

单词 oror

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a. or..or: either..or. Now poetic.Formerly, sometimes a literalism of translation (cf. Latin aut..aut, French ou..ou), but perhaps sometimes an actual phonetic reduction of other..other, other..or: cf. wher..or for whether..or.
a1325 (c1250) Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 2045 Or for misdede, or for on-sagen, Ðor woren to ðat prisun dragen On ðat ðe kinges kuppe bed.
c1330 in T. Wright Polit. Songs Eng. (1839) 324 (MED) Or he shal singe si dedero, or al geineth him noht.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 494 (MED) Þan fell þai depe, or lesse or mare.
a1425 J. Wyclif Sel. Eng. Wks. (1869) I. 124 Ȝif he heere treuþe or o tyme or oþer.
1474 W. Caxton tr. Game & Playe of Chesse (1883) i. iii. 15 Or thou art a god or a man or nought.
1576 G. Gascoigne Steele Glas sig. F.ij [Epamynond] Would neuer take, or bribe, or rich reward.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Comedy of Errors (1623) i. i. 136 Loth to leaue vnsought Or that, or any place. View more context for this quotation
1717 A. Pope tr. Homer Iliad III. xii. 396 Or let us Glory gain, or Glory give!
1800 S. T. Coleridge Anc. Mariner (rev. ed.) vi, in W. Wordsworth & S. T. Coleridge Lyrical Ballads (ed. 2) I. 185 Without or wave or wind.
1867 J. Ingelow Story of Doom vii. 266 Learn that to love is the one way to know Or God or man.
1957 D. L. Sayers tr. Song of Roland 128 His eyes are all glazed, Or far or near he can see nothing straight.
extracted from orconj.1
b. or..or: whether..or (in alternative questions, direct or indirect). Obsolete.Or alone in the sense ‘whether’ (as in quot. ?1518) is rare, and probably only represents Latin an.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1965) Ecclus. xlvi. 5 Or [a1425 L.V. whether; L. An] not in wrathefulnesse of hym is lettid þe sunne.
c1410 (c1350) Gamelyn (Harl. 7334) 148 (MED) I..dide it..but for a fondyng, For to loken or þou were strong.
?1518 Virgilius sig. aiiijv He asked the lordes..or they wolde therfore warre.
1579 E. Spenser Shepheardes Cal. Mar. 29 Or hast thy selfe his slomber broke? Or made preuie to the same?
1600 W. Shakespeare Merchant of Venice iii. ii. 64 Tell me where is fancie bred, Or in the hart, or in the head. View more context for this quotation
1623 J. Webster Deuils Law-case ii. iii Denied Christian burial! I pray, what does that? Or the dead lazy march in the funeral? Or the flattery in the epitaphs?
1734 A. Pope Ess. Man: Epist. IV 235 Alike, or when or where, they shone or shine, Or on the Rubicon, or on the Rhine.
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