

单词 office found

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office found
8. Law. Short for inquest of office: see inquest n. 1b(a). An official inquest or inquiry concerning any matter that entitles the Crown to the possession of lands or chattels. to find (also †take, return) an office: to return a verdict showing that the Crown is thus entitled. office found: a verdict having this effect. Now historical.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > trying or hearing of cause > [noun] > judicial inquiry > concerning king's right to property
inquest of office1768
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > judging > judge or act as judge [verb (intransitive)] > decide entitling king to property
to find (also take, return) an office1509–10
1432 Petition (P.R.O.) 26. 1259 Of the whiche Maner the seyd Oratrice..be an Offyce was put out.
c1450 Jacob's Well (1900) 57 (MED) Alle þat..turbelyn þe ordynaryes and here offycerys..þat þe offyce & þe iugement is wrongefully lettyd.
1472–3 Rolls of Parl. VI. 25/2 All Offices founden of the premisses or of any of theym..be..voide.
1509–10 Act 1 Hen. VIII c. 8 Diverse..have been..disherited by escheatours and commyssyoners causyng untrue offices to be founden.
1568 W. Staunford Exposicion of Kinges Prerogative 60 By the comon law before the making of these statutes [34 Edw.III c. 14, 36 Edw.III c. 13] a man had no other remedy to avoid a false office but onely his peticion.
1607 J. Cowell Interpreter sig. Zz2/1 Office..doth signifie..also an Inquisition made to the Kings vse of any thing by vertue of his office who inquireth. And therefore wee oftentimes reade of an office found, which is nothing but such a thing found by Inquisition made ex officio.
a1647 T. Habington Surv. Worcs. (Worcs. Hist. Soc.) (1895) I. iii. 531 Bewdley..became..the ioynter of hys wydowe..as was found by an offyce after her descesse.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. III. xvii. 259 If they find the treason or felony..of the party accused..the king is thereupon, by virtue of this office found, intitled to have his forfeitures.
1877 W. H. Burroughs On Taxation 277 There may be a forfeiture without such office found.
1977 J. Burke Jowitt's Dict. Eng. Law (ed. 2) I. 280/1 If the Crown claimed the land of an idiot, the person had first to be found an idiot by office.
1977 J. Burke Jowitt's Dict. Eng. Law (ed. 2) II. 1278/2 Office found, the decision of an inquest of office..to the effect that the Crown was entitled to the lands or chattels in question.
extracted from officen.
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