

单词 of worship

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of (good, great) worship
P5. of (good, great) worship: (of a person) of good reputation or social standing (or both); (of a place) of importance; chiefly following a noun, as man of worship. Now archaic and rare.In quot. 1598 contrasted with of honour (= belonging to the nobility).
the mind > attention and judgement > esteem > reputation > good repute > reputability or honourableness > [noun] > person or people
man of worship1340
(the) clean potato1880
1340 Ayenbite (1866) 259 Hit becomþ wel to man of worssipe..þet he by wel ordine and amesured ine alle his dedes.
1463 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 18 With other folkes of wourshippe, preests, and good frendys.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) I. 296 She is a lady off grete worshyp and of grete londys.
1523 J. Fitzherbert Bk. Surueyeng Prol. sig. B2 Euery great estate, bothe men & women of worship, that haue great possessyons of landes and tenementes, shulde haue [etc.].
1555 J. Proctor Hist. Wyates Rebell. 7 Maister Tucke..& maister Dorrel..gentlemen of good wurshyppe, and Iustices of peace.
1556 in Hist. MSS Comm.: 15th Rep.: App. Pt. III (1897) 21 in Parl. Papers (C. 8364) XLVIII. 71 They..shall examyne hym or them before the nexte gentilman of worshipe.
1598 J. Stow Suruay of London 265 In this Cloyster were buried many persons, some of worship, and others of honour.
1618 J. Taylor Pennyles Pilgrimage C 2 b Kinde Mr. Thomas Banister, the Mayor, Who is of worship and of good Respect.
a1650 ( in Coll. Ordinances Royal Househ. (1790) 130 The said lordes goeing on foote in everie towne of worshippe.
1655 T. Fuller Church-hist. Brit. ix. 178 Our Author (though a person of witt and worship) deriveth his intelligence from a French writer disaffected in religion.
1693 W. Congreve Old Batchelour v. i. 47 All the World know me to be a Knight, and a Man of Worship.
1710 J. Strype Hist. E. Grindal ii. iii. 182 They summoned all the Clergy as well faulty as innocent, and others also of good Worship and Credit, to appear before them.
?1765 Antient Hist. & Descr. Exeter 258 He was led on both Sides by two Men of Worship.
1778 Hist. Cheshire I. 248 The Leighs of Baguley, gentlemen of great worship.
1820 W. Scott Monastery II. v. 178 ‘This in our presence, and to a man of worship!’ said the Abbot.
1889 F. E. Gretton Memory's Harkback 295 His uncle and his grandfather were both men of worship in my boyish days.
1937 D. M. Jones In Parenthesis vi. 138 The G.S.O.2 who used to be with the 180th that long bloke and a man of great worship was in an awful pee.
extracted from worshipn.
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