

单词 no man living

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no man living
1. Alive, not dead. Formerly also: †when alive (obsolete); †dwelling, residing (obsolete). Now frequently in no man living and variants.In quot. OE2 in a prepositional phrase with by in the sense ‘in the lifetime of’; cf. sense A. 2.In Middle English often used with adverbial phrases such as in erthe, in this world, etc., which serve a chiefly emphatic function.
the world > life > source or principle of life > [adjective] > opposed to dead
in the land of the livingc825
in lifea1325
with lifea1325
of life1392
upon lifea1413
on the hoof1818
eOE (Mercian) Vespasian Psalter (1965) liv. 13 (16) Veniat mors super illos et descendant in infernum uiuentes : cyme deað ofer hie & astigen hie in helle lifgende.
OE Ælfric Old Eng. Hexateuch: Josh. (Claud.) x. 38 He gecyrde to Dabira ðære byrig..& ne let ðær to lafe nan ðing libbende.
OE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Cambr. Univ. Libr.) i. viii. 42 Constantinus, se be Diocletiane lyfgendum [L. uiuente Diocletiano] Gallia rice & Ispania heold & rehte.
c1225 (?c1200) St. Margaret (Bodl.) (1934) 4 (MED) Wes i þe ilke time liuiende i londe þa þet eadie meiden.
c1300 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Otho) (1963) l. 582 In þan ylond weren men libbende [c1275 Calig. folc woniende].
c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) l. 767 (MED) Y ȝylde me her to Charlis kyng, þe beste knyȝt y-core Þat is owar now lyuyng.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 4847 Elleuen breþer es we liuand.
a1413 (c1385) G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde (Pierpont Morgan) (1881) ii. l. 235 Ye be th[e] womman in þis world lyuynge..That I best loue.
c1440 (a1349) R. Rolle in Eng. Writings (1931) 55 (MED) Þay moghte wele forgaa þe lufe of all creaturs lyfande in erthe.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) ii. 550 Ye wiffis had him till his cuntre Quhar wes na man leiffand bot he.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. xx. 241 Ye shall se me well certan, And lyfand shall I be.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) 2 Esdras xii. 33 He shal sett them lyuynge before the iudgment.
1572 in J. Cranstoun Satirical Poems Reformation (1891) I. xxxviii. 60 Thou hes left leifand bot few in that land.
1621 M. Wroth Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania 532 The most ignorant proud woman liuing, caring for, nor respecting any but her selfe and hers.
a1674 Earl of Clarendon Brief View Leviathan (1676) 320 Lamented by all men living who pretended to Virtue.
1726 J. Ayliffe Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani 190 Annals are Masses said in the Romish Church..either for the Soul of a Person deceas'd, or for the Benefit of a Person living.
1771 ‘Junius’ Stat Nominis Umbra (1772) II. xlix. 183 As long as there is one man living, who thinks you worthy of his confidence.
1807 W. Wordsworth Poems I. 140 Milton! thou should'st be living at this hour; England hath need of thee.
1827 T. Jarman Powell's Ess. Learning of Devises (ed. 3) II. 357 Where a testator..gives to his four children then living.
1890 Lancet 1 Mar. 480/2 The pulp [of a tooth] was living.
1940 Railroad Mag. Apr. 40/1 Sim jumped before the collision and is still living. Casey died at the throttle.
1975 J. B. Keane Lett. of Matchmaker in Celebrated Lett. (1996) 248 I wanted him to go to a doctor to see after his apparatus but he told me he'd let no man living look at it.
1990 ‘A. Cross’ Players come Again (1992) vi. 139 Emile must be eighty-three if he's a day, supposing he is living.
1996 P. Bakker & A. P. Grant in S. A. Wurm et al. Atlas Langs. Intercult. Communication I. 1141/1 There was only one speaker of Eyak still living in 1994.
2012 Irish Daily Mail (Nexis) 16 Aug. 54 There's not a man living that's fought six fighters of that calibre.
extracted from livingadj.n.1
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