

单词 ballade


Brit. /bəˈlɑːd/, /baˈlɑːd/, U.S. /bəˈlɑd/
Forms: Middle English balaade, Middle English balad, Middle English balett, Middle English–1500s 1700s– ballade, Middle English–1700s balade, 1500s ballat (Scottish), 1500s–1600s baladde, 1600s ballet, 1700s ballad.
Origin: A variant or alteration of another lexical item. Etymon: ballad n.
Etymology: Originally a variant of ballad n. (see discussion at that entry), now usually distinguished in form in the senses below. In early use the material at ballad n. and ballade n. simply shows different uses of a single word, not distinguished in form; however, in later use the French spelling and stress on the second syllable distinguish the senses recorded at this entry.
a. A poem or song written in any of several similar metres typically consisting of stanzas of seven or eight lines of equal length; spec. one consisting of a triplet or triplets of cross-rhymed stanzas of this kind with a common final line and (usually) an envoy. Occasionally also: one of these stanzas.In early use, sometimes difficult to distinguish from ballad n.The length, metre, and rhyming pattern of early ballades were variable, though stanzas of seven or eight lines, chiefly of iambic tetrameter or pentameter, were most common. Prominent rhyme schemes include ababbcc, ababbcbc, and ababbccb.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > poetry > part of poem > [noun] > stanza > seven- or eight-lined stanza
society > leisure > the arts > literature > poetry > poem or piece of poetry > lyric poem > [noun] > lyric of fixed verse form > ballade with refrain
society > leisure > the arts > literature > poetry > poem or piece of poetry > lyric poem > [noun] > lyric of fixed verse form > ballade of equal length stanzas
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) i. 2727 I have ofte assaied Rondeal, balade, and virelai.
c1430 Shirley in Chaucer's Min. P. 412 A balade [sc.Compleynt of Venus] translated out of frenshe in to englishe by Chaucier Geffrey.
c1450 (c1386) G. Chaucer Legend Good Women (Fairf. 16) (1879) Prol. l. 270 This balade [sc. of seven-lined stanza triplets] may ful wel y-sungen be..by my lady free.
a1456 J. Lydgate Bycorne & Chychevache (Trin. Cambr. R.3.20) in Minor Poems (1934) ii. 433 An ymage in poete-wise seying þees thre balades [sc. 7-lined stanzas].
1509 A. Barclay Brant's Shyp of Folys (Pynson) f. cxxix My balade bare of frute and eloquence.
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues Envoy,..th' Enuoy, or conclusion of a Ballet, or Sonnet.
1778 T. Warton Hist. Eng. Poetry II. 241 From the original, and the two translations, Barklay formed a large English poem, in the balade or octave stanza.
1882 Church Q. Rev. 374 Where Mr. Swinburne chooses to bind himself by the strict laws of..the ballade.
1942 Rev. Eng. Stud. 18 337 The elaborate stanza forms of the ballade and roundel.
1995 Huntington Libr. Q. 58 38 The unindexed item attributed to Chaucer is an eight-line ballade stanza copied on a small slip of paper.
b. As a mass noun: poetry of this form. Obsolete. in ballade rhyme: in poetry of this form.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > poetry > poem or piece of poetry > lyric poem > [noun] > lyric of fixed verse form > ballade with refrain > ballade poetry
1447 O. Bokenham Lives of Saints (Arun.) (1938) 2082 What best plesyth me I haue as I can declaryd in latyn In balaade ryme.
c1450 (c1386) G. Chaucer Legend Good Women (Fairf. 16) (1879) Prol. l. 539 That ilke tyme thou made hid Absolon thy tresses in balade.
a1460 Knyghthode & Bataile (Pembr. Cambr. 243) l. 53 ‘What werk is it?’ ‘Vegetius translate Into Balade.’
1543 ( Chron. J. Hardyng (1812) 16 Into balade I wyll it nowe translate.
1555 W. Waterman tr. J. Boemus Fardle of Facions ii. xi. 248 The victories of their forefathers and eldres, thei put into Balade.
1575 G. Gascoigne Certayne Notes Instr. in Posies sig. U.jv A man may write ballade in a staffe of sixe lines, euery line conteyning eighte or sixe sillables.
2. ballade royal: (originally) = sense 1a; (later spec.) verse consisting of seven or eight ten-syllable lines rhymed ababbcc or ababbcbc (cf. rhyme royal n., rhythm royal n.).Formerly believed to originate in the fact that King James I of Scotland composed the Kingis Quair in seven-line stanzas of this kind. This assumption is probably unfounded, but may have helped perpetuate the term's use for the specific form. The sense of royal in early quots. is probably that of royal adj. 1.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > poetry > versification > [noun] > rhyme royal
ballade royala1450
metre royal1548
rhythm royal1575
rhyme royal1827
a1450 Quixley's Ballades in Yorks. Archæol. Jrnl. (1908) 20 6 Gower it [sc. Traitié] made in frenshe with grete studie In balades ryale.
1483 W. Caxton tr. Caton 2 Ful craftly hath made it in balade ryal.
a1513 R. Fabyan New Cronycles Eng. & Fraunce (1516) II. f. lxxvv I haue therfore set them out in Baladde Royall.
1584 King James VI & I Ess. Prentise Poesie sig. Miijv This kynde of verse following, callit Ballat Royal.
1778 T. Warton Hist. Eng. Poetry II. 237 He allows, that some of Lydgate's successors had been skilful versifiers in the balade royall or octave stanza.
1909 Mod. Lang. Notes 24 31/2 A mere guess of some scholar..that rhyme royal, or ballade royal, owes its name to the fact that King James I of Scotland..wrote The Kingis Quair in that metre.
1995 Mod. Philol. 93 155 This beautiful and noble ballade royale.
3. A piece of instrumental music, usually of a lyrical or romantic character.
society > leisure > the arts > music > piece of music > type of piece > [noun] > lyrical piece
1863 F. Chopin (title) 3d. Ballade in A Flat.
1879 G. Grove Dict. Music I. 129/2 Ballade, a name adopted by Chopin for four pieces of pianoforte music (op. 23, 38, 47, 52) which, however brilliant or beautiful, have no peculiar form or character of their own, beyond being written in triple time.
1938 Oxf. Compan. Music 68/1 No particular one form is associated with the instrumental ballade.
1997 Jrnl. Musicol. 15 382 The ballade began as a song before being reconceived for the piano.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2008; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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