

单词 on score

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on score
b. in, upon, on (the) score: in debt. to run into scores or in score, to run or go on or upon (the) score: to incur debts. upon the score of: indebted to. Also on score, upon the score: on credit. Obsolete.
society > trade and finance > management of money > solvency > [adverb] > on credit
to fristc1440
on (also upon, of) trust1509
on (also upon) credit1560
in, upon, on (the) score1568
on time1628
on or upon (the) tick1642
upon the tally1807
on the nod1882
on the slate1909
on the cuff1927
on the knocker1934
society > trade and finance > management of money > solvency > be solvent [verb (intransitive)] > take credit
to run into scores or in score1568
to run or go on or upon (the) score1568
to build a sconce1630
to chalk ita1704
society > trade and finance > management of money > insolvency > indebtedness > [adverb]
in debtc1330
in, upon, on (the) score1568
in the red1907
in (occasionally the) hock1913
1568 U. Fulwell Like wil to Like E ij But now my masters you are on the score.
1577 R. Stanyhurst Treat. Descr. Irelande iii. f. 11/2, in R. Holinshed Chron. I The citie merchants not vttering their wares, but to such as had not redy chinckes, and theruppon forced to run on ye score, were very much empouerished.
1592 R. Greene Quip for Vpstart Courtier sig. G If any chaunce to go on the skore you skore him when he is a sleepe.
1602 S. Rowlands Tis Merrie 11 There's many deale vpon the score for wine, When they should pay forget the Vint'ners Syne.
1615 R. Cocks Diary (1883) I. 57 He had stolne and pawnd his companions aparell,..and was gon upon the score in divers howses.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Taming of Shrew (1623) Induct. ii. 22 If she say I am not xiiii.d. on the score for sheere Ale, score me vp for the lyingst knaue in Christendome. View more context for this quotation
1633 G. Herbert Size in Temple iv Those have their hopes: these what they have renounce, And live on score.
1649 J. Milton Εικονοκλαστης v. 42 He had..begger'd both himself and the Public; and besides had left us upon the score of his needy Enemies, for what it cost them in thir owne defence against him.
1649 Bp. J. Hall Resol. & Decisions i. vii. 66 Seneca reports of a Pythagorean Philosopher at Athens, who having run upon the score for his shoos at a shop there [etc.].
1658 H. Cromwell Let. 24 Feb. in Coll. State Papers J. Thurloe (1742) VI. 820 The country, to whom the army is in score, will be all in a flame.
1660 R. Allestree Gentlemans Calling 79 'Tis become so fashionable a thing to run into Scores, and so unfashionable to pay them, that he is scarce thought well bred, that has not bankrupted one at least of each Trade he deals with.
1667 S. Pepys Diary 30 Dec. (1974) VIII. 600 He..is known there and doth run upon the score for plays.
1702 T. Yalden Æsop at Court iii. 11 See, injur'd Britain, thy unhappy Case,..If fond of the Expensive pain, When eighteen Millions run on Score: Let them clap Mufflers on again, And Physick Thee of Eighteen more.
a1706 J. Evelyn Life Mrs. Godolphin (1939) 98 Every Saturday she us'd to Summ-up, and never went on Score.
1762 O. Goldsmith Citizen of World I. 286 I..drank while I had money left, and run in score when any body would trust me.
extracted from scoren.
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