

单词 on the woolsack

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on the woolsack
2. A seat made of a bag of wool for the use of judges when summoned to attend the House of Lords (in recent practice only at the opening of Parliament); also, the usual seat of the Lord Chancellor in the House of Lords, made of a large square bag of wool without back or arms and covered with cloth. Often allusively with reference to the position of the Lord Chancellor as the highest judicial officer; hence, the woolsack, the Lord-Chancellorship; on the woolsack, in this office.
society > authority > office > holder of office > high officials of state > [noun] > Lord High Chancellor or Great Seal > position of
society > law > administration of justice > judicial body, assembly, or court > place where court is held > [noun] > seat of judgement > specific
society > authority > office > holder of office > high officials of state > [phrase] > in the office of chancellor
on the woolsack1842
1539 Act 31 Hen. VIII c. 10 §8 Suche of them as shall happen to be under the saide degree of a Baron, shall sitt..at the uppermost parte of the sakkes in the middes of the saide Parliament Chamber.]
1583 Sir T. Smith's De Republica Anglorum ii. ii. 37 In the middest thereof vppon woolsackes sitteth the Iudges of the realme, the master of the roules, and the secretaries of estate. But these that sit on the woolsacks haue no voice in the house.1587 J. Hooker Chron. Ireland 123/2 in Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) II In the middle roome beneath them sit the chiefe iustices and iudges of the realme, the barons of the excheker, the kings sergeants, and all such as be of the kings learned councell,..and all these sit upon great wooll sacks, couered with red cloth.1702 Clarendon's Hist. Rebellion I. iii. 140 The Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, upon the Wooll-sack.1710 J. Chamberlayne Magnæ Britanniæ Notitia (ed. 23) 95 The Lord Chancellor..sits on the first Wool-Sack... Upon other Wool-Sacks sit the Judges, the King's Council at Law, and the Masters of Chancery.1737 Gentleman's Mag. Sept. 536/2 The noble Lord on the Wool-Sack.1785 Rolliad xvi. 8 By G——d I swore, while George shall reign, The Seals, in spite of changes, to retain, Nor quit the Woolsack, till he quits the throne.1796 T. Morton Way to get Married i. i. 13 Caust. Pray stick to the law. Tang. And to the woolsack. Does not the hope of that..cram our courts full of barristers, with heads as empty as they leave their clients' pockets?1817 Parl. Deb. 1st Ser. 414 The Lord Chancellor took the Woolsack at one o'clock.1842 J. Wilson Christopher North (1857) I. 108 What seated Thurlow, and Wedderburne,..and Brougham on the woolsack? Work.1854 R. W. Emerson Eloquence in Wks. (1906) III. 189 If the performance of the advocate reaches any high success, it is paid in England..with seats in the cabinet, earldoms, and wool~sacks.1862 M. E. Braddon Lady Audley's Secret II. vi. 104 We are to be married,..elevated to the woolsack or debarred by our brother back benchers.1901 Empire Rev. 1 467 The woolsack is technically not in the House, a fact recognised by the Standing Orders which provide that when the Lord Chancellor wishes to speak he is ‘to go to his own place as a Peer’.attributive.1634 T. Carew Cœlum Britanicum 5 Though I am but a Woollsacke god, and have no vote in the sanction of new lawes.
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