

单词 no such a

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no such a
27. no (none) such adj., rarely †no such a; absolute or as pronoun now only none such (cf. none such, nonsuch n. and adj.), formerly no such (and †such none).
a. No (person or thing) of the kind; none of the kind.
the world > existence and causation > existence > non-existence > [adjective] > no, none, or not any
no (none) suchOE
no kina1400
damn all1953
sod all1978
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > individual character or quality > quality of being special or extraordinary > [noun] > fact of being unparalleled or unique > that which is unique > a unique thing or person > person
no (none) such1647
ne plus ultra1672
OE Crist I 290 Nan swylc ne cwom ænig oþer ofer ealle men, bryd beage hroden.
a1122 Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) anno 1032 Her..atywde þæt wildefyr ðe nan mann æror nan swylc ne gemunde.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 76 Ne chaste ȝe nan swich mon neauer on oðerwise.
1297 R. Gloucester's Chron. (Rolls) 3063 In þe world such non is.
13.. Guy Warw. (C.) 122 On this half the see noon suche was.
a1400 Minor Poems from Vernon MS xxix. ii. 69 Þe Iew..seide þer nas non such child þrinne.
c1430 Pilgr. Lyf Manhode (1869) iv. lix. 205 Ther sook neuere noon non swich milk ne droouh noon swich brest.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Ecclus. xlv. 13 Before him were there sene no soch fayre ornamentes.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Acts xxi. C We haue wrytten, and concluded, that they shulde obserue no soch, but onely [etc.].
1582 R. Stanyhurst tr. T. More in tr. Virgil First Foure Bookes Æneis 100 Syth mye nose owtpeaking, good syr, your liplabor hindreth, Hardlye ye may kisse mee, where no such gnomon apeereth.
1601 R. Holtby in Archpriest Controv. (1896) I. 185 They had no such ignorance that could excuse them admittinge that he was a superior.
1607 S. Hieron Discouerie of Hypocrisie in Wks. (1620) I. 237 No such shall inherite the kingdome of Christ and of God.
1647 J. Trapp Mellificium Theol. in Comm. Epist. & Rev. 697 The Emperour Commodus would needs be stiled ὑπεραίρων, or the Surpasser, as if there were none such.
1663 S. Butler Hudibras: First Pt. i. i. 4 'Tis plain enough he was no such.
1749 G. Berkeley Word to Wise in Wks. (1871) III. 440 There can be no such thing as happy life without labour.
1774 Child of Nature II. 86 I would..have no such a tête à tête with such a man.
1831 W. Scott Castle Dangerous iii, in Tales of my Landlord 4th Ser. IV. 88 ‘Who was it passed through your post even now, with the traitorous cry of “Douglas”?’ ‘We know of no such.’
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. vi. 119 Objection was taken by some zealous Protestants to the mention made of the Roman Catholic religion. There was no such religion.
1867 A. C. Swinburne in Fortn. Rev. Oct. 428 There is no such thing as a dumb poet or a handless painter.
b. No great; adverb qualifying as adjective (cf. 15b) = not (a) very, not a. †nothing such: nothing of any account.
the world > relative properties > quantity > smallness of quantity, amount, or degree > small of quantity, amount, or degree [phrase] > very little
no (none) such1579
next to nothing1596
a fat lot1892
not such (a)1896
the mind > attention and judgement > importance > unimportance > [noun] > that which is unimportant
thing of noughtc1425
nothing such1579
of nothing1583
leather and prunella1734
small change1822
minus quantity1843
1579 E. Spenser Shepheardes Cal. Sept. 79 I thought the soyle would haue made me rich: But nowe I wote, it is nothing sich.
1612 F. Bacon Ess. (new ed.) 9 Death is no such enemy, when a man hath so many followers about him.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Antony & Cleopatra (1623) iii. iii. 40 Why me think's by him, This Creature's no such thing. View more context for this quotation
1669 J. Dryden Wild Gallant i. i. 11 If that be all, there's no such hast.
1695 W. Congreve Love for Love v. i. 76 Fifty, in a hale Constitution, is no such contemptible Age.
1773 O. Goldsmith She stoops to Conquer v. 92 Five and twenty miles in two hours and a half is no such bad driving.
1782 F. Burney Cecilia III. v. xii. 148 As you happen to be quite alone, a little agreeable company would be no such bad thing.
1867 M. Arnold On Study Celtic Lit. 87 So long as Celt and Teuton are..at least, no such great while out of their cradle.
1870 W. Morris Earthly Paradise: Pt. III 279 Clad in attire of no such wretched price.
c. no such matter or thing: nothing of the kind; also exclamatorily, = not at all, not a bit of it, quite the contrary.
1538 R. Pole Let. 1 Aug. in J. Strype Eccl. Memorials (1721) I. App. lxxxiii. 213 Neither you nor no man else..can bring no such thing against mine opinion.
1560 Bible (Geneva) 2 Sam. xiii. 12 No suche thing oght to be done in Israel: commit not this folie.
1584 G. Peele Araygnem. Paris i. i. sig. Aijv Pan. We meete not now to brawle. Faun. Theres no such matter, Pan.
1588 R. Greene Pandosto sig. C4v The goodman..desired her to be quiet, for there was non such matter.
1609 W. Shakespeare Sonnets lxxxvii. sig. F3 In sleepe a King, but waking no such matter . View more context for this quotation
1755 T. Gray Let. 14 Aug. in Corr. (1971) I. 431 They thought me rheumatic & feverish. no such thing!
1814 L. Hunt Feast of Poets 61 The vices..are only ‘imputed’ to him;—to use a pithy and favourite mode of quotation, ‘There's no such thing!’
1869 A. J. Evans Vashti xv. 203 I shall do no such thing.
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