

单词 no manner

> as lemmas

no (also any) manner (of)
d. no (also any) manner (of): no (any) (person or thing) whatever. See also sense 1c.by no (also any) manner of means: see mean n.3 3d, Phrases 2.
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > generality > [noun] > state of being non-specific > unspecified thing(s)
no mannera1393
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) iii. 173 (MED) Sche..techeth every lif Withoute lawe positif, Of which sche takth nomaner charge.
1426 W. Paston in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) I. 6 I herde..no maner lykly ne credible euidence.
c1500 (?a1475) Assembly of Gods (1896) 600 No maner of thyng can hym hurt.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. lxxv. 96 Ther abode alyue no maner a person.
1533 T. Cranmer Let. 23 July in Remains (1833) I. 47 When it shall be by any manner way void.
1542 N. Udall tr. Erasmus Apophthegmes f. 4 In suche persons he saied that there was nomaner hope of recoverie.
1583 in D. Masson Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1880) 1st Ser. III. 604 As pertening in na maner of way to the said George.
1606 G. W. tr. Justinus Hist. vii. 35 It had full scope and passage, without any manner interruption.
a1687 W. Petty Polit. Arithm. (1691) viii. 107 Which I wish were true, but find no manner of reason to believe.
1704 J. Swift Disc. Mech. Operat. Spirit , in Tale of Tub 285 I have had no manner of Time to digest it into Order.
1766 J. Lighthall Let. 29 Nov. in Beekman Mercantile Papers (1956) II. 961 My being Confined has put some things at Schenectady out of any manner of ways being properly settled unless I am their [sic] my self.
1800 Duke of Wellington Suppl. Dispatches (1858) II. 162 No manner of duties or customs was allowed to be exacted from any article brought into camp.
1884 Manch. Examiner 13 May 5/2 There can be no manner of doubt as to the terms of his instructions.
1958 T. H. White Once & Future King iv. vii. 605 There I shall answer you as a knight should, that hither I came for no manner of mal engine.
1978 Daily Colonist (Victoria, Brit. Columbia) 1 July 16/3 The sail flattened down, and the four of them that was below was held in just like rats in a trap and didn't have no manner of chance.
1994 T. Clancy Debt of Honor xlvi. 753 He took his time preflighting the airliner, checking visually for fluid leaks, loose rivets, bad tires, any manner of irregularity.
extracted from mannern.int.
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