

单词 next one's heart

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next one's (formerly †the) heart
g. next one's (formerly †the) heart: on an empty stomach, while fasting; †immediately or very soon after waking in the morning, before breakfast (obsolete). See sense A. 4. Now rare (English regional in later use).
c1440 Liber de Diversis Med. 45 Drynke it bathe at morne nexte thy herte & laste at euen, when þu gose to bedde.
1542 N. Udall tr. Erasmus Apophthegmes ii. f. 323v In his tyme was brought vp a newe founde diete to drynke wine in ye mornyng nexte the herte.
1584 T. Cogan Hauen of Health cc. 165 I haue knowen some maidens to drinke Vineger next their heart to abate their colour.
1647 R. Stapleton tr. Juvenal Sixteen Satyrs vi. 637 The Romans held it ominous to see a Blackamoore next their hearts in a morning.
1750 T. Gordon Cordial Low-spirits Pref. 113 The Church-men have..found it for their Interest, Time out of Mind, that most of their Foes should drink a Bumper to Beelzebub next their Heart every Morning.
1827 C. J. Johnstone Elizabeth de Bruce II. xiii. 238 John Tamtallan's wife had the impudence to send me word, next my heart this morning that she had got another lass-bairn.
1892 E. Anglian Daily Times in Eng. Dial. Dict. (1903) IV. 260/1 [Suffolk] Shall I take the medicine next my heart?
extracted from heartn.int.adv.
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