

单词 nra

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NRA n. U.S. (now historical) National Recovery Administration, established as part of the National Industrial Recovery Act (cf. NIRA n.) with the purpose of creating and maintaining industry-wide codes of fair practice (it was declared invalid by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1935).
1933 N.Y. Times 3 Aug. 16/4 The most vital issue in the whole National Recovery Program is, of course, the question whether we shall end up speaking of it as the NRA or the N.R.A. People are saying NIRA and NRA but there is no denying the fact that there is a self-conscious air about it.
1945 Fortune Mar. 111 Apart from..the subsequent narrow escape from the degrading corporate statism inherent in NRA, this was the New Deal's finest hour.
1982 A. Brinkley Voices of Protest Prol. 4 It had been he who had conceived the famous Blue Eagle to symbolize the NRA.
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NRA n. National Rifle Association (the U.K. body was founded in 1860 and the U.S. association in 1871).
1860 J. Scoffern Royal Rifle Match 95 3rd Set, 500 yards, 5 rounds.—Given by—1. N.R.A., 40l., won by Brooks, 12th Middlesex—7 points.
1873 N.Y. Times 22 June 5/5 Weapon, any military rifle; rounds, five, with privilege of two sighting shots... First prize.., J. O. Bush, N.R.A.
1999 Washington Post (Electronic ed.) 25 Apr. In the wake of the Columbine High School slayings, the 2.8 million-member NRA is struggling to hold the loyalty of gun industry executives.
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NRA n. British (now historical) National Rivers Authority (established in 1989 and superseded in 1996 by the Environment Agency).
1989 Nat. World Autumn 5/2 The NRA must show itself to be a strong and serious opponent of polluters.
1998 Town & Country Planning Apr. 118/2 The NRA declared that it would..exercise its powers as a consultee in the planning system to prevent pollution of groundwaters.
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