

单词 ours


Brit. /ˈaʊəz/, /ɑːz/, U.S. /ˈaʊ(ə)rz/, /ɑrz/
Forms: Middle English ors, Middle English ourez, Middle English ouris, Middle English owres, Middle English owris, Middle English owrs, Middle English owrys, Middle English urs, Middle English vres, Middle English vris, Middle English vrs, Middle English–1500s oures, Middle English– ours, 1500s howres, 1600s–1800s our's; English regional (northern) 1700s awrs, 1800s ars, 1800s– ahrs; Scottish pre-1700 oueris, pre-1700 ouirris, pre-1700 ouris, pre-1700 ourys, pre-1700 ovrez, pre-1700 owris, pre-1700 owrys, pre-1700 1700s– ours.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: our pron., English -s.
Etymology: < our pron. + genitive ending -s, -es; compare slightly earlier hers pron.1, yours pron., theirs pron., hers pron.2 Compare ourn pron.In Old English (and early Middle English) ūres occurs as the regular masculine and neuter genitive singular of the possessive adjective ūre our adj. (compare e.g. quots. OE1, a1225 at our adj. 2a). Compare also the irregular construction represented by Old English ūres (the masculine and neuter genitive singular of the possessive adjective) in collocation with an indefinite pronoun (in the genitive case), in which ūres is apparently functioning as the genitive of the personal pronoun (the expected form is ūre our pron.) and both words are in agreement with each other (compare quot. eOE1 at our adj. 1, and see B. Mitchell Old Eng. Syntax (1985) §301). There is unlikely to be any continuity of use between these constructions and ours pron.
A. pron.
1. Predicatively: that which belongs to us.Formerly also occasionally with a postmodifying numerical or quantitative adjective, as ours two, ours all (cf. our pron. 1).
c1390 G. Chaucer Pardoner's Tale 786 Wel ye woot that al this gold is oures.
a1400 (c1303) R. Mannyng Handlyng Synne (Harl.) 6472 (MED) Þat before was þyn, now ys hyt ours.
a1450 York Plays (1885) 219 (MED) Þat childe was neuere oures two.
a1500 (a1450) Generides (Trin. Cambr.) 2989 (MED) This day was therys, And A nother shalbe ourez.
1533 J. Gau tr. C. Pedersen Richt Vay 45 He and al his is owris.
1578 W. Hunnis Hyue Full of Hunnye Gen. xxxvi. 28 lf. 86 Shall not all their substance greatte And cattell that they have Be ours if we gree thereunto?
1631 Bp. J. Hall Occas. Medit. (ed. 2) (2nd state) §cxxvii If ought hurt us, the fault is ours, in mis-taking the evill for good: in the meane time, wee owe praise to the maker.
1669 S. Sturmy Mariners Mag. i. i. 20 Cheerly my Mates, the day will be ours.
1703 W. Burkitt Expos. Notes New Test. Mark iv. 29 The Care and Endeavour is ours but the Blessing and Success is God's.
1766 G. Cockings Conquest Canada iv. vi. 54 Vict'ry shall be ours.
1825 H. B. Gascoigne Path to Naval Fame 95 'Tis ours to give directions by the Con.
1868 W. Morris Earthly Paradise Prol. 65 We..knew the lot of all men should be ours, A chequered day of sunshine and of showers.
1920 ‘K. Mansfield’ Let. 31 Oct. (1977) 194 But, my treasure, my life is ours. You know it.
1991 N. Amer. Rev. Mar. 77/2 She will be theirs and ours, more public for a while, we guess. Our baby, their vamp.
2. Equivalent to our with a noun supplied from the context. Frequently paired or contrasted with another possessive.
the mind > possession > possessions > [noun] > that which is one's own > that which is mine, ours, his, hers, or yours
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 11784 (MED) If he ne war godd almight, Vr godds had standen al vp-right, Bot for he es godd..Vres ar fallen don.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) 12285 Ȝour sun has vres [a1400 Vesp. urs nu; a1400 Trin. Cambr. haþ oures] feld wid strijf.
a1450 Pater Noster Richard Ermyte (Westm. Sch. 3) (1967) 21 (MED) Þe soule of a Saracene or of a Juwe [is] as wel made to þe liknes of God & as wel wiþ his deeþ was bouȝte as oures.
a1475 (?a1350) Seege Troye (Harl.) (1927) 2065c (MED) God..yeve all cristyn soulis good reste, And ours, whanne we com to that feste.
a1530 (c1425) Andrew of Wyntoun Oryg. Cron. Scotl. (Royal) i. 344 An ake wes na mare in hys hand Than now in owrys ane hesylle wand.
1598 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 1 iv. i. 119 I am on fire To heare this rich reprizal is so nigh, And yet not ours . View more context for this quotation
1656 E. Waller To my Lord Protector viii Your highness, not for ours alone, But for the world's Protector shall be known.
1680 J. Dryden Kind Keeper Ep. Ded. sig. A4 In a Country [sc. France] more Bigot than ours.
1757 P. Bacon Taxes ii. iii. 34 This league in operations, theirs and ours, Gives order mutual aspect.
1796 H. Hunter tr. J.-H. B. de Saint-Pierre Stud. Nature (1799) I. 190 The second Current..inclosed between the Continent of America and ours.
1843 J. Martineau Endeavours Christian Life I. ii. 20 The mystic implication of his nature with ours.
1896 Pall Mall Mag. May 10 You've not a crown in your pocket, and ours a-bulging out with goldfinches.
1942 E. Waugh Put out More Flags (1943) ii. 84 Everything I've thought of has had Death in it; ours or theirs.
1993 Gourmet Jan. 68/2 Unlike most granola recipes, ours has no added fat such as butter or oil.
a. of ours: that is (or are) ours; belonging to us (see of prep. 32).
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 14839 (MED) Nu has he yow scent, Queþer ani of vrs [a1400 Fairf. oures; a1400 Gött. vres] be til him went.
c1450 (a1425) Metrical Paraphr. Old Test. (Selden) 14772 (MED) Þi werkes hath bene warre..And febyler..þen any of ours haue bene.
a1500 ( Pilgrimage of Soul (Egerton) (1953) i. xiv. f. 7v (MED) Muche more..wolde it seme skele that he be one of oures.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) 1 Cor. i. 2 All them that call on the name of oure lorde Iesus Christ in every place, both of theirs and of oures [c1384 Wycliffite, E.V. of hem and oure].
1597 W. Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet ii. ii. 7 We must vp fill this oasier Cage of ours, With balefull weeds, and precious iuyced flowers. View more context for this quotation
a1631 J. Donne Βιαθανατος (1647) ii. vi. §5 No man hath as yet, to my knowledge, impugned this custome of ours.
1651 C. Cartwright Certamen Religiosum i. 205 This righteousnesse of ours is but inchoated and imperfect.
1727 Visct. Bolingbroke Let. 17 Feb. in J. Swift Lett. (1766) II. 336 This boisterous climate of ours.
1783 M. Hunter Jrnl. (1894) 54 A drumboy of ours got upon the coop with him.
1837 T. Carlyle French Revol. III. i. vi. 65 O shrieking beloved brother blockheads of Mankind, let us close those wide mouths of ours.
1880 T. Hardy Trumpet-major I. v. 84 Why these are friends and neighbours of Miller Loveday, and he is a great friend of ours—our best friend.
1911 J. Conrad Under Western Eyes i. ii. 56 I too, Victor Victorovitch, believe in this world of ours.
1966 I. Murdoch Time of Angels v. 61 After she died friends of ours in Prague took it.
2000 S. Kinsella Secret Dreamworld Shopaholic xxi. 285 I think it could be a good promotion for a particular client of ours.
b. Those who are ours; spec. our soldiers, men, or regiment; our party, people, or side. Now chiefly in one of ours. Also (English regional (northern)): a close relative; one's husband, wife, child, sibling, etc.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) ii. 5327 (MED) Ne we schal nat..liȝtly ouer-go Þe grete offencis..Whiche wolde turne vn-to vs and ours To grete reprefe.
1430 in J. B. Paul Registrum Magni Sigilli Scotorum (1882) II. 31 Withouten ony let of us or of ony of ouris.
1568 in Cal. State Papers Scotl. (1900) II. 467 With all the..service that we and ouirris may do.
c1580 ( tr. Bk. Alexander (1921) II. ii. 3061 Ours are wonded and traualed.
1790 A. Wheeler Westmorland Dial. 24 When awrs an I wor wed we cud but meaak neen Shilin between us.
1847 W. M. Thackeray Vanity Fair (1848) xxvii. 235 Run Simple (Ensign Simple, of Ours, my dear Amelia).
1877 G. M. Hopkins Let. 6 Jan. (1938) 94 Lancashire..from where a good many of Ours come.
1888 S. O. Addy Gloss. Words Sheffield 2 Ahrs is gone to t'ale-us.
1922 W. Cather (title) One of ours.
1977 T. Heald Just Desserts i. 10 You know he was one of ours?.. Provided us with information, tip-offs, odds and ends.
1986 F. McGuinness Observe Sons of Ulster ii, in Plays: 1 (1996) 133 He's no Catholic. He's one of ours.
c. colloquial and English regional (East Anglian). Our home, our house, ‘our place’.
1888 C. Gibbon Beyond Compare I. vi. 86 Be he coming to ours to-day?
a1903 M. E. Rope in Eng. Dial. Dict. (1903) IV. 367/1 [Suffolk] He rid past ours.
1999 Sunday Sport 2 Oct. 36/3 (advt.) Two attractive girls are looking to meet one or two males, for fun nights in (at ours) and out.
2000 M. Gayle Turning Thirty xxxvi. 146 ‘Do you fancy coming to ours for Sunday dinner?’ asked Gershwin.
B. adj.
= our pron. 1, 2. Also as postmodifier. Obsolete.
the mind > possession > owning > [adjective] > own > mine, my, or our
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 25103 (MED) Fader vrs [a1400 Fairf. ours] þat es in heuen, Halud be þi nam to neuen.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 25299 (MED) For-giue us, fader, dettes vrs [a1400 Fairf. ours, a1400 Gött. vris].
1454 in 7th Rep. Royal Comm. Hist. MSS: Pt. 1 (1879) App. 720 in Parl. Papers (C. 2340) XL. 1 Wattis held the said landis of ovrez predecessovris.
1525 in J. Imrie et al. Burgh Court Bk. Selkirk (1960) 78 That thai be cheit to oueris bailyeis.
1564 A. Bacon tr. J. Jewel Apol. Churche Eng. Ded. Whiche..youre and ours moste vertuous and learned soueraigne Ladie and Mastres shal see good cause to commende.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2004; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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