

单词 nembutsu


Brit. /nɛmˈbʊtsuː/, U.S. /nɛmˈbutsu/
Inflections: Plural unchanged.
Forms: 1700s 1900s nembutz (rare), 1800s nem-butsu, 1800s– nembutsu, 1800s– nenbutsu, 1900s– nembutzu. Also with capital initial.
Origin: A borrowing from Japanese; modelled on a Sanskrit lexical item. Etymon: Japanese nembutsu.
Etymology: < Japanese nembutsu (10th cent.; 1603 as nenbut in Vocabulario da Lingoa de Iapam) < a Middle Chinese compound < a base meaning ‘to think about, repeat from memory’ + the first syllable of Sanskrit buddha, after Sanskrit buddhānusmṛti, lit. ‘Buddha-contemplation’, ‘Buddha-recitation’.The term is sometimes interpreted as an abbreviation of the Japanese invocation Namu Amida Butsu ‘I take refuge in the Buddha Amida’, but this can be identified as a folk etymology on phonological and semantic grounds (since the first element, namu to trust humbly (ultimately < Sanskrit namas obeisance; compare namaste n.), would produce the unattested abbreviation *nambutsu ); compare Namanda , the second abbreviation of the invocation given in quot. 1727 at sense A. 1.
A. n. Usually with the.
1. In some forms of Japanese Buddhism: an invocation of Amida (Amitābha) chanted to achieve self-purification and spiritual awakening in this life (satori) and rebirth into Amida's Pure Land after death, to express gratitude to Amida on realization of enlightenment, or to cancel bad karma.The ultimate goal of rebirth into the Pure Land is perfect enlightenment, or Buddhahood: cf. Jodo n.In Japan, the doctrine of nembutsu recitation was chiefly propagated by Genshin (942–1017) and Hōnen (1133–1212).Quot. 1727 apparently shows the Japanese word.
1727 J. G. Scheuchzer tr. E. Kæmpfer Hist. Japan II. v. ix. 488 Nembutz, or Namanda, which words they [sc. religious mendicants] often repeat in their prayers and ejaculations, is contracted from Namu Amida Budzu, Great God Amida help us.]
1875 C. Pfoundes Fu So Mimi Bukuro in Japan Weekly Mail 3 Apr. 286/2 On festivals or at prayer meetings the nembutsu are invariably accompanied by dancing and capers.
1897 L. Hearn Gleanings in Buddha-Fields vii. 171 The oddest monument of all is a great stone badger... On the belly is cut..‘On fine moonlight-nights, repeating the Nembutsu, I play the belly-drum.’
1952 Monumenta Nipponica 8 412 In the Hôon-kô..of the Shin..sect.., members..assembled on the anniversary of the death of..the founder of the sect, recited the nembutsu.., read some sûtras, and after a short sermon sat down to a meal.
1989 Encycl. Brit. XV. 288/1 Shinran..rejected Hōnen's practice of continual invocation of Amitābha, believing that the faithful need only say the nembutsu once in order to attain salvation.
1993 Cambr. Encycl. Japan 162/1 To invoke the grace of Amida,..all that was needed was recitation of his name in a formula known as the nenbutsu.
2. In extended use: the action, practice, or doctrine of reciting the nembutsu; Pure Land Buddhism.
1887 B. Nanjio Short Hist. Twelve Buddhist Sects (1979) 127 Some may..do the Nem-butsu..only once before they die... This Nem-butsu does not only mean to invocate Buddha's name, but the body and thought are also in correspondence with it, and not separated from the Buddha's mercy.
1949 H. H. Coates & R. Ishizuka tr. Honen the Buddhist Saint in G. Mosher Kyoto: Contempl. Guide (1964) 101 Many..joined the cult of the Nembutsu.
1964 G. Mosher Kyoto: Contempl. Guide 102 Anraku and Juren..happened to be preaching the Nembutsu in Shishi-ga-tani.
1964 G. Mosher Kyoto: Contempl. Guide 101 He [sc. Honen] accepted Eshin's reliance upon the Nembutsu and eventually decided that the Nembutsu was a religion in itself.
1970 J. W. Hall Japan from Prehist. to Mod. Times vi. 74 Genshin's..explanation of the efficacy of calling on the name of the Buddha (nembutsu), and his emphasis on degeneration..had great influence upon the mood of the times.
1976 Seung Sahn Let. 1 June in Teaching Lett. Zen Master Seung Sahn (2002) 785 There are many kinds of Buddhism besides Zen; there is Sutra, Nembutz, Mantra, etc.
1997 J. Bowker World Relig. 68/1 Visualising the Buddhas or bodhisattvas, and so attaining union with them, is a basic form of devotion. This was originally called nembutsu, ‘mindfulness of the Buddha’.
B. adj. (attributive).
Of or relating to the recitation of the nembutsu; belonging to the school of Pure Land Buddhism.Quot. 1727 apparently shows the Japanese word.
1727 J. G. Scheuchzer tr. E. Kæmpfer Hist. Japan (1906) II. iv. i. 91 The Nembuds Koo, certain fraternities, or societies of devout neighbours, friends, or relations..who meet in order to sing the Namanda.]
1902 A. C. Hartshorne Japan & her People I. 202 ‘Nammu Amida Buddha’;..from this phrase they got the name of Nem-Butsu or ‘Call on Buddha’ sect.
1949 H. H. Coates & R. Ishikuza tr. Honen the Buddhist Saint in G. Mosher Kyoto (1964) 105 Genku Shonin..was banished to Tosa for his dissemination of the Nembutsu doctrine.
1969 K. Murata Japan's New Buddhism 30 Those who believe in Nembutsu sects..will go to Avici, the inferno of continuous punishment.
1986 H. P. Varley Japanese Culture (1991) 163 One thing the Okuni troupe [of primitive kabuki dancers] performed was ‘nembutsu dancing’ (nembutsu odori), a type of religious ecstaticism (in which people danced around and chanted their praise to Amida buddha).
1995 M. Eliade Encycl. Relig. IX.–X. 426/2 While at Kiyosumidera, Nichiren's denunciations were focused primarily on the proponents of Nembutsu and Zen practices.
This is a new entry (OED Third Edition, September 2003; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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