

单词 on earth

> as lemmas

on (also upon) earth


P1. (the) salt of the earth: see salt n.1 3a.
P2. on (also upon) earth: in existence, in the world.
a. As an intensifier following a superlative or an inclusive or exclusive expression, as nothing on earth, etc. Cf. world n. Phrases 4a.
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 2nd Ser. (Cambr. Gg.3.28) xl. 336 He arærde gode to wurðmynte þæt tempel.., swilc hus swa nan oðer næs næfre on eorðan aræred.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 2072 He somenede færd swulc nes næuere eær on erde [c1300 Otho erþe].
c1400 (?c1380) Cleanness (1920) l. 892 Þe uglokest unhap þat ever on erd suffred.
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) l. 271 Of my gracious goddis, þe grettest on erde.
1542 M. Coverdale tr. H. Bullinger Golden Bk. Christen Matrimonye xv. sig. lxv Thys is my worthy and precious treasure, that..is to me dearer then all the Jewels vpon earth.
a1566 R. Edwards Damon & Pithias (1571) sig. Hij Were there euer such frindes on earth as were these two?
1680 Don Tomazo 140 Assure your self, nothing on Earth shall labour more to retaliate those your Favours.
1749 H. Fielding Tom Jones III. viii. x. 232 I must be the most ungrateful Monster upon Earth.
1774 O. Goldsmith Retaliation 103 With no reason on earth to go out of his way, He turn'd and he varied full ten times a day.
1847 J. W. Carlyle Let. 15 July (1883) I. 389 If I could have done anything on earth but cry.
1873 ‘M. Twain’ & C. D. Warner Gilded Age 29 I've got the biggest scheme on earth—and I'll take you in!
1910 P. G. Wodehouse Psmith in City xviii. 158 Master Edward Waller..in frocks, looking like a gargoyle;..in sailor suit, looking like nothing on earth.
1950 D. Cooper Operation Heartbreak Prol. 9 Now, a whisky-and-soda was the one thing on earth that the Military Attaché most wanted.
1994 Dog World Feb. 57/1 Crufts! Is it the greatest dog show on earth?
b. Intensifying an interrogative word or phrase: see what pron., adv., int., adj.1, conj., and n. Phrases 1i, who pron. and n. Phrases 3b, etc. Cf. world n. Phrases 4b.
OE Genesis A (1931) 1002 Ða worde frægn wuldres aldor Cain, hwær Abel eorðan wære.]
1591 E. Spenser Muiopotmos in Complaints sig. V2v But what on earth can long abide in state?
1677 I. Barrow Serm. Passion 5 Where on earth, among the degenerate sons of Adam, could be found such an High Priest, as became us?
1762 Almira I. 92 What on earth can be, So lovely as Sweet constancy.
1795 E. Fenwick Secresy III. i Who upon earth would imagine, in a seclusion so perfect, this girl would..dupe a whole family?
1859 Princess Royal Let. 26 Aug. in Dearest Child (1964) 207 I cannot see what on earth he can have of very urgent business here in November.
1876 R. Broughton Joan I. i. xiii. 268 You people really have the worst small beer in Europe! where on earth did you get it from?
1885 ‘F. Anstey’ Tinted Venus 128 Why on earth was she making this dead set at him?
1930 Bulletin (Sydney) 1 Jan. 28/2 ‘Who on earth is she?’ gasped the visitor from Woop-Woop.
1958 Oxf. Mag. 13 Nov. 94/2 What on earth is the point of any sort of criticism if it isn't practical?
2003 S. Mawer Fall (2004) x. 146 ‘Oh, I couldn't.’ He wiped the saddle of the bike and climbed astride it. ‘Why on earth not? Hop on.’
P3. the ends (also end) of (the) earth and variants: the farthest limits of the earth; the most remote place on earth; (also) people from all parts of the earth. Chiefly used hyperbolically. Cf. world's end n. 2. [After various post-classical Latin phrases containing terra, e.g. omnes fines terrae, a summitatibus terrae, usque ad ultimum terrae, de finibus terrae, all attested in the Vulgate (see examples in quots.), in turn after various Hellenistic Greek phrases containing γῆ (e.g. πάντα τὰ πέρατα τῆς γῆς , ἀπ' ἐσχάτου τῆς γῆς , ἕως ἐσχάτου τῆς γῆς , ἀπ' ἄκρου τῆς γῆς ) in the Septuagint and the New Testament; of these, the Old Testament passages render various biblical Hebrew phrases containing 'ereṣ earth, land, country, ground. Compare Old Dutch erendi (in a gloss on the Vulgate), Old High German erdenti , lit ‘earth-end’. Compare also world-end n. at world n. Compounds 8.]
OE Blickling Homilies 93 Þy syxtan dæge..biþ from feower endum þære eorþan eall middangeard mid awergdum gastum gefylled.
lOE Canterbury Psalter lxvi. 8 Et benedicat nos deus et metuant eum omnes fines terrae: bletsige us god & ondredon hine eælle endes eorðæn.
a1425 (c1395) Bible (Wycliffite, L.V.) (Royal) (1850) Jer. xxv. 32 A greet whirlwynd schal go out fro the endis of erthe. And the slayn men of the Lord schulen be..fro the ende of the erthe til to the ende ther of [L. a summitatibus terrae].
1483 W. Caxton tr. J. de Voragine Golden Legende f. lxxiv And all the endes of the erthe shal worshipe the Nacions shal come to the fro ferre and bryngyng yeftes shal worshype in the our lord.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Acts i. A Ye shal receaue the power of ye holy goost, which shal come vpon you, and ye shalbe my witnesses at Ierusalem, and in all Iewrye and Samaria, and vnto the ende of the earth [Gk. ἕως ἐσχάτου τῆς γῆς, L. usque ad ultimum terrae].
1634 S. Rutherford Lett. (1863) I. 111 I cannot but think, seeing the ends of the earth are given to Christ (and Scotland is the end of the earth, and so we are in Christ's charter-talizie) but our Lord will keep His possession.
1686 J. Scott Christian Life: Pt. II II. vii. 1169 Spreading..even to the utmost ends of the Earth.
1848 C. Brontë Let. 2 June (2000) II. 70 The sunshine seems to set all your expectations astir, and once bent on amusement, they will come to the ends of the earth in search thereof.
1895 P. Gardner in P. Gardner & F. B. Jevons Man. Greek Antiq. ii. i. 70 Zeus set [sic] forth two eagles from the two ends of the earth and they met at Delphi, whence the Omphalos at Delphi was regarded as the centre of the world.
a1917 M. B. Bishop Tidal Years & Other Poems (1929) 27 Let all the ends of earth uphold His majesty.
1928 Collier's 22 Sept. 26 The amateur radio ‘hams’ have the ends of the earth for neighbors.
1969 M. St. Just Let. 17 Nov. in T. Williams Five O'Clock Angel (1991) 198 I will happily come to the ends of the earth to see you and give you any comfort.
1990 Vanity Fair (N.Y.) Dec. 181/3 To the sophisticates of Bonn and Berlin, Ludwigshafen may be the end of the earth.
2005 Food & Trav. Feb.–Mar. 68/3 It is a nice surprise to travel to the ends of the earth and find Beatrix Potterish rusticity and ladies with secateurs.
a. to lose earth: to lose ground. Obsolete.
a1450 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Lamb.) (1887) i. l. 13860 (MED) Þey wyþ-drowen hem, & erþe þey les.
b. to win earth on: to gain ground on. Obsolete.
a1500 (?a1400) Sir Torrent of Portyngale (1887) l. 656 Twenty fote he gard hyme goo, Thus erthe on hym he wane.
P5. to move heaven and earth: see heaven n. Phrases 4.
P6. With of, denoting kinds of earth (sense 16), chiefly ones obtained from a specified substance. Now historical. earth of alum n. aluminium oxide. earth of vitriol n. iron oxide.
1668 L. Colson Philosophia Maturata 49 With the ferment of Lune altered, thou mayst fix the white Earth of Vitriol.
1748 J. Hill Gen. Nat. Hist. I. 12 Heavy, friable, red Bole, call'd Seal'd Earth of Livonia.
1779 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 69 24 It is evident that skirl contains nearly as much earth of allum as the Cornish porcellane clay.
1796 R. Heron tr. A.-F. de Fourcroy Elements Chem. & Nat. Hist. II. 423 What remains is a red insipid earth, which is pure oxide of iron, and is called mild earth of vitriol.
1822 tr. C. Malte-Brun Universal Geogr. I. ix. 200 Pure alumina, or earth of alum, is distinguished among the elementary earths by its tendency to mix..with water.
1958 L. Thorndike Hist. Magic & Exper. Sci. VII. vi. 168 The Latin translation from the Italian was printed at Geneva in 1613. It was in two parts, the first treating of spirit of vitriol, oil of vitriol, salt of vitriol, earth of vitriol, vitriol rectified, [etc.].
1996 D. R. Oldroyd Thinking about Earth iii. 69 He dissolved alum in water, filtered the solution, and precipitated it with alkali, giving ‘earth of alum’.
P7. (In sense 5.)
a. to run to earth: to chase (a hunted animal) to an earth; (frequently figurative) to capture or find (a person or thing) after a long search.
the mind > possession > taking > seizing > catching or capture > catch or capture [verb (transitive)] > after a search
to run to earth1815
1815 W. Scott Guy Mannering II. 322 It wad be a sair thing to leave the blessed sun, and the free air, and gang and be killed, like a tod that's run to earth, in a dungeon like that.
1857 C. Kingsley Two Years Ago III. x. 312 Frightened; beat; run to earth myself, though I talked so bravely of running others to earth just now.
1876 A. S. Palmer Leaves from Word-hunter's Notebk. Pref. p. viii I have run it [sc. a word] to earth in a Sanscrit root.
1888 Spectator 7 Jan. 20/2 All the men who helped to run to earth the various members of the Ruthven family..were richly rewarded.
1915 Truth (Sydney) 13 June 10/3 The police are continually running these dingoes of society to earth.
1953 ‘F. O'Connor’ Stories 63 Eventually he would run her to earth in some snug with a couple of cronies.
2006 St. Louis (Missouri) Post-Dispatch (Nexis) 6 July b3 In the case of the individual fox that gets run to earth by a pack of slavering dogs, the end is not pretty.
b. to go to earth: (of a hunted animal) to hide in an earth; (frequently figurative) to go into hiding, to lie low.
the world > action or operation > safety > protection or defence > refuge or shelter > take or seek refuge [verb (intransitive)]
to hide one's headc1475
to take refuge1667
to go to earth1820
to hole up1875
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > hiding, concealing from view > hide, lie or hidden [verb (intransitive)] > go into hiding
to take squat1583
to go to earth1820
1820 Sporting Mag. Mar. 298/1 This fox ran a deal of ground, and tried frequently to go to earth, but to no purpose.
1861 L. Wraxall tr. A. Esquiros Eng. at Home I. viii. 158 After going to earth to some extent in order to escape death, the gipsies showed themselves again.
1913 Punch 26 Feb. 153/1 Men who used to go to earth behind evening papers on the entrance of a woman now spring to their feet in platoons without a moment's hesitation.
1917 M. Webb (title) Gone to Earth.
1950 R. Macaulay World my Wilderness xvi. 194 The policeman..turned back to assist his colleagues in flushing Barbary, so mysteriously gone to earth.
1990 BBC Wildlife July 480/2 I went..on a foxhunt, and the fox went to earth.
2000 J. Connolly Dark Hollow i. ix. 159 I've asked around, but he's gone to earth.
P8. down to earth: see down to earth adv. and adj..
P9. to come down to earth with a bang: see bang n.1 Additions.
P10. colloquial. to feel the earth move and variants: to experience a sensation of (esp. sexual) ecstasy. Similarly to make the earth move, etc.
the mind > emotion > excitement > pleasurable excitement > [verb (intransitive)] > experience sexual ecstasy or climax
to get off1867
to feel the earth move1940
1940 E. Hemingway For whom Bell Tolls xiii. 160 ‘Did thee feel the earth move?’ ‘Yes. As I died. Put thy arm around me, please.’
1975 ‘D. Jordan’ Black Acct. xxxi. 158 Guy stared at her and I fancy it was at that moment that the earth began to move under him.
1986 Times 25 June 19/5 When she..tears into ‘Sweet Georgia Brown’ you can feel the earth shifting under your feet.
1987 ‘M. Yorke’ Evidence to Destroy x. 97 I was in bed with your daughter, trying to make the earth move for her.
2001 Daily Star (Nexis) 1 Aug. 3 We have what it takes for you to feel the earth move, from massage lotions to sex toys.
extracted from earthn.1
as lemmas




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