

单词 on condition that

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on condition that
b. on, upon (under, up, in, by, of, with) the (this, that, such, a) condition that; now, usually, on condition that.
the mind > attention and judgement > testing > attestation, witness, evidence > qualification > on condition that [conjunction]
on condition thatc1369
for why thata1400
moyenant that?1473
on, upon (under, up, in, by, of, with) the (this, that, such, a) condition1535
so as1585
c1369 G. Chaucer Bk. Duchesse 750 I telle hyt the up a condicioun That thou shalt hoolly, etc.
1377 W. Langland Piers Plowman B. xix. 474 In condicioun..þat þow konne defende, And rule þi rewme in resoun.
c1381 G. Chaucer Parl. Foules 407 But natheles, in this condicioun..That she a-gre to his eleccioun.
c1450 (c1400) Sowdon of Babylon (1881) l. 607 Vppon a condicion I graunte the My doghter.
a1500 (?c1450) Merlin xiv. 203 We be come to serue yow, with this condicion, that ye desire not to knowe oure names.
c1515 Ld. Berners tr. Bk. Duke Huon of Burdeux (1882–7) xlv. 149 He wolde pardon hym on the condycyon that he shulde neuer after trespas hym.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) 1 Sam. xi. 2 I wil make a couenaunt with you, of [1611 on] this condicion, that I maye thrust out all youre right eyes.
a1538 T. Starkey Dial. Pole & Lupset (1989) 77 Certayn landys were gyven..under such condycyon that, etc.
1557 T. North tr. A. de Guevara Diall Princes f. 102/2 To forbeare all the pleasures..with condicion that they might be free from the annoyaunce.
c1592 C. Marlowe Jew of Malta iv. v Of that condition I will drink it up.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 1 (1623) v. v. 109 Vpon condition I may quietly Enioy mine owne..My daughter shall be Henries. View more context for this quotation
a1618 W. Raleigh Prerog. Parl. in Harl. Misc. (Malh.) IV. 309 [He] had the fifteenth penny of all goods given him, upon condition to confirm the great charter.
1801 M. Edgeworth Forester in Moral Tales I. 123 Upon express condition, that he should say nothing.
1855 W. H. Prescott Hist. Reign Philip II of Spain I. i. vii. 239 Philip dismissed all those of the common file, on the condition that they should not bear arms for six months against the Spaniards.
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