

单词 old serpent

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old serpent
14. In (sometimes euphemistic) names for the Devil, as old serpent, old dragon, old adversary, etc. Also humorously, as old Billy, the old smoker, etc.Originally with reference to the Devil's primeval character.See also old enemy n. at Compounds 4, Auld Hornie at horny n. 1, old boy n. 3, old gentleman n. 2, Old Harry n. at Harry n.2 4, Old Ned n. 2, Old Nick n., old one n. 2, Old Roger at Roger n.2 2b, Old Scratch at scratch n.2 [The old serpent alludes to Revelation 12: 9, 20: 2 (Vulgate antiquus serpens , New Testament ὁ ὄϕις ὁ ἀρχαῖος ; compare quot. c13841 at sense 3a). With old adversary compare post-classical Latin adversarius vetus (3rd cent.), antiquus adversarius (6th cent.).]
the world > the supernatural > deity > a devil > the Devil or Satan > [adjective] > old or primeval
OE Panther 59 Swa is dryhten god..eallum eaðmede oþrum gesceaftum,..butan dracan anum... Þæt is se ealda feond, þone he gesælde in susla grund.
OE Blickling Homilies 7 He þurh his þrowunga þone ealdan gedwolan oforswiþde.
a1200 (?c1175) Poema Morale (Trin. Cambr.) 287 in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1873) 2nd Ser. 228 Belzebub se ealde.
a1200 (?OE) MS Trin. Cambr. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1873) 2nd Ser. 185 (MED) Pugnate cum antiquo serpente..fihteð wið þe ealde neddre.
c1225 (?c1200) Hali Meiðhad (Bodl.) (1940) 189 (MED) Nu bihalt te alde feond.
a1300 Passion our Lord 28 in R. Morris Old Eng. Misc. (1872) 38 (MED) Þe holy gost hyne ledde vp in-to þe wolde For to beon yuonded of sathanas þen olde.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Royal) Apoc. xx. 2 The olde serpent, that is, the deuel.
1605 J. Sylvester tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Deuine Weekes & Wks. i. v. 181 To saue-vs, And salue the wounds th' old Serpent firstly gaue-vs.
1638 T. Herbert Some Yeares Trav. (rev. ed.) 10 Soyling their hellish carkasses with juyce..or what the old imposter infatuates them with.
1645 J. Milton On Christ's Nativity: Hymn xviii, in Poems 9 Th' old Dragon under ground.
1646 in J. Stuart Extracts Presbytery Bk. Strathbogie (1843) 71 Being accused of sorcerie in alloting and giuing over some land to the old goodman (as they call it).
1665 R. Boyle Occas. Refl. Introd. Pref. sig. b2 In the spiritual Warfar, where our Adversary is the old Serpent, Stratagems are as Lawful as Expedient.
1688 M. Waite Epist. from Womens Yearly Meeting sig. B2v This is that old adversary and enemy of mankind, who..never wants specious pretences to..separate from God and one another.
1707 I. Watts How Sad our State (hymn) v The old Dragon..With all his hellish crew.
1722 W. Sewel Hist. Quakers 31 Some Men have the Nature of the Serpent (that old Adversary) to sting, envenom and poison.
1822 J. Hogg Three Perils of Man III. 38 Cuffed about by the ‘auld thief’, as they styled him.
1834 S. Smith Sel. Lett. Major Jack Downing 66 They carry on so like the old smoker.
1894 J. D. Astley Fifty Years of my Life I. 213 The balls did whistle round like ‘old Billy’.
1910 Encycl. Brit. I. 170/1 As the old serpent deceived man of old, so shall it be again.
2001 Pine Rivers Press (Nexis) 21 Nov. It was first dreamed up by our old adversary Satan.
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