

单词 obsequy


Brit. /ˈɒbsᵻkwi/, U.S. /ˈɑbsəkwi/
Forms: Plural Middle English obsequens (transmission error), Middle English obsequias, Middle English– obsequies, late Middle English obseqims (transmission error), late Middle English obsiquyes, late Middle English–1600s obsequyes, 1500s obsecuyce, 1500s obsequeies, 1500s obsiquies, 1500s–1600s obseques, 1700s obsequys; also Scottish pre-1700 obsequees, pre-1700 obsequeis, pre-1700 obsequies, pre-1700 obsequijs, pre-1700 obsequis, pre-1700 obsequyis. Singular late Middle English–1500s obsequye, late Middle English–1600s obseque, 1500s obsequi, 1500s oseque (perhaps transmission error), 1500s osequye (perhaps transmission error), 1500s–1700s obsequie, 1500s– obsequy; N.E.D. (1902) also records a form late Middle English obsequy.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French obsequies, obseque; Latin obsequium, obsequiae.
Etymology: Partly < Anglo-Norman obsequies (plural; first half of the 14th cent. or earlier), Middle French obseques funeral rite (plural; c1175 in Old French; French obsèques), Anglo-Norman and Middle French obseque funeral rite (singular; c1175 in Old French; attested earlier as oseque (c1150)), and partly < their etymons classical Latin obsequium (singular) funeral and post-classical Latin obsequiae (plural) funeral rites (see below). Both the French and the English words apparently reflect both Latin words.Classical Latin obsequium (2nd cent. a.d. in Apuleius in fērālia obsequia (plural) funeral rites) shows a specific sense development of obsequium obsequy n.2, apparently arising from the sense ‘dutiful service’ (in this case, to the dead). Post-classical Latin obsequiae , which occurs as a variant reading alongside exsequiae in an 8th-cent. text, but also in manuscripts of classical Latin authors, is probably an alteration of classical Latin exsequiae funeral rites (see exequy n.), after classical Latin obsequium obsequy n.2 In form obsequias (see quot. c1385 at sense a), probably after post-classical Latin obsequias, accusative corresponding to obsequiae; compare also Old Occitan obsequias (c1300).
A funeral rite or ceremony; a funeral. Also: a commemorative rite or service (performed at the grave of the deceased or elsewhere) (now rare).
a. In plural.
the world > life > death > obsequies > [noun]
funeral honoursa1535
last offices1535
pompe funèbre1934
the world > life > death > obsequies > commemorative ceremonies > [noun]
the mind > mental capacity > memory > reminder, putting in mind > commemoration, remembrance > [noun] > solemn or religious remembrance
Remembrance Day1895
Veterans Day1912
Poppy Day1921
Remembrance Sunday1925
moment of silence1942
c1385 G. Chaucer Knight's Tale 993 To the ladyes he restored agayn The bones of hir Freendes that were slayng To doon obsequies [v.rr. obsequens, obsequias] as was tho the gyse.
a1450 (?c1421) J. Lydgate Siege Thebes (Arun.) (1911) 4567 (MED) What shuld I any lenger dwelle The olde Ryytys by and by to telle, Nor thobsequies in ordre to devise..how the bodyes wer to Asshes brent.
1483 W. Caxton tr. J. de Voragine Golden Legende 192/1 The mayde..kepte hym in vygylles wyth lyghtes and in deuyne obsequyes as long as she lyued.
a1533 Ld. Berners tr. Arthur of Brytayn (?1560) xvi. sig. Bvi The kynge..caused her obsecuyce to be done ryght solempnely in the chirche.
1594 W. Shakespeare Titus Andronicus i. i. 160 Lo at this Tombe my tributarie teares, I render for my brethrens obsequies . View more context for this quotation
1625 T. Heywood Funeral Elegie Death King Iames sig. D2v So our Kings obsequies perform'd and done, Cast eyes of ioyes on his successiue sonne.
1672 J. Dryden Conquest Granada ii. v. i. 156 See perform'd their funeral Obsequies.
1746 T. Smollett Reproof 143 At Peter's obsequies I sung no dirge.
1792 R. Heber Let. 20 July in Heber Lett. (1950) ii. 75 I am invited to attend his obsequies at Moreton Saye tomorrow.
1844 J. H. Stocqueler Hand-bk. India 407 He..performs the obsequies, or shraad, of his deceased ancestors.
1877 W. E. Gladstone in 19th Cent. Aug. 162 We thus provide the Sultan with abundant funds for splendid obsequies.
1927 Amer. Mercury Feb. 195/1 The current pastor, officiating at the obsequies, remarked this fact in order to warn the faithful.
1980 A. Bell Sydney Smith (1982) iv. 142 Robert Smith died in August 1827 in his 88th year, and Cecil saw to the obsequies.
b. In singular. Now rare.
the world > life > death > obsequies > [noun] > a funeral
black job1785
a1500 Partenay (Trin. Cambr.) 2332 His funerall obseque to morn we do.
c1500 Melusine (1895) 316 Where myn obsequye & afterward my annyuersary shuld haue be honourably & deuotely don.
1558 in J. Raine Wills & Inventories Archdeaconry Richmond (1853) 111 I will that my executors..shall maik one obsequi yerely for my soull in the place whear I am buried.
1577 R. Willes & R. Eden tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Hist. Trauayle W. & E. Indies f. 258v Nor the seuenth day onely, but the seuenth moneth, and yeere, within theyr owne houses they renue this obsequie.
a1627 J. Hayward Reigne Queene Elizabeth in Life & Reigne Edward VI (1636) 464 A solemne obsequy was kept in the same Abbey (Queene Maries Herse yet standing covered with a rich pall-cloth of gold) for Charles the fifth, Emperour.
1658 T. May Old Couple ii. 15 In the woods she wail'd Adonis death, And from her crystal-dropping eyes did pay A Lovers obsequy.
1671 J. Milton Samson Agonistes 1732 To fetch him hence and solemnly attend With silent obsequie and funeral train Home to his Fathers house. View more context for this quotation
1705 Luctus Brit. 2 Without some Mournful Pomp and Obsequie.
1789 H. Brooke Earl of Westmorland 113 Dead! wept! entomb'd!—Your solemn trophy rais'd!—all the sad rites, Of dirge, and mournful obsequy!
1870 Nature 11 Aug. 301/2 There is a feeling against this mode of obsequy during present times.
1995 J. Peck Selva Morale 126 Regal obsequy or imperial funeral, the order of procession meticulous.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2004; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈɒbsᵻkwi/, U.S. /ˈɑbsəkwi/
Forms: late Middle English obsequee, late Middle English–1600s obsequie, late Middle English–1600s 1800s– obsequy, 1500s obseque.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin obsequium.
Etymology: < classical Latin obsequium compliance, deference, obsequiousness, (in plural) acts of compliance, services < obsequī to follow or comply with ( < ob- ob- prefix + sequī to follow: see sequent adj.) + -ium -y suffix4. Compare Italian ossequio act of compliance (14th cent. in sense ‘act of compliance’, a1540 in sense ‘deference’).In form obseque after Middle French obseque obedience (1374).
a. Ready compliance with the will or pleasure of another, esp. a superior; deferential service; obsequiousness.
society > authority > subjection > service > [noun] > willing
a1425 (a1400) Northern Pauline Epist. (1916) Philipp. ii. 17 If I be offryd aboue sacrifice and obsequie [L. obsequium] to ȝoure feiþ, I ioye and I thanke to alle ȝow.
c1454 R. Pecock Folewer to Donet 167 (MED) Seynt poul techiþ..þat cristen mennys obsequie or seruice to god schulde be resonable.
?a1475 (?a1425) tr. R. Higden Polychron. (Harl. 2261) (1869) II. 219 Bestes and other creatures whiche were create..to the obsequy of subieccion [L. ad obsequium subjectionis].
c1565 Disc. Common Weal Eng. (1893) iii. 111 I owe him not only obeysaunce but also the obseque I can.
1607 B. Jonson Volpone iii. ii. sig. F4v I am enforc'd to eate my carefull bread With too much obsequy.
1652 Earl of Monmouth tr. G. Bentivoglio Hist. Relations Flanders 39 Very great is the obsequie [It. ossequio] which the whole People shew unto him.
1944 W. H. Auden For Time Being 108 Wise Men: Child, at whose birth we would do obsequy For our tall errors of imagination, Redeem our talents with your little cry.
1993 Spy (N.Y.) Apr. 68/1 Robbins begins the interview with obsequy. Because..fawning is essential to the movie-star interview, he turns adulation into his version of high art.
b. An act of compliance or deferential service. Frequently in plural.
c1443 R. Pecock Reule of Crysten Religioun (1927) 242 If a man gendre into him passional loue to þee, god, and to aungelis and to seintis bi deuoute ymaginaciouns..and bi sum obsequyis and servicis doon to þee and to hem [etc.].
c1475 tr. C. de Pisan Livre du Corps de Policie (Cambr.) (1977) 80 (MED) He lete him entre with grete reuerence and made for him worchippfull obsequees [Fr. obseques], aftir the vsage and custome of the countree.
1483 W. Caxton tr. J. de Voragine Golden Legende 333b/1 He gaf fyrst to his neyghbour his power in aydynge and obsequyes.
1928 E. Waugh Decline & Fall xii. 127 ‘He certainly seems quite a swell here,’ said Grime as they watched him disappear into the night escort with every obsequy by the manager and the head-waiter.
1979 Daily Tel. 16 June 12/5 The programme concentrated on the ratings business, the great god of the medium to whom everyone—producers, writers, artists the lot—must give obsequies and dedicated loyalty.
2. A ritual service, a rite. Obsolete. rare.
society > faith > worship > observance, ritual > [noun] > instance or form of > plural or collective
common prayer1493
?1550 J. Bale Apol. agaynste Papyst 30 Appoynted to the ceremoniall obsequyes in the howse of God.
1605 G. Chapman Al Fooles in Plays (1873) I. 127 You enioye a husband and may freely Performe all obsequies you desire to loue.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2004; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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