

单词 not yet

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not yet
d. not yet: no longer. Cf., by contrast, not yet at sense A. 8a. Obsolete.
the world > time > relative time > the past > [adverb] > before the present
no moreOE
not yetc1485
the world > time > relative time > the past > antecedence or being earlier > [adverb] > yet, still, or hitherto > not yet
not yetc1485
c1485 ( J. Fortescue Articles of Advice (BL Add. 48031) in Governance of Eng. (1885) App. B. 352 The king..may not yit susteyne thexpences of so grete an housolde as he kepte somtyme.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 506/2 I darrayne (Lydgat)... This worde is nat yet admytted in our comen spetche.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 598/2 I kydde (Lydgate), I knowe..This terme is nat yet in use.
extracted from yetadv.adj.2
not yet
a. With preceding negative, esp. in not yet.Now the usual construction (cf. sense A. 8b).
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 2nd Ser. (Cambr. Gg.3.28) xx. 195 Ne bið seo geendung þyssere worulde na gyt, ðeah ðe heo gehende sy.
OE West Saxon Gospels: John (Corpus Cambr.) vii. 8 Ic ne fare to þison freolsdæge forþam min tid nis gyt gefylled.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 14371 Abid abid wifmann abid. Ne comm nohht ȝet min time.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 56 Nas ȝet Rome bi-wonnen.
a1300 Passion our Lord l. 583 in R. Morris Old Eng. Misc. (1872) 53 Ich ne astey nouht yete vp to myne vadere.
c1330 Sir Orfeo (Auch.) (1966) l. 147 (MED) Y no seiȝe neuer ȝete bifore So fair creatours y-core.
c1410 (c1387–95) G. Chaucer Canterbury Tales Prol. (Harl. 7334) (1885) l. 291 He hadde nouȝt geten hym ȝit a benefice [c1405 Hengwrt hadde geten hym yet no benefice].
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) I. 381 Never yett was I proved with good knyght.
1539 Bible (Great) Mark xi. 13 The tyme of fygges was not yet.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Edward IV f. ccviiv Because Quene Margaret and her sonne, were not fully yet furnished for suche a iorney.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Macbeth (1623) ii. iii. 44 Macd. Is the King stirring, worthy Thane? Macb. Not yet . View more context for this quotation
1654 T. Gataker Disc. Apol. 24 Such a manner of Prelacie, I say, I never durst, nor yet dare condemn.
1708 J. Addison Present State War 3 This Kingdom was never yet engag'd in a War of so great consequence.
1793 E. Gibbon Let. 18 Jan. (1956) II. 96 Quebec is not yet taken.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. iv. 447 As to Halifax, Ormond, and Guildford, he determined not yet to dismiss them.
1861 M. Pattison in Westm. Rev. Apr. 414 In the reign of James I,..when the world of fashion had not yet migrated wholly to the west-end.
1880 News & Press (Cimarron, New Mexico) 8 Apr. 1/5 Nobby, you've..never yit shot off yer mouth on the marryin' biz.
1908 R. Kipling Lett. to Family iii. 26 There's them that can't see yit.
1918 W. Faulkner Let. 9 Apr. in Thinking of Home (1992) 49 My trunk hasn't come yet. I hope I shant have to buy any more clothes.
1933 R. Fisher in S. A. Brown et al. Negro Caravan (1941) 59 You ain't seen nothing yet.
1977 Transatlantic Rev. No. 60. 147 ‘Naw’, he says. ‘Least, no yit.’
1992 I. Rankin Strip Jack (1993) iii. 71 ‘Ian not back yet?’ ‘Not yet. Catching up on his sleep, I expect.’
2015 N.Y. Mag. 15 June 33/2 A superior political model that..real-world humans had not yet achieved.
extracted from yetadv.adj.2
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