

单词 online


(Attributively, and chiefly in sense A.)Brit. /ˈɒnlʌɪn/, U.S. /ˈɔnˌlaɪn/, /ˈɑnˌlaɪn/ (Predicatively, and chiefly in sense B.)Brit. /ɒnˈlʌɪn/, U.S. /ˌɔnˈlaɪn/, /ˌɑnˈlaɪn/
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: on- prefix, line n.2
Etymology: < on- prefix + line n.2 Compare earlier offline adj.
A. adj.
a. U.S. Situated on the route of a railway line; occurring on or relating to railway lines.
1918 Yale Law Jrnl. 27 577 The contract provided for two kinds of service by the telegraph company, ‘on-line’ service..being the carrying of messages along the common line of the two companies.
1926 Econ. Geogr. 2 15 Approximately two-thirds of the coal handled by the system originated at on-line mines.
1942 Fortune Nov. 121/1 A 5 per cent addition to the 1,981,000 freight cars on line.
1985 Jrnl. Amer. Hist. 72 733 The railroad enterprise did not promote agriculture and industry for altruistic reasons; a prosperous on-line economy meant increased carloadings.
2008 Transport & Communications Bull. Asia & Pacific (United Nations) No. 77. 16 The reason was a high rate of online failures of trains due mostly to locomotive breakdowns.
b. Situated or occurring on the current authorized routes of an airline; spec. relating to routes or services provided by the same airline, as opposed to interline adj.
society > travel > air or space travel > transport by air > [adjective] > occurring on airline route
1947 M. B. Baker Airline Traffic & Operations ii. 46 The city is an on-line station to these airlines.
1969 Jane's Freight Containers 1968–9 429/2 Online and interline use [of air cargo pallets] by JAL.
1992 Jrnl. Industr. Econ. 40 117 In airline travel, both online and inter-line one-stop trips are often possible.
2009 Airport Business (Nexis) Feb. 15 BagScan can accommodate a range of working environments, from one airline to multiple airports, and enables online, interline, local, and transfer baggage handling.
2. Telecommunications. Transmitted via an electronic circuit, as in telegraphy, telex, etc.; involved in or relating to such transmissions. Now rare.
1948 Electr. Engin. (U.S.) 67 639/1 Figure 3 shows a typical form for ‘on line’ or ‘system’ messages.
1972 Proc. Inst. Electr. Engineers 119 4/1Online’ cryptographic equipment has been added to some of these circuits.
3. Originally Computing. Cf. offline adj. 2.
a. Designating an operation or process which is carried out or controlled using a direct connection to a computer or central processor. Also: designating a peripheral device directly connected to and controlled by a computer or central processor; designating hardware which is connected to, or forms part of, a computer network or a system of networked devices.
society > computing and information technology > [adjective] > status
1950 W. W. Stifler High-speed Computing Devices (Engin. Res. Associates) ii. 7 In on-line operation the input is communicated directly..to the data-reduction device.
1959 E. M. McCormick Digital Computer Primer ix. 135 The input–output equipment of a computer is sometimes referred to as peripheral. If operated and controlled by the computer itself, it is in-line or on-line; if operated independently of the computer, it is off-line.
1964 T. W. McRae Impact Computers on Accounting i. 17 If we are processing..a payroll,..and the output printer is directly hooked up to the computer store so that each payslip is printed immediately after it is calculated, we use the term on-line processing.
1968 Times 26 Oct. 4/4 It was found..by radio astronomers using the 250 ft. dish telescope connected to an on-line computer.
1971 Computers & Humanities 5 192 The shoebox is an automatic text-processing and retrieval system implemented for on-line operation on an ibm 360/50 computer.
1998 T. Sheldon Encycl. Networking (new ed.) 990 In online transaction processing, transactions are executed immediately, as opposed to batch processing.
2007 D. Gookin Word 2007 for Dummies x. 128 Make sure that the printer is online and ready to print.
b. Originally: accessible or made available by connection to a central processor or computer network. In later use: spec. accessible via the internet; carried out, occurring, or used on the internet.See also online banking, online database, online dating, online gambling, etc., at Compounds.Now, alongside sense A. 3c, by far the most common sense of the adjective.
1961 Barron's 17 Apr. 18/3 A unique console which permits employees anywhere in a company to receive ‘on-line’ data direct from a central data-processing installation.
1972 Amer. Libraries 3 145/1 An on-line catalog of 2.25 million volumes.
1985 Jrnl. Econ. Lit. 23 1730/1 dialog's coverage varies from the online versions of Chemical Abstracts and Dissertation Abstracts to a career placement registry.
1988 Leonardo Suppl. 118/2 The ACEN Bulletin Boards..provide a number of resources, discussion boards as well as on-line art-making.
1995 SalesForce Mag. Feb. 15/3 With all this high-tech gadgetry, Williams is able to communicate easily with her office and clients, some of whom she contacts via online bulletin board services.
1999 Odds On Feb. 27/1 William Hill..has a growing online presence.
2009 Guardian 15 Apr. 31/2 The daft idea that people would give credence to online gossip authored in Downing Street.
2015 L. Williamson Art of being Normal (2016) xxi. 139 I've been watching lots of online make-up tutorials lately.
2016 Wired Jan. 67/3 Of all the forms of online harassment, doxing is perhaps the most pernicious. Perpetrators..publish your address and other info online, exposing you to escalating abuse.
c. Of a person, business, organization, etc.: having access to or making use of a computer network (in later use esp. the internet); engaged in a particular activity on such a network (esp. the internet). Also: engaged in creating content for publication on the internet.See also online gamer, online retailer, etc., at Compounds.
1965 2nd Congr. Information Syst. Sci. 1964 16/2 The on-line user who depends on the system for assistance with his problem is extremely unhappy when it ‘lets him down’.
1975 IEEE Spectrum Oct. 68/2 Once on line with the computer, the librarian can then obtain further terms by using vocabulary words from relevant citations obtained during the search.
1998 Daily Tel. 17 Sept. (Connected section) 3/2 The service uses technology that makes it difficult to identify who is online and so make it easier to abuse the Internet.
2010 Independent 17 Oct. 15/4 The Mail's editors..on its online team.
2014 L. Floridi 4th Revolution vii. 160 A catalogue of movies for online customers.
4. Taking place as a part of a continuous sequence of operations; forming a component in a chain of devices, machines, etc., each performing a particular operation as part of a single process; = in-line adj. 2.
the world > action or operation > [adjective] > forming part of a series of operations
the world > relative properties > order > order, sequence, or succession > [adjective] > belonging to a series > of operations or machines
1960 Public Wks. (Ridgewood, New Jersey) July 146/2 A high-level control on the storage tank puts the on-line filter into recirculation if the tank level reaches a maximum point.
1972 Physics Bull. Jan. 29/3 Dr. K. A. Andrews..described the progress which was being made with the problem of on-line ultrasonic testing of hot steel.
1989 Which? Feb. 60/2 An on-line filter..is plumbed directly into the mains water pipe under the sink.
2011 Jrnl. Operational Res. Soc. 62 1365 Online process control consists of inspecting a single item at every mth items produced, where m is an integer greater than two.
B. adv.
1. Telecommunications. By means of signals transmitted via an electronic circuit, as in telegraphy or telex; during or as part of the normal operation of such a circuit. Now rare.
1946 S. Sparks in Proc. 23rd Session Assoc. Amer. Railroads Communications Section 519 Where either one of the reperforator switching methods is used, all local facilities for originating and terminating traffic are commonly operated ‘on-line’.
1959 Electr. Engin. (U.S.) 78 742/2 In the event of an incoming Telex call, the subscriber set is automatically switched ‘on-line’ after a warning signal.
2. Originally Computing.
a. Under the control or direction of a computer or central processor; as part of a system of networked devices.
society > computing and information technology > [adverb] > connection status
1955 IRE Trans. Electronic Computers 4 35/2 Three ERA 1102 digital computer systems were built for the USAF Arnold Engineering Development Center. Each system is operated on line.
1964 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 115 654 The goal of the development has been a machine which..is fast enough for simple data-processing ‘on-line’ while the experiment is in progress.
1989 Proc. 15th Ann. Conf. IEEE Industr. Electronics Soc. III. 663/2 The whole system operates on-line and it can carry out draining simulations and data consulting while the data are captured and presented periodically.
1999 N.Y. Times 2 Sept. g12/5 The printer keeps these jobs in its buffer until it is ready to deal with them. That is sometimes called spooling. (Spool is short for simultaneous peripheral operations on line.)
b. Originally: using or by means of a computer network; so as to be accessible by connection to a computer network. In later use: spec. via the internet, on the internet. See also to get online at Phrases 1, to go online at Phrases 2b.Now the usual sense of the adverb.
1966 Economist 23 July 382/3 Information will be available ‘on-line’..to 100 BOAC centres throughout the world.
1972 S. Brand in Rolling Stone 7 Dec. 54/1 The dream for the Net was that researchers at widely separated facilities could share special resources, dip into each other's files, and even work on-line together.
1987 Wilson Libr. Bull. Mar. 10/3 Thirteen libraries and their branches are represented in the network, enabling irving users to search for 3.5 million books online on twenty-eight terminals located across Colorado.
1987 Proc. Conf. Integrated Online Libr. Syst. 1986 45 To put it online it must be computer indexed. There are several options among vendors for indexing your catalog.
1991 Life Nov. 9/2 (advt.) You can use it to figure out what to buy, make purchases, and even pay your bills online.
1997 Escape Mar. 39/2 Magazine articles are scrupulously fact-checked before they are put on-line.
2008 M. Miller Is it Safe? xvii. 215 You probably don't need to worry much about being stalked online.
2011 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 15 June b1/2 Given that most products can be bought online, retailers have been trying to give shoppers reasons to go to stores.
3. With reference to a system, mechanism, product, etc.: into operation or existence; into a state of productivity or activity. See also to go online at Phrases 2a.
society > occupation and work > industry > manufacture or production > [adverb] > in production
on stream1930
1959 Sci. News Let. 14 Feb. 101/3 Two more [atomic power plants] totaling 85,500 electrical kilowatts (290,500 heat KW) will come on line in 1961.
1975 Nature 9 Oct. 435/3 Domestic uranium reserves will be totally committed to those nuclear reactors which are brought on line in the next 20 years.
2006 Chicago Tribune (Midwest ed.) 12 Mar. viii. 5/1 The ships coming online in 2006 are comparatively few and far between when compared with the last decade.
2012 Iola (Kansas) Register 28 Apr. a3/4 The new transformer was put online last week, with no disruptions.
2013 Daily Tel. 13 Sept. 26/1 The steam indicates that the electrical system in the turbine building is being prepared to come online.


P1. to get online.
(a) To gain access to a computer network (in later use esp. the internet); to begin using the internet.
1972 U.S. Patent 3,651,267 1/2 Preventing an unauthorized user from getting online to the station and having access to the recorded data.
1997 J. Seabrook Deeper iv. 119 What I see is new users getting on-line, promptly getting flamed by the older users.
2013 New Scientist 10 Aug. 20/4 In the US, people can generally already get online with relative ease.
(b) To enable or allow (a person, organization, etc.) to use a computerized system or computer network (in later use esp. the internet); to provide (a person, organization, etc.) with access to the internet.
1981 Jrnl. Amer. Soc. Information Sci. 32 308/2 Besides getting users online and using commands in a proper manner, this interface system must be judged on how effective the searching really was.
1998 World in 1998 (Economist Publ.) 144/3 In 1998 a programme is being launched..to get one billion children ‘online’.
2010 Independent 19 June 53/2 Martha was..advising the Government on how to get more users and services online and therefore save money for, well, just about everyone.
b. To make available or accessible via a computer network (in later use esp. the internet).
1986 Jrnl. Reading 29 716/1 The user is judged on written language and ability to organize thoughts rapidly and get them on line.
2000 S. Elgin in Linguistics & Sci. Fiction Newslet. July I can't help wondering about..the amount of labor that would have been involved in getting it online and searchable.
2009 Post-Standard (Syracuse, N.Y.) 4 June (Neighbors, Madison county section) 9/1 Get your resume online; network; use the library's resources to change careers or find employment.
P2. to go online.
a. Of a device, facility, etc.: to become operational; to come into a state of productivity or activity. Cf. sense B. 3, to go live at live adj.1, n., and adv. Phrases 4.
1959 Electr. Engin. (U.S.) 78 433/1 They will be able to be extracted in bulk mixtures from fission product taken from the many power, propulsion, testing, and research reactors going on-line in the next 10 years.
1993 IEEE Spectrum Nov. 20/2 Manufacturers need to recover the cost of building the plants scheduled to go on line next year.
2014 D. Rabin Colorado Breweries 96 When it [sc. the 12-barrel brewhouse] went online, the production of the family's eight full-time beers shifted to Denver.
(a) Originally: to begin using a computerized system or computer network; to gain access to a computer network. In later use: spec. to access the internet, to browse the internet. Cf. sense B. 2b.
1963 Datamation Oct. 25/1 (heading) So you want to go ‘on-line’.
1969 ALA Bull. 63 1254/1 One need not delay going online until he has access to third generation equipment, for it is better to go online with second generation equipment than to be offline.
1975 IEEE Spectrum Oct. 70/2 Before going on line, the searcher must determine whether or not the question to the retrieval system is well posed.
1983 Your Computer (Austral.) Sept. 25/1 The user can go on-line and, in this mode, can..upload or download ASCII files.
1990 Computer Lang. Oct. 4 (advt.) Go online with ease with our new high-level modem control routines.
2014 Daily Mirror 8 Aug. 31/6 Around 38 million people go online every day—double the number seven years ago.
(b) To be made available or accessible via a computer network (in later use esp. the internet).
1985 Jrnl. Amer. Soc. Information Sci. 36 53/1 The SCAN bibliographic database went on-line in March 1982.
1996 Up Here (Yellowknife, N.W. Territories) Nov. 17/3 The archives of both the Yukon and Northwest Territories governments are going on-line.
2013 Daily Tel. 15 Nov. 21/4 The results went online this week.


online auction n. an auction carried out via a computer network (in later use esp. the internet).
1981 Jrnl. Amer. Soc. Information Sci. 32 153/1 It will be possible to negotiate and conclude transactions from the ‘home’ terminal. Online auctions and bargaining will be feasible.
2000 Nation (N.Y.) 28 Feb. 11/1 Last week, the phone codes were sold in an online auction.
2006 New Scientist 1 July 29/1 If you want to be sure of winning an online auction, wait until the very last moment to place your bid so that no one else has time to respond.
online banking n. the use or provision of banking services via a computer network (in later use esp. the internet).
1960 N.Y. Times 28 Aug. f15/1 (advt.) A major role in the development of programs and specialized routines for specific customer applications such as on-line banking, [etc.].
1997 Courier-Jrnl. (Louisville, Kentucky) 20 Apr. a6/2 Bank of America tells us we can telebank or do online banking.
2008 Financial Times 4 Dec. 18/5 The former investment bank is considering branching out into online banking for the masses.
online chat n. communication in real time between two or more simultaneous users of a computer network (in later use esp. the internet); (also) an instance of this.The term is applied to both text-based communication and videoconferencing.
1980 ASIS Bull. (Amer. Soc. Information Sci.) Oct. 6/2 Online ‘chat’ and electronic mail capabilities.
1994 Database 17 82/2 BBS use consists mainly of sending and receiving messages, transferring files, displaying information, soliciting information from the user, real-time teleconferencing (also known as ‘online chat’).
2000 Cutting Edge: Encycl. Adv. Technol. 153/2 Portal sites offer not only searching but also additional services such as e-mail, online chat, and shopping.
2013 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 10 Feb. (Business section) 14/2 TurboTax offered a choice between a call and an online chat. Within seconds, I was e-chatting with Marilyn G.
online community n. a group of people who regularly interact with each other online, esp. to share information and opinions on a common interest; (with the) users of a computer network (in later use esp. the internet) considered collectively.
1977 On-line Rev. 1 251/2 When BRS [sc. Bibliographic Retrieval Services Inc.] first began serving the on-line community..he expected most of their clientele to be new on-line users rather than ‘bargain hunters’ from the other services.
1993 Wired Sept. 17/1 Your article mentioned that computer centers were being crippled by the network traffic from these online communities.
2001 Amer. Demographics Mar. 55/1 Harris Interactive reports that the online community has grown by more than 900 percent over the past six years.
2008 Independent 19 Mar. (Extra section) 8/4 He discovered..online communities of photographers espousing low-fidelity images.
online database n. a database hosted on and accessible via a computer network (in later use esp. the internet).
1978 Amer. Libraries 9 665/1 Already a large and experienced software and database company has announced a project which will make the content of major newspapers and popular journals available through a proprietary online database.
1996 Business Week 26 Feb. 121/1 He did his homework using ArtNet, an online database.
2011 Metro 21 Jan. (London ed.) 44/2 The site will give you access to a free online database of liftsharers in your area.
online dater n. a person who participates in online dating.
1994 Daily Herald (Chicago) 22 Dec. (Suburban Living section) 2/1 Avid on-line dater David Fox has written a book called ‘Love Bytes: The Online Dating Handbook’.
2010 A. Syrtash He's just not your Type App. 189 The number one complaint voiced by online daters is that the person they meet is different from the person they saw online.
online dating n. the practice of using a computer network (in later use esp. the internet) to find and contact potential romantic or sexual partners, typically via a dedicated website or application; cf. internet dating n. at Compounds 3.
1981 Database Sept. 83/2 Several months ago I suggested that a major online search service put up an online dating service and I was nearly laughed out of the office.
1992 Washington Post (Nexis) 27 Dec. b1 A recent advertisement for ‘on-line dating’ in a computer magazine began, ‘I met five guys on-line last night and I just loved them all.’
2016 People (N. Ireland ed.) (Nexis) 5 June 22 I read Andrea's online dating profile and we seemed like a good match.
online forum n. a facility on a computer network (in later use esp. the internet) for users to engage in discussion and share information or opinions on one or more particular topics, esp. a website dedicated to such discussion.
1985 Forum on Risks to Public in Computer Syst. in fa.arpa-bboard (Usenet newsgroup) 7 Aug. There is a new on-line forum on Risks to the Public in the Use of Computer Systems.
1994 CompuServe Mag. Mar. 16/1 People discussing their sex lives and wanton desires with strangers in online forums.
2015 Daily Star 7 Sept. 5/1 Online forums in Ireland have been deluged with support for the housewives' favourite [sc. Daniel O'Donnell].
online gambler n. a person who engages in online gambling.In quot. 1993: a fictional founder of an online gambling service.
1993 T. Lichty Official Amer. Online for Windows Membership Kit & Tour Guide: Version 1 iv. 73 Established by Rabbitjack, the famous online gambler, the casino is now run by Rabbitjill, who promises everyone a good time tempting fate at the wheel of fortune.
1996 Washington Post 9 Dec. (Washington Business section) 20/4 (heading) Casinos are betting on online gamblers... They're popping up in many corners of the World Wide Web—electronic casinos.
2013 D. Trend Worlding vi. 108 Within the United States..online gamblers tend to use credit cards or bank accounts registered in other countries.
online gambling n. gambling activities carried out via a computer network (in later use esp. the internet); services facilitating this.
1989 Business Week 30 Jan. 65/1 ‘Joy stick’ and keypad respond to interactive TV programs, such as on-line gambling, two-way game shows, and townhall meetings.
1994 Guardian 29 Aug. 14/6 What respondents wanted on-line..was video dating, on-line gambling, role-playing interactions, sports statistics and sports videos on demand.
2016 Belfast Tel. (Nexis) 18 June 22 Two years ago my father ended up in jail because of online gambling.
online game n. a game which is or can be played over a computer network (in later use esp. the internet); esp. (in later use) a video game which allows two or more players in different locations to participate simultaneously.
1982 On line FRPG's in net.games.frp (Usenet newsgroup) 8 July There seems to be quite a few gamers on the net and I was thinking that an on-line (or on-net) play-by-mail game might be something novel and exciting... Although I have heard that the net is heavily loaded as it is and such an on-line game might be too much.
1997 Guardian 23 Oct. (Online section) 7/5 There's a lot happening in the gamebot area, particularly in online games like Quake.
2016 Sun Jrnl. (New Bern, N. Carolina) 13 Apr. a7 A German rail dispatcher was playing an online game on his cellphone shortly before two trains he was in charge of collided on a single-track line.
online gamer n. (a) a person who plays online games; (b) = online gambler n.
1991 Re: Champions Role Playing Game in rec.games.frp (Usenet newsgroup) 3 Sept. From my experience with online gamers and with folks in gaming clubs..Shadowrun is the A-1 favorite new game.
1997 Newsbytes (Nexis) 3 Dec. Online gamers are hoping to increase the odds that self-regulation of Internet gambling will keep the legislators and regulators at bay.
1998 Guardian 7 May (Online section) 11/4 How does a company make a game that is appealing to a wide range of online gamers?
2001 N.Y. Times 4 Jan. g3/3 Women now make up the majority of online gamers by a slim margin.
2015 S. Smith & A. Milligan On Purpose iii. ix. 177 Lucas was an online gamer—and a very talented one.
online gaming n. (a) = online gambling n.; (b) the action or practice of playing online games.
1979 Data Managem. May 62 (heading) Cutting down odds in designing online gaming.
1986 Chicago Tribune 5 Dec. vii. 93/1 Compuserve..offers more than 400 databases of topical information, as well as information forums and online gaming.
1998 Financial Times 27 Nov. 29/5 Online gaming is increasingly popular, as is personal computer games software.
2002 Indian Country Today 14 Aug. (Trade & Commerce section) c1/5 The federal statute currently applicable to online gaming..specifically prohibits the use of telephone wires to transmit a bet across state lines.
2016 J. Cohen & T. Kenny Producing New & Digital Media ii. 31 Online gaming allows for a massive multiplayer experience and the user can role-play as a customizable character of a game.
online magazine n. a magazine published as an electronic document on a computer network (in later use esp. the internet); (sometimes) spec. the digital version of a print magazine, accessed via the internet.
1982 Wilson Libr. Bull. June 780/2 The computerization of publishing has changed the field in basic ways, but however radical the alterations it has brought about, teletex and online magazines remain recognizable print entities.
1998 Economist 21 Mar. 98/3 Word, one of the first and hippest of the online magazines, closed earlier this month, along with its sister publication, Charged.
2010 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 9 Sept. e3/1 She is working on a shoot for the online magazine.
online newspaper n. a newspaper published as an electronic document on a computer network (in later use esp. the internet); (sometimes) spec. the digital version of a print newspaper.
1982 Jrnl. Amer. Soc. Information Sci. 33 400/2 We have only to consider the ‘home computer revolution’ with ‘online’ newspapers and libraries to foresee an even greater availability of information to the average person.
1995 Internet World Aug. 64/3 Unionists all over the world read the online newspaper produced by San Francisco's striking workers.
2016 Herald (Glasgow) (Nexis) 23 June 20 The claims were first revealed by a Madrid online newspaper on Tuesday.
online radio n. audio programmes or channels which are made available to listeners online, typically via streaming; the activity or industry associated with this.
1994 MRI Digital Broadcast in rec.radio.shortwave (Usenet newsgroup) 4 May Does anyone know what the status of MRI's on-line radio service is?
1996 Billboard 17 Feb. 79/4 Jay Westlin, GM and Web-site producer at Malibu, Calif.-based radio syndicator Entertainment Radio Networks (ERN), says that online radio has no limits.
2004 Times 8 Oct. 4 s/5 Music news, reviews and extensive video archive; customised online radio.
2014 USA Today (Nexis) 9 Jan. 2 b In 2007, with the introduction of the iPhone, Pandora finally started turning the corner, and it now dominates online radio.
online retailer n. a business which sells goods, services, etc., remotely to customers via a computer network (in later use esp. the internet).In quot. 1980: a company providing remote access to an electronic database over a computer network.
1980 Jrnl. Amer. Soc. Information Sci. 31 195/1 Many other organizations produce data bases which are then leased and made available by an on-line retailer.
1994 Washington Post 12 Sept. (Business section) 19/3 On-line retailers..would do well to target men rather than women..; about 83 percent of on-line shoppers are men.
2002 Yahoo! Internet Life June 67/1 It's all there in black and white on her Wish List, the fantasy shopping tool popularized by Amazon and other online retailers.
2012 Economist 17 Nov. 71/2 [In China] the fiercest battles are being fought between online retailers and their bricks-and-mortar rivals.
online search n. a search for information conducted using a computerized system (in later use esp. the internet); esp. a search using a particular string of words or characters entered into a search engine.
1962 Amer. Documentation 13 387 (caption) Final stage of on-line search: display of individual document markers at their points of greatest contribution to the map structure.
1999 Economist 18 Dec. 65/3 Sam performed two online searches in databases of public records. The first online search..was at the Land Registry.
2012 Green Parent Apr. 68/2 Luckily, online searches led me to various forms of sling.
online service provider n. (a) a company or other organization which provides a service via a computerized system or computer network (now rare); (b) a company which provides access to the internet and/or exclusive content and services through its own computer network (cf. internet service provider n. at internet n. Compounds 3).
1981 Amer. Libraries Nov. 648/2 [The group] also suggested encouraging online-service providers to demonstrate their systems at annual meetings of scholarly societies.
1993 Crain's Chicago Business (Nexis) 6 Dec. 6 A new computer modem..uses cable television lines instead of telephone hookups to link personal computers with such on-line service providers as America Online Inc. and Prodigy Services Co.
2000 Econ. Affairs 20 16/1 Access by end-users to the Internet is generally provided by Internet service providers (ISPs) or online service providers (OSPs).
2013 Washington Post (Nexis) 16 June g1 Conventional online services offer mechanisms for people to recover lost passwords. These mechanisms work because Apple, Microsoft and other online service providers have access to unencrypted data.
online shopping n. the action of purchasing goods or services via a computer network (in later use esp. the internet).
society > trade and finance > buying > [noun] > shopping > shopping by specific method
home shopping1874
mail order1906
comparison shopping1921
online shopping1982
1982 N.Y. Times 30 Sept. d5/1 The companies said they were measuring consumer interest in on-line shopping and banking services.
1996 E. L. Harry Society of Mind ii. 51 A hundred and fifty million accounts, each of which can..do on-line shopping or banking.
2013 B. Stone Everything Store vi. 187 When friction was removed from online shopping, customers spent more.
online store n. a website or other facility by means of which goods or services are sold via a computer network (in later use esp. the internet).
1984 InfoWorld 7 May 46/1 Users can..purchase computer supplies and educational programs from an on-line store.
1995 Everybody's Internet Update (Electronic text) Feb. To be sure, there were online stores before the Web took off, but the Web lets a company show off its wares, and logo, in an easy-on-the-eyes (and easy-to-use) format.
2011 Harper's Bazaar (U.K. ed.) July 39 From this month, Brits can shop the online store, with on-the-ground shops to follow.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2017; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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