

单词 northward


Brit. /ˈnɔːθwəd/, U.S. /ˈnɔrθwərd/

α. Old English nordeward (in a late copy, probably transmission error), Old English nordeweard (in a late copy, probably transmission error), Old English norðeward, Old English norðward, Old English norþweard, Old English norðweard, Old English–early Middle English norþeweard, Old English–early Middle English norðeweard, late Old English norþæwæard, late Old English norþæweard, late Old English norðæweard, late Old English norðewearð, late Old English norðewyrð, late Old English northeweard, late Old English norðwearð, late Old English norðwerð, early Middle English norþæwearð, early Middle English norþeuueard, early Middle English norþeuuerd, early Middle English norþewærd, early Middle English norðewærd, early Middle English norþewerd, early Middle English northweard, Middle English norþeward, Middle English norþewarde, Middle English northeward, Middle English northewarde, Middle English northþeward, Middle English norþward, Middle English norþwarde, Middle English–1500s northwarde, Middle English– northward; also Scottish pre-1700 northewart, pre-1700 northtwart, pre-1700 northwart, pre-1700 northwert.

β. 1700s– northard, 1800s– north'ard; also Scottish 1700s northed, 1700s northert, 1800s– northart, 1900s– nordert (Shetland).

See also norward adv.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: north adv., -ward suffix.
Etymology: < north adv. + -ward suffix. Compare Middle Dutch nortwaert (Dutch †noordwaart), Middle Low German nōrtwārt, nōrtwērt, Swedish nordvart.Compare also Old English norðanweard (adjective) situated in or towards the north or the northern part or side of something ( < northen adv. + -ward suffix).
A. adv. In a northerly direction; towards the north.
1. With reference to direction, motion, or extent. Cf. northwards adv. 1.
the world > the earth > direction > cardinal points > North > [adverb]
by northc893
at north1625
OE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Tiber. B.iv) anno 1016 Ða Uhtred geahsode þis, þa forlet he his hergunge & efstte norðweard.
c1300 St. Brendan (Laud) 468 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 232 (MED) Þo cam sone a souþerne wynd and northþe-ward drof heom faste.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1865) I. 55 Þere han þe streen [read streem] of þe grete hauene..torneþ norþwarde.
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) ii. 207 (MED) Jon Northward him sped, his lond for to visite.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) I. 25 He ledde the oste northwarde..unto the foreste of Bedgrayne.
a1500 Rev. Methodius in Publ. Mod. Lang. Assoc. Amer. (1918) 33 165 (MED) Iaphet northeward gan hym hy.
1569 R. Grafton Chron. II. 653 Making prouision to go Northwarde agaynst his aduerse faction.
1638 R. Brathwait Barnabees Journall (new ed.) i. sig. B4 In my progresse travelling Northward..To Banbery came I.
1682 J. Dryden Prol. to Dutchess sig. A1 Love..wander'd Northward to the verge of day.
1709 R. Steele Tatler No. 93. ⁋5 He had a better Stomach when he moved Northward.
1784 S. Johnson Let. 12 July (1994) IV. 350 I am going northward for a while.
1858 G. W. Dasent in Oxf. Ess. 193 Its doors look northward.
1878 W. E. Gladstone Homer 61 From hence round to the Black Sea, passing east and northward.
1940 M. Tornich Radius Action Aircraft App. C. 121 A magnet, suspended horizontally and free to turn about a vertical axis, will always take up a position with one end pointing approximately northward.
1987 C. Thubron Behind Wall ii. 62 I took a bus northward to the valley where the Ming emperors are buried.
2. With reference to place, location, or relative position. Also with of. Cf. northwards adv. 2.
OE Ælfric De Temporibus Anni (Cambr. Gg.3.28) iv. §46. 38 Ðonne heo [sc. the sun] norðweard bið, þonne macað heo lenctenlice emnihte, on middeweardum hire ryne.
c1385 G. Chaucer Knight's Tale 1909 Northward in a touret on the wal..An oratorie riche for to see..Hath Theseus doon wroght in noble wyse.
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 177 Withynne þees [ilondes] estewarde ben Rodes and norþward Cenodo.
c1450 (c1380) G. Chaucer House of Fame 1152 This hil, that northward lay.
c1475 (a1449) J. Lydgate Minor Poems (1934) ii. 527 (MED) Forth he gan hym dresse..With his bisshopis and erlys exspectaunt, At thilke party northward of the toun.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Ezek. xl. 44 There stode one also, besyde the east dore north warde.
1580 J. Lyly Euphues & his Eng. (new ed.) f. 12v The third side is Northward, and against it lyeth no lande, but the poynt of that side, butteth most vppon Germany.
1600 W. Shakespeare Merchant of Venice ii. i. 4 Bring me the fayrest creature North-ward borne. View more context for this quotation
1669 S. Sturmy Mariners Mag. vii. xvi. 25 Those that live 90 deg. from us Northward or Southward.
1726 J. Swift Gulliver I. ii. i. 3 We were driven a little to the East of the Molucca Islands, and about three Degrees Northward of the Line.
1785 T. Dwight Conquest of Canäan iii. 54 Irad and Selima walk out on the plain, northward of the camp.
1837 T. H. Chivers Nacoochee 22 Northward of that lake.
1885 Manch. Examiner 9 Mar. 5/1 On the Downs northward of Brighton.
1921 Flight 13 664/1 Aircraft when within an area northward of the parallel of latitude 51° 10′ 00″ N...should not ask for bearings from Carnsore.
1995 A. Waterman End of Pier Show 57 The huge airship enveloped In searchlights passed above your house northward.
B. adj.
Situated in or directed towards the north; (also) characteristic of the north.In Old English also: †situated in the northern part or side of something (obsolete).In Old English frequently used postpositively.Apparently unattested between the Old English period and the beginning of the 17th cent. (except in Middle English recensions of Old English material).
the world > the earth > direction > cardinal points > North > [adjective]
eOE Acct. Voy. Ohthere & Wulfstan in tr. Orosius Hist. (BL Add.) (1980) i. i. 14 He cwæð þæt he bude on þæm lande norþweardum wiþ þa Westsæ.
OE Charter: Abp. Oswald to Wulfheah (Sawyer 1374) in A. J. Robertson Anglo-Saxon Charters (1956) 118 Ærest of þam clife in norðwearden stodleage.
lOE Royal Charter: Edward the Elder to Bp. Denewulf (Sawyer 385) in A. J. Robertson Anglo-Saxon Charters (1956) 42 Þanon andlang weges on ceaforleage, þanon on þone miclan hlinc, þanon on cuþænes ford norþeweardne.
1600 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 2 ii. iii. 13 When your owne Percie..Threw many a Northward looke. View more context for this quotation
1622 M. Drayton 2nd Pt. Poly-olbion xxiv. 76 Whence Lestershire she leaues vpon the Northward side.
1707 London Gaz. No. 4395/3 The Northward Part of the Goodwin Sands.
1743 J. Isham Observ. Hudsons Bay (1949) 155 Among'st the Northward Indians, and Ehuskemay's they have neither of these beasts.
1813 E. Picken Misc. Poems I. 16 The Northart cauld To distant climes had ta'en its way.
1853 E. K. Kane U.S. Grinnell Exped. xxv. 200 I have copied literally from my journal the observations which I noted during our northward drift.
1892 A. E. Lee Hist. Columbus II. 222 In 1868, the northward growth of the city began to be notable.
1914 E. R. Burroughs Tarzan of Apes xxvi. 362 At sunrise the little vessel was worked through the harbor's mouth and took up her northward journey.
1993 Canad. Geographic Mar. 8/2 The result could be changes in the patterns of animal migrations and the northward migration of the tree line.
C. n. The north; (also) the area to the north of (a thing or place).
1. Without definite article. In later use usually with to.Apparently unattested between the Old English period and the 18th cent. (except in Middle English recensions of Old English material).
the world > the earth > direction > cardinal points > North > [noun] > part or place
north halfeOE
north endOE
north sidec1275
eOE tr. Orosius Hist. (BL Add.) (1980) ii. i. 36 Þas feower heafodricu sindon on feower endum þyses middangeardes... Þæt Babylonicum wæs þæt forme & on easteweardum. Þæt æfterre wæs þæt Crecisce & on norðeweardum.
OE Ælfric De Temporibus Anni (Cambr. Gg.3.28) vi. §26. 52 On suðeweardan, & on norðeweardan þises ymbhwyrftes.
lOE King Ælfred tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Bodl.) (2009) I. xvi. 276 Ond þeah betwuh þyllecum unrihtum wæs him [sc. Nero] no þy læs underþeod eall þes middangeard from easteweardum oþ westeweardne and eft from suðeweardum oð norðeweardne.
1775 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 68 410 Northern lights to Northward.
1840 R. H. Dana Two Years before Mast xxxiii. 418 Being now to northward of the Falkland Islands, the ship was kept off, north-east, for the equator.
1865 T. Carlyle Hist. Friedrich II of Prussia V. xix. vi. 546 To northward of Bautzen forty miles.
1897 R. S. S. Baden-Powell Matabele Campaign xvii. 436 Lord Grey's party shot to northward of the road, and the south side was our preserve.
1916 R. Frost Poems 114 Your woods To northward from your window at the sink.
1982 D. Hoffman Brotherly Love 139 The West Branch of the Delaware Some twenty miles to northward.
2. With definite article. Cf. northwards n.
the world > the earth > direction > cardinal points > North > [noun] > part or place
north halfeOE
north endOE
north sidec1275
c1350 Apocalypse St. John: A Version (Harl. 874) (1961) 184 (MED) Þe holy Cite of Ierusalem..had twelue ȝates..Vnto þe Estward þree ȝates..& to þe northward þree ȝates.
1589 R. Lane in R. Hakluyt Princ. Navigations iii. 738 To the Northwarde our furthest discouerie was to the Chesepians, distant from Roanoak about 130 miles.
1624 J. Smith Gen. Hist. Virginia ii. 18 (heading) A relation of a Discovery towards the Northward of Virginia.
1644 J. Bulwer Chirologia 43 The hand..leapeing back to the Northward of the Body.
1702 London Gaz. No. 3831/3 Two Men of War to the Northward of the Fleet gave him Chase.
1748 B. Robins & R. Walter Voy. round World by Anson ii. iii. 147 To fit up the boats..and to proceed with them to the northward.
1820 W. Scoresby Acct. Arctic Regions II. 208 Some ships have sailed to the northward of the seventy-eight degree of latitude.
1864 Ld. Tennyson Aylmer's Field in Enoch Arden, etc. 72 The tall pines That darken'd all the northward of her Hall.
1880 S. Haughton Six Lect. Physical Geogr. iii. 126 The vapour..flows to the northward and southward.
1940 Gallov. Ann. 78 Tae the northart, ‘Queensberry’['s] bold outline, Norlan' march o' Dumfriesshire's laund.
1988 R. Conquest New & Coll. Poems 117 To the northward..Till we're in San Francisco.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2003; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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