid processionem.
c1275 (?c1250) Owl & Nightingale (Calig.) (1935) l. 608 (MED) Ich can nimen mus at berne An ek at chirche ine þe derne.
c1350 (a1333) William of Shoreham Poems (1902) 6 (MED) Þaȝ man mowe nauȝt lecherie Forbere to donne..god ȝefþe hym to rede Spousynge; Tokene þrof his þe wedding At cherche.
c1405 (c1390) G. Chaucer Monk's Prol. (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 14 If þt any neighebore of myne Wol nat in chirche to my wyf enclyne.
1489 W. Caxton De Roye's Doctrinal of Sapyence lxxxii. sig. Lj Thou must saye how ofte thou hast synned yf thou canst remembre & in what place, yf it be in chirche chyrche yerd or in holi place.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. f. cclxiv/1 Than they went fro strete to strete, & slewe all the flemmynges that they coulde fynde, in churche or in any other place, ther was none respyted fro dethe.
1605 Articles 1st Metropolit. Visitation Archbp. of Canterbury sig. B3 None to walke or stande Idle, or talking in Church or Church-portch or Churchyarde during that time [of divine service].
1789 C. Burney Gen. Hist. Music III. 254 As a new-married couple..went out of church, the violins and tabors attended them.
1829 T. Flint George Mason ii. 21 It was so contrived that..logs..could be drawn, or, as it is technically phrased, snaked into church.
1880 R. F. Littledale Plain Reasons xviii. 54 Litanies and novenas take up most of the time spent in church.
1935 N. Coward Family Album 19 I observed one of his more open secrets at the back of church this morning.
1999 Church Times 30 Apr. 1/2 The Irish yews in the churchyard..have been causing difficulties for people going in and out of church.
extracted from churchn.1adj.
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