

单词 negative feedback

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negative feedback
1. The return of a fraction of the output signal from one stage of a circuit, amplifier, etc., to the input of the same or a preceding stage (see also quot. 19232); positive feedback, negative feedback, tending to increase, decrease, the amplification, etc.; also, a signal so returned.
the world > matter > physics > electromagnetic radiation > electronics > electronic phenomena > signal > [noun] > feedback
1920 Wireless Age Nov. 27/1 An inductive feed-back in relation to the secondary system generates local oscillations.
1923 Daily Mail 19 May 4 The feed-back circuit.
1923 Harmsworth's Wireless Encycl. 913/1 The term feed back is applied to any radio-telegraph circuit in which one part of the circuit is coupled to another part in order to transfer some part of the energy in the one circuit to the other circuit.
1930 Morning Post 14 July 3 If the receiver is well designed, so that low-frequency feed-back is negligible, a filter circuit is not needed.
1946 Nature 9 Nov. 670/1 The signal to noise ratio was increased by the application of positive feed~back to the tuned circuit.
1949 Electronic Engin. 21 358/3 To obtain the maximum stabilising effect it is desirable to take the feedback from the output and apply it at the input in the correct phase for degeneration.
1962 Newnes Conc. Encycl. Electr. Engin. 289/1 The feedback principle is applied in electronic amplifiers, process controls and accurate servo-mechanisms.
extracted from feedbackn.
negative feedback
negative feedback n. a reaction that tends to diminish the effectiveness of or counteract the process which gave rise to it; (in extended use) a critical or corrective response or reaction.
the mind > attention and judgement > answer > [noun] > information given in response > of negative kind
negative feedback1934
1934 H. S. Black in Bell Syst. Techn. Jrnl. 13 5 1/(1–μβ) will be used as a quantitative measure of the effect of feedback and the feedback referred to as positive feedback or negative feedback according as the absolute value of 1/(1–μβ) is greater or less than unity. Positive feedback increases the gain of the amplifier; negative feedback reduces it.
1956 Science 11 May 848/1 (heading) Evidence for a negative-feedback mechanism in the biosynthesis of isoleucine.
1967 J. M. Argyle Psychol. Interpersonal Behaviour iii. 62 Such unstable sequences are known as cases of ‘positive feedback’ (unstable vicious circles) and can be contrasted with self-correcting ‘negative feedback’, which is also a common feature of social performance.
1988 Sci. Amer. Feb. 53/3 Much the same negative-feedback mechanism that has helped to stabilize the earth's climate for the past 4.5 billion years would presumably operate on a planet of similar size farther from the sun.
1992 M. Medved Hollywood vs. Amer. i. i. 13 A spokesman for Jackson's production company confirmed that negative feedback was coming at them ‘from all directions’.
2003 L. Hecker & J. Wetchler Introd. Marriage & Family Therapy 47 If a couple gets into a fight, but both go to different parts of the house to cool off,..negative feedback has occurred.
extracted from negativeadj.adv.2int.
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