

单词 on record

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on record
1. Law. The fact or condition of being, or of having been, written down as evidence of a legal matter, esp. as part of the proceedings or verdict of a court of law; evidence which is preserved in this way, and may be appealed to in case of dispute. Chiefly in phrases with prepositions, as of record, †in record, by record, on record, upon record. [With of record compare Anglo-Norman de record (15th cent. or earlier), post-classical Latin de recordo (1337, 1591 in British sources).]
society > communication > record > written record > [noun] > fact of being or having been committed to writing
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > evidence > [noun] > documentary evidence > fact of being
a1325 Statutes of Realm (2011) vii. 30 Þat for þilke withseggingge þoru þe record of þe schire ant of oþer curtes [etc.].
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) i. 3363 (MED) Ye seide, as it is of record, That if my fader were a lord..Ye wolden for noght elles lete, That I ne scholde be your wif.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 9711 (MED) Ne dom agh haf right na record, Ar we ben all at an a-cord.
1455 Paston Lett. I. 364 As it apperith pleynlye by accompt made of the sayd office of Constabulrye, remaynyng in the Kyngs Cheker at Westminster of record.
1473 Rolls of Parl. VI. 66/1 The Merchauntes of the said Hanze, have had and enjoyed dyvers Privileges, Liberties..within..Englond, by reason of certeyn Grauntes to theym..as by the Letters Patentes theruppon passed fro tyme to tyme it may clerely appere of record.
1523 J. Fitzherbert Bk. Surueyeng xi. f. 20 Whan a mater..is past by verdyt..and entred in the kynges recordes, there it resteth of recorde. and also yf a dede or a patent be inrolled, there it remeyneth of recorde in lyke maner.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Measure for Measure (1623) ii. ii. 40 To fine the faults, whose fine stands in record, And let goe by the Actor. View more context for this quotation
1629 Vse of Law 89 in J. Doddridge Lawyers Light So that hee for-see, that hee pay Debts vpon Record, debts to the King; Then vpon Iudgements.
1630 Use of Law (new ed.) 50 in F. Bacon Elements Common Lawes These Estates are created by word, by writing, or by record.
a1676 M. Hale Primitive Originat. Mankind (1677) ii. x. 235 Which was accordingly done, and remains of Record in the Exchequer.
1700 J. Tyrrell Gen. Hist. Eng. II. 837 These Letters..remain upon Record in the Tower on the Clause Roll of this Year.
1709 T. Hearne Remarks & Coll. 12 Jan. (O.H.S.) II. 163 An Ass upon Record cried up for a man of..learning.
1766 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. II. 119 All estates-tail are rendered liable to be charged for payment of debts due to the king by record of special contract.
1818 W. Cruise Digest Laws Eng. Real Prop. (ed. 2) V. 55 The manor..was let at a greater rent, or appeared upon record to be of a greater value.
1865 F. M. Nichols in tr. Britton I. 136 (note) The sheriff..is treated by our Author as the King's Justiciary, and as having the power of record incident to that office.
1870 ‘M. Twain’ in Galaxy Oct. 575/1 That verdict is of record, and holds good to this day.
1902 Amer. Law Reg. 50 239 When he exercises that right by marrying in a foreign state, there can be but one proof of mutual consent..of the marriage, and that is by record at the time, and according to the law of the place of ceremony.
1923 Virginia Law Reg. 9 672 A bank..placed the deed on record.
1980 Columbia Law Rev. 80 1014 Advocacy based on materials never placed on record at a trial.
2002 Times of India (Nexis) 12 Apr. Besides the transcripts of telephonic conversation, Ahluwalia has brought on record two meetings held with officials on March 28 and March 30.
extracted from recordn.1adj.
on (also upon) record
3. The fact or condition of being preserved as knowledge or information, esp. by being set down in writing; knowledge or information preserved or handed down in this way. In early use frequently in of record. Now esp. in on (also upon) record: recorded.For specific uses of on record, see Phrases 6. See also Phrases 2d.
society > communication > record > [noun]
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) vii. 2414 This I finde ek of record, Which the Cronique hath auctorized.
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Summoner's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 409 Sith Elie was or Elize Han freres been, that fynde I of record.
a1439 J. Lydgate Fall of Princes (Bodl. 263) v. 1084 (MED) Thoruh his notable manli dilligence, As it is Iwrityn be good record He made thes capteyns hertili of accord.
a1500 (?a1425) tr. Secreta Secret. (Lamb.) 106 It fallys þat þou chese of wyse men & of Skreueyns..of sotyll record.
1588 H. Oldcastle & J. Mellis Briefe Instr. Accompts sig. Fvijv Yee must haue a seuerall booke of record, wherein you shall record the copy of letters of charge.
1596 W. Lambarde Perambulation of Kent (rev. ed.) 196 I finde of Recorde, that it [sc. the Priory at Bylsington] was first aduaunced by Iohn Maunsell.
1609 W. Shakespeare Troilus & Cressida i. iii. 13 Euer action that hath gone before, Whereof we haue record . View more context for this quotation
1628 G. Wither Britain's Remembrancer 7 The glorioust things, That stand upon record of mortall Kings.
1695 J. Woodward Ess. Nat. Hist. Earth 103 There are so many Presidents on Record in Holy Writ of this way of proceeding, that no one can be well ignorant of them.
1722 W. Sewel Hist. Quakers Let. to King Remarkable Cases, which I thought worthy to be kept upon Record, and not buried in Oblivion.
1766 G. G. Beekman Let. 10 Feb. in Beekman Mercantile Papers (1956) 492 It was on Record and for my part I never doubted what you told us.
1816 P. B. Shelley Alastor 3 In charnels and on coffins, where black death Keeps record of the trophies won from thee.
1884 Times 2 Dec. 10 Having beaten the highest break on record.
1922 V. Woolf Diary (1979) II. 175 This is the worst spring on record.
1930 E. M. Brent-Dyer Chalet School & Jo v. 64 It is on record that seventeen people had to go and remake theirs [sc. beds].
1992 Campaign 3 July 38/2 (advt.) We would..like to invite..exhibition designers to send samples of their work for us to keep on record and contact as needed.
2005 G. Imlach My Father & Other Working-class Football Heroes (2006) vii. 119 In with their allocation [of Cup final tickets] was a slip of paper from the FA warning that all the serial numbers were on record.
extracted from recordn.1adj.
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