

单词 of breadth

> as lemmas

of breadth
b. Indicating the reference of a measurement, in of length, of breadth, of depth, etc. Now archaic, except in of age.Now usually replaced by in; this construction is often replaced by an adjective, e.g. ‘six feet high’, ‘two inches long’.
the world > life > source or principle of life > age > [adjective]
of age1526
a1390 G. Chaucer Monk's Tale 3602 With hym been hise litel children thre, The eldeste scarsly fyue yeer was of age.
?a1425 (?c1350) Northern Passion (Rawl.) 2141 (MED) Ane elne of lenghe þa wandes ware.
?a1425 Mandeville's Trav. (Egerton) (1889) 6 Þe crosse..was of lenth viii. cubits.
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) 2898 Ȝit has þe floum, as I fynde, a forelange o brede.
a1500 (?c1450) Merlin 31 The werke of this tour is iij or iiij fadom of height.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. cccxxv. 507 The blade was two els of length.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) Luke iii. f. lxxvijv Iesus him silfe was about thirty yere of age.
1589 P. Ive Pract. Fortification 25 in tr. R. Beccarie de Pavie Instr. Warres For euery one foot of height, one foot of scarpe.
1611 Bible (King James) Ezek. xlv. 5 The fiue and twenty thousand of length, and the tenne thousand of breadth, shall also the Leuites..haue for themselues. View more context for this quotation
1738 A. Ramsay Wks. (1944–73) III. ii. 247 To me, far in the frozen north,..through Nights of eighteen hours of Length, ther's hardly aught coud please me better than friendly love & your kind letter.
1843 Fraser's Mag. 28 652 He is..fifty-three years of age.
1882 R. L. Stevenson New Arabian Nights II. 6 For ten miles of length..this belt of barren country lay along the sea.
1914 E. R. Burroughs Tarzan of Apes xi. 142 His six feet of height and his great rolling sinews seemed pitifully inadequate to the ordeal.
1968 Jrnl. Pediatrics 73 143/1 3 members of the maternal family had heart disease—2 died elderly and the third died at 12 years of age.
1993 S. L. Delany et al. Having our Say iv. xiv. 88 My visitor was a sawed-off little fella. I was five feet, seven inches of height, and unfortunately for him, I like my men tall.
2000 Big Issue 17 July 43/2 (advt.) Candidates must be over 18 years of age, [and] have a minimum of one year's experience of mental health work.
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