

单词 more britain

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(the) more Britain
e. In the names of places, plants, churches, etc.: greater, superior, larger, more important (as distinguished from another of the same name), as (the) more Britain, (the) more Ind, (the) more smearwort, etc. Cf. less adj. 1c, lesser adj. 3, greater adj. 4. Obsolete.In quot. 1642, the reference to the place More Wenlock, rather then the standard Much Wenlock, is perhaps simply a translation of the Welsh mawr (see mere adj.1).
eOE tr. Orosius Hist. (BL Add.) (1980) iii. xi. 77 Ofer ealle þa maran Asiam.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) 2223 Þe more brutaine.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1874) V. 299 Aboute þat tyme Seint Mammertus..ordeyned solempne letanyes þat beeþ i-cleped þe Rogaciouns,..and beeþ i-cleped þe lasse letayne for difference of þe more letayne þat Gregorye ordeynede to be seide a Seynt Markes day.
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 172 Albania is a prouynce of þe more Asia.
a1425 (a1400) Prick of Conscience (Galba & Harl.) (1863) 1484 Þe mare world es þis world brade, And þe les es man.
1436 in F. J. Furnivall Fifty Earliest Eng. Wills (1882) 105 The chirche of Alhalowen the more.
?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh.) (1950) 177 (MED) Mercurialis is an herbe men clepe Mercurie or papwourtz or þe more smerewourt.
1477 Rolls of Parl. VI. 168/2 The Maners of Silby Mountsorell the more, and the lesse.
a1500 in R. H. Robbins Hist. Poems 14th & 15th Cent. (1959) 113 (MED) In the londe of more bretayngne, Schal ben a lorde of gret renoune.
c1593 in J. Raine Descr. Anc. Monuments Church of Durham (1842) 57 Then the Buship Aldunus dyd hallowe the more kyrk or Gret Kirke.
1642 in Shropshire Parish Documents (1903) 324 For goinge to More Wenlocke 00 01 00.
extracted from moreadj.pron.adv.n.3prep.
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