

单词 on passage

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on passage
f. The migration or migratory flight of a bird; (in later use) esp. the action of passing over or through a place in the course of migration (often in on passage); an instance of this.
the world > animals > birds > actions or bird defined by > [noun] > migration
bird migration1908
1747 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 44 438 There seems no Necessity for a precipitate Passage, because every Day's Passage affords them Increase of Warmth.
1772 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 62 265 I mean by the word Migration, a periodical passage by a whole species of birds across a considerable extent of sea.
1884 Science 8 Feb. 158/2 There was, night and day, an enormous rush, under circumstances of wind and weather, which..are most unfavorable to a good passage.
1932 Jrnl. Ecol. 20 375 Some individuals..were probably on passage, both of the species mentioned and of the wheatears.
1951 Jrnl. Animal Ecol. 20 64/2 Clay & Meinertzhagen..saw a passage of redstarts, flycatchers, shrikes and hirundines through the Port de Gavarnie on 21 April.
1994 Ringing & Migration 15 119 These are real microhabitat choices, which have rarely been demonstrated for passerines on passage.
extracted from passagen.
on passage
b. A journey by water or (formerly) land; a voyage, a sea crossing; (formerly also) †an expedition (obsolete); on passage: travelling by sea, sailing.
society > travel > aspects of travel > a journey > [noun] > journey across or through
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) v. 3291 (MED) He..schop anon for his passage, And..othre knihtes..With him he tok.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 19990 (MED) It was þe first passage þat þe apostels in parti Mad.
c1450 Mandeville's Trav. (Coventry) (1973) 846 (MED) Shippis..for hir passage Takith of that sande for thaire lastage.
1582 R. Stanyhurst tr. Virgil First Foure Bookes Æneis iii. 59 Foorth we take oure passadge, oure sayles ful winged vp hoysting.
1602 J. Brereton Briefe Relation Discouerie Virginia 3 We made our Iourney shorter.., yet were wee longer in our passage than we expected.
1697 W. Dampier New Voy. around World vii. 161 With an incidental Account of the first Inducements that made the Privateers undertake the passage.
1798 S. Lee Young Lady's Tale in H. Lee Canterbury Tales II. 434 He..resolved rather to endure the tediousness of a passage by sea.
1836 F. Marryat Mr. Midshipman Easy I. xi. 159 He had suffered all the horrors of a passage in a slave ship.
1892 Daily News 11 May 3/5 Wheat..further sagged down owing to the increase in amount on passage.
1990 Lifeboat (RNLI) Spring 225/3 The helmsman made a very difficult but skilled transfer to a pilot launch which was on passage nearby.
extracted from passagen.
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