

单词 more by good luck than judgement

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more by good luck than (good) judgement
b. more by luck than judgement (also design, management, etc.) and variants: used to express the opinion that a good outcome has arisen by chance rather than as a result of good planning, astuteness, etc. Also similarly more by good luck than (good) judgement and variants.
1600 B. Jonson in R. Allott Englands Parnassus 225 So Fooles we see, Oft scape their Imputation, more through luck, then wit.
1663 H. Janson Philanax Anglicus 40 Is it not now a little wonderful, that they should become High and Mighty Lords by Law? I am sure it is more by luck than cunning, that they have made themselves so.
1721 J. Kelly Compl. Coll. Scotish Prov. 248 More by good luck, than by good guiding. Spoken when a Thing, ill managed, falls out well.
1782 C. Lee Let. 22 June in Mem. Life C. Lee (1792) 436 Was it not for..a fortunate purchase I made, more by luck than cunning, I might have begged in the streets.
1838 Tait's Edinb. Mag. May 325/1 His grandfather, though more by good luck than good judgment certainly, sold the hunter for double the thirty pounds.
1866 Baily's Monthly Mag. Feb. 101 Some one said that the race was won more by luck than judgment.
1912 Paper Makers' Jrnl. Dec. 22/2 It was more by good luck than good planning That he became the boss of a mill.
1918 Nation (N.Y.) 7 Sept. 255/1 The West does better, but more by luck than management.
1971 Washington Post 24 Oct. f6/1 After 10 years of booming prosperity more by luck than design, Australia is facing economic trouble.
2010 Field Feb. 109/3 More by luck than judgment, I was in the right place when Charlie made his exit and I bowled him easily.
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