

单词 natural astrology

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natural astrology
a. More fully (now only) as natural astrology. The calculation and prediction of natural phenomena and meteorological events (such as the measurement of time, the times of tides and eclipses) on the basis of astronomical observations. Now historical.This sense passed out of use in the 17th cent. The regular physical phenomena passed into the domain of astronomy.
the world > the universe > astrology > natural astrology > [noun]
the world > the earth > weather and the atmosphere > weather > study or science of weather > [noun] > weather prediction > specific method
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1869) II. 289 Abraham lernede in Caldea, and went doun in to Egipte, and was þe firste þat tauȝte þe Egipcians ars metrick and astrologie [L. astrologiam].
c1400 ( G. Chaucer Treat. Astrolabe (Cambr. Dd.3.53) (1872) Prol. 3 A gret part of the general rewles of theorik in Astrologie.
1487 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (St. John's Cambr.) iv. 693 Astrology [1489 Adv. Astrologi], Quhar-throu clerkis..May knaw coniunctione of planetis.
1523 J. Skelton Goodly Garlande of Laurell sig. Ciiv Of athlas astrology and many noble thyngis Of wandryng of the mone, the course of the sun.
1558 F. Withers tr. J. ab Indagine (title) Briefe introductions..unto the Art of Chiromancy... Whereunto is also annexed aswel the artificiall, as naturall Astrologye, with the nature of the planets.
1570 J. Dee in H. Billingsley tr. Euclid Elements Geom. Math. Præf. sig. biii Astrologie, is an Arte Mathematicall.
1649 Bp. J. Hall Resol. & Decisions iii. ii. 235 Naturall Astrology when it keepes it selfe within its due bounds is lawfull.
1681 J. Worlidge Dictionarium Rusticum in Systema Agriculturæ (ed. 3) 264 The use of this part of Astrology..by the Farmer as by the Sayler.
1792 Conjuror's Mag. Feb. 206/2 Lest natural Astrology..take away too much praise from artificial, be it remembered, that its success would not be so palpable, did not all the positions of the Stars coincide with it.
1895 Pop. Astron. June 455 Remains of natural astrology are wide spread and almost universal among the great mass of the people.
2010 T. M. Rudavsky Maimonides v. 93 Most Jewish philosophers supported natural astrology, the view that to some extent the celestial bodies do affect sublunar life and existence.
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