

单词 one's own proper

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one's own proper
a. That which is one's own; a personal possession; private property; esp. in one's own proper. Now Irish English (northern) and rare.
the mind > possession > possessions > [noun] > that which is one's own
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) 3 Esdras vi. 32 Whoso euere ouer passen any-thing of þese thingis þat ben writen, be þer taken a tree of þer owne propre [L. de suis propriis]..be þei hangid.
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) (1996) i. 2374 Þei suffred hym no thyng to take, his awen propir for to make.
?c1430 (c1400) Rule St. Francis (Corpus Cambr.) in F. D. Matthew Eng. Wks. Wyclif (1880) 40 Lyuynge in obedience, wiþ-outen propre.
1456 Regist. de Aberbrothoc (Bannatyne Club) II. 89 The proppis that passis estwart betwix the propir and the commoun.
a1500 ( J. Yonge tr. Secreta Secret. (Rawl.) (1898) 130 How moche thou mayste despende of thyn owyn propyr.
1524 King Henry VIII Instruct. Pace in J. Strype Eccl. Memorials (1721) I. App. xiii. 26 Redounding to their honours & suerties, as his awne propers.
?1550 J. Bale Apol. agaynste Papyst 22 I frire N. make my profession and promyse obedience to God, to S. Frances..to live without propre and in chastite accordynge to the rule of the sayd ordre.
1592 Edinb. Test. XXIV. f. 214, in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue (at cited word) That the samyn [goods and gear] remane with him as his awin proper but..clame of me.
1664 Irvine Deeds (MS) in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue (1986) VI. 314/2 [The goods] to be..desponit upon be thame as thair awine proper.
a1908 H. C. Hart MS Coll. Ulster Words in M. Traynor Eng. Dial. Donegal (1953) 220/1 Proper,..property. Cut their bog as their proper.
extracted from properadj.n.adv.
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