

单词 not to lift a finger

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not to lift a finger
a. to lift (also raise, move, stir) a finger: to make the smallest effort. Frequently in negative constructions, as not to lift a finger, etc. [Probably originally with biblical allusion (Matthew 23:4, paraphrased in quot. 1529; compare but with her fyngir thei wolen nat moue hem (Wycliffite Bible, Early Version), post-classical Latin digito autem suo nolunt ea movere (Vulgate), Hellenistic Greek αὐτοὶ δὲ τῷ δακτύλῳ αὐτῶν οὐ θέλουσιν κινῆσαι αὐτά (New Testament)). Compare Middle French, French ne pas mouvoir le doigt (a1389).]
the world > action or operation > doing > act or do [verb (intransitive)] > take action or act towards a result
to make moyen (also moyens)1449
not to lift a finger1529
to take action?1551
to make a step or stepsa1628
to take a step or stepsa1628
the world > action or operation > inaction > not doing > do nothing [verb (intransitive)]
not to lift a finger1529
to mark time1837
to lay back1920
the world > action or operation > endeavour > make an attempt or endeavour [verb (intransitive)] > make the least attempt
to lift (also raise, move, stir) a finger1529
1529 T. More Dyaloge Dyuers Maters i. f. xxiiii/1 The Scrybys and pharesyes..dyd lay greate fardellys and faste bounde them on other mennys bakkis, to the beryng wherof they wold not moue a fynger them self.
1584 E. Paget tr. J. Calvin Harmonie vpon Three Euangelists 146 No excuse canne serue our slouth, that..being tenne times commaunded by him to doe our duetie, doe not yet stirre a finger [L. ne digitum quidem mouemus].
1619 T. Medeley Misericors, Μικροκοσμος 158 They will neuer put to an hand to helpe, they will not stirre a finger, to doe any good to their reliefe.
1747 B. Franklin Plain Truth 17 Let what will happen, we shall never lift a Finger to prevent it.
1833 A. W. Fonblanque Eng. under Seven Admin. (1837) II. 321 We don't believe that he would have moved a finger to procure the return of the only man for the chair.
1854 H. Miller Schools & Schoolmasters (1858) 338 I..would not stir a finger in assertion of..alleged rights.
1863 W. E. Gladstone Let. 12 Nov. in P. Guedalla Palmerston Papers (1928) 269 I believe he has not himself lifted a finger in the matter.
1955 D. Garnett Flower of Forest ii. 14 Could anyone honestly say that we should have allowed Paris to be occupied and France defeated without lifting a finger?
1990 R. Pilcher September xxiii. 271 Pandora's not what you call madly domesticated and I don't suppose she'll ever raise a finger to do anything to help.
2012 Heat 14 Apr. 78/2 (heading) Want to lose 10lb without lifting a finger? We tell you how with our super-simple guide.
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