

单词 out of question

> as lemmas

out of (the) question
b. Outside or beyond the usual limits of (a process, condition, etc.), as out of comparison, out of doubt, out of measure, out of the ordinary, out of (the) question, etc.out of this world: see world n. Phrases 36.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) 2234 (MED) Deliuerli þei hieȝed hem þider for drede, out of doute.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) iv. 679 (MED) Min herte..Som time of hire is sore adrad, And som time it is overglad, Al out of reule and out of space.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Trin. Cambr.) 13166 (MED) I aske þe nouþer hous ny londe Ny noon oþere þing out of resoun [a1400 Vesp. wit vnresun].
a1450 (?1409) St. Patrick's Purgatory (Royal) 65 (MED) Þese folk..dispendid here halydai in gloteny..takyng and fillyng hemself owte of mesure more þan hem nedid.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll.) 556 Whan Morgan le Fay saw hym dede, she made grete sorow oute of reson.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) 2 Esdras iii. 7 Of him came..people, & kynreddes out of nombre.
1551 R. Robinson tr. T. More Vtopia sig. Bi A man doubteles owte of comparison.
1581 J. Bell tr. W. Haddon & J. Foxe Against Jerome Osorius 136 b It is out of all controversie that Adam..was endued with wonderfull and absolute freedome of will.
1615 W. Bedwell tr. Mohammedis Imposturæ i. §10 That is out of doubt true.
a1667 P. Mundy Trav. (1914) II. xvi. 249 Wee stayed by this Towne..being out of possibilitie to attaine Jalore.
1722 D. Defoe Moll Flanders 329 Why look ye Mistress, says he, I won't be out of Reason with you then.
1807 R. Southey Lett. from Eng. III. 146 His celestial history is more out of the Common.
1893 Law Times 95 29/2 It was expected that the meeting..would be a little out of the ordinary.
1940 Aeronautics Nov. 44/3 Flight tests have shown that more than one glider can be towed by an aeroplane, so that a glider train is not out of question.
2002 Chicago Tribune 3 Mar. ii. 5/2 The study of all these records indicates that nothing out of the ordinary was taking place..on board the submarine.
extracted from out ofprep.
out of question
5. The raising of a doubt about or objection to something. Chiefly in adverbial phrases, as beyond (all) question, †out of question, †past question, etc. See also Phrases 2.
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > absence of doubt, confidence > assured fact, certainty > making certain, assurance > of course, certainly [phrase]
to iwissea1000
mid iwissea1000
in wisc1000
to wis(se)c1000
without(en (any) weenc1175
sans fail1297
thereof no strife1297
but werea1300
forouten werea1300
out of werea1300
without werea1300
without deceit1303
for certainc1320
it is to wittingc1320
withouten carec1320
without nayc1330
without noc1330
without (but out of) dread1340
no doubtc1380
without distancec1390
no fresea1400
out of doubta1400
without doubta1400
for, (in, at obs.), of, to (a) certaintyc1400
withouten stance14..
hazel woods shakea1413
of, on, in warrantisec1440
sure enough?1440
without question?1440
wythout diswerec1440
without any dispayrec1470
for (also of) a surety?a1475
in (also for) surenessa1475
of certainc1485
without any (also all) naya1500
out of question?1526
past question?1526
for sure1534
what else1540
beyond (also out of, past, without) (all) peradventure1542
to be a bidden by1549
out of (also without) all cry1565
with a witness1579
upon my word1591
no question1594
out of all suspicion1600
for a certain1608
without scruple1612
to be sure1615
that's pos1710
in course1722
beyond (all) question1817
(and) no mistake1818
no two ways about it (also that)1818
of course1823
bien entendu1844
you bet you1857
make no mistake1876
sans doute1890
how are you?1918
you bet your bippy1968
?1526 M. Roper tr. Erasmus Deuout Treat. Pater Noster sig. b.iiv Ye onely name of the maker putteth out of question the goodnesse and perfectyon of the worke.
1586 T. Bowes tr. P. de la Primaudaye French Acad. I. 200 Out of question we will iudge those men very blind.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Twelfth Night (1623) i. iii. 95 And. Why, would that haue mended my haire? To. Past question . View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry V (1623) i. i. 5 The..vnquiet time Did push it out of farther question . View more context for this quotation
a1722 J. Toland Coll. Several Pieces (1726) II. 6 Socra. Consider any handy-craftsman. Is he not different from the tools..he uses in his works? The thing that cuts from the person that cuts with it? Alcib. Past question.
1776 G. Campbell Philos. of Rhetoric I. i. x. 261 But beyond all question, the preacher's subject of argument, considered in itself, is infinitely more lofty and more affecting.
1778 F. Burney Evelina III. xviii. 207 As to consulting you..it was out of all question.
1817 J. Mill Hist. Brit. India II. v. viii. 684 He is beyond all question the most eminent of the chief rulers.
1880 L. Stephen Alexander Pope v. 118 The Dunciad..is beyond all question full of coarse abuse.
1938 E. A. Powell Free-leave xxvi. 214 Though his bravery was beyond question, he certainly was not a brilliant leader.
1961 J. B. Conant Slums & Suburbs iv. 108 The procedures..are not easy and there is considerable question as to their value.
1989 A. Storr Freud iii. 28 Various details of the Oedipal theory are open to question, but the general outline stands as powerfully explanatory of a variety of sexual difficulties.
extracted from questionn.
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