

单词 other more

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other more (also mo)
d. Followed by a determiner or other quantifying or demonstrative word or phrase, but without similar preceding word or phrase, as †other all, †other many, †other more (also mo), etc. Now only in other such or with qualifying number, as other six, etc. (now Scottish).Examples with a possessive qualifying phrase are sometimes ambiguous: in quot. a1648, ‘other the king's enemies’ may be taken to mean either ‘others, who are the king's enemies’, or ‘other enemies of the king’.
eOE tr. Orosius Hist. (BL Add.) (1980) iv. x. 103 Eft wearþ oþer swelc ren.
eOE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Tanner) i. xii. 54 He sende Augustinum & oðre monige munecas.
OE Rule St. Benet (Corpus Cambr.) 35 Singan oþre syx sealmas.
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 2413 (MED) Hwan his folk þat sau..Hwou robert with here louerd ferde, He haueden him wel ner browt of liue, Ne weren his two breþren and oþre fiue.
c1330 (?c1300) Guy of Warwick (Auch.) 408 (MED) Bi þe be warned oþer mo.
c1330 (?c1300) Guy of Warwick (Auch.) 1149 (MED) Þou art me leuest of oþer alle.
c1395 G. Chaucer Canon's Yeoman's Tale 975 Al a toun, Thogh it as greet were as was Nynyuee, Rome, Alisaundre, Troye, and othere three.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 440 (MED) He..sette him heist in his hall, Als prince and sire ouer oþer all.
?a1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (Hunterian) f. 45 (MED) Þe sensitiues and oþere manye principales be borne & doubelde fro þe dindimacioun off him.
c1460 (?c1400) Tale of Beryn 444 Therfor anenst hir estatis, I woll in no manere Deme ne determyn, but of lewd kittis, As tapsters, & oþer such.
1490 Caxton's Blanchardyn & Eglantine (1962) 121 The kynge of Fryse, & other his prysoners.
1512 Act 4 Hen. VIII c. 20 Preamble Archbold with other xl out~lawes.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) Matt. xv. f. xxij Havinge with them, halt, blinde, dome..maymed, and other many.
1542 Act 33 Hen. VIII c. 27 Amonges other their peculier actes.
a1555 J. Philpot tr. C. S. Curione Def. Authority Christ's Church in R. Eden Exam. & Writings J. Philpot (1842) (modernized text) 416 Luther and other more of us.
a1568 R. Ascham Scholemaster (1570) ii. f. 42v A great deale of the Ciuill lawe, and other many notable bookes.
1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes 246 In their roomes [he] placed other his owne creatures.
1611 Bible (King James) Gen. viii. 10 He stayed yet other seven days. View more context for this quotation
a1648 Ld. Herbert Life Henry VIII (1649) 469 To joyn with Cardinall Poole and other the Kings Enemies.
1799 J. Robertson Gen. View Agric. Perth 564 A retreat for St Bridget and other nine virgins.
1864 J. H. Burton Scot Abroad I. i. 18 With other the great men of Scotland.
1871 J. Ruskin Fors Clavigera I. x. 13 There are, indeed, other such in the world.
1907 A. Lang Hist. Scotl. II. 532 He..strolled towards his ‘friends’, asking them to meet him with other six.
1945 H. L. Mencken Diary 15 Aug. (1989) 379 A few dozen of the neighborhood oakies, lintheads and other such vermin were gathered there in ragged groups.
1990 Daily Tel. 28 Apr. (Colour Suppl.) 66/2 The sixth form lectures he instituted in the Sixties, given by poets, explorers, politicians and other such luminaries as he could rustle up.
extracted from otheradj.pron.n.adv.2
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