

单词 more and less

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more and less
a. Of a material object: greater in size, larger (than another of the same or different type). Of persons and animals: taller, bigger. Frequently in more and less and variants: greater and smaller; from the largest to the smallest. Cf. senses D. 1, C. 3b. Obsolete.With reference to a city, country, etc., overlapping with sense A. 1e, sometimes with admixture of sense A. 1b.
the world > space > extension in space > measurable spatial extent > largeness > [adjective] > larger
eOE King Ælfred tr. Gregory Pastoral Care (Hatton) (1871) xxi. 155 Ða nietenu ðonne, ðeah hie maran sien, hie beoð suiður ahæfen from eorðan.
OE Ælfric Homily (Trin. Cambr. B.15.34) in J. C. Pope Homilies of Ælfric (1968) II. 552 Þa elebeamas beoð maran on wæstme, and þa berian grytran.
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) anno 626 Þær he het eft timbrian maran cyrican of stane.
a1200 MS Trin. Cambr. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1873) 2nd Ser. 179 (MED) Pisces maiores deuorant minores..þe more fishes in þe se eten þe lasse.
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 1701 (MED) Þo stod hauelok..Rith al bi þe heued more Þanne ani þat þer-inne stod.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) 999 Yrlonde..More he is þan engelond.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 2112 (MED) Mani contre þar-in es And dughti cites mare and lesse.
a1422 in J. T. Smith & L. T. Smith Eng. Gilds (1870) 360 Þilke cofre wt þe þre heuedes shal be y-set in a more Cofre.
?a1425 (c1400) Mandeville's Trav. (Titus C.xvi) (1919) 151 He founded the grete cytee Iȝonge in Cathay, þat is a gret del more þan Rome.
c1450 (c1380) G. Chaucer House of Fame 500 Hit semed moche more Then I had any egle seyn.
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 132 Þer is with-in my body a precious stone..and it is more þan ane egg.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1897–1973) 347 (MED) In all youre skylles more and les, for mysfowndyng fayll ye.
c1540 in Trans. London & Middlesex Archæol. Soc. 4 346 A more and a lesse quysshion of crymsyn velvet.
1596 J. Dalrymple tr. J. Leslie Hist. Scotl. (1888) I. 20 Another kynde of hunting dog is to sent, of quhilkes sum ar mekle mair than vthir sum.
c1626 H. Bisset Rolment Courtis (1922) II. 51 This Ile of Man contenis as it war twa ilandis, the first is southwardis and the mair cuntrie.
1721 J. Kelly Compl. Coll. Scotish Prov. 247 Mair in a mair Dish. That is, a great deal more; an Answer to them who ask you if you will have any more, when you have gotten but very little.
1887 W. Morris Odyssey x. 396 And men again were they gotten, yet younger than afore, And fairer folk to look on, and mightier and more.
extracted from moreadj.pron.adv.n.3prep.
more and less
b. more and less (also more and min): altogether, entirely, as a whole. Cf. sense D. 1. Obsolete.
the world > relative properties > wholeness > as a whole [phrase]
more and lessa1400
by greatc1475
of greatc1503
more and min1578
as a whole1643
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 13664 (MED) Þair strijf he wist bath less and mare.
a1450 Lessons of Dirige (Digby) 290 in J. Kail 26 Polit. Poems (1904) 116 (MED) Lordis hande hath towched me more and myn.
c1500 (?a1475) Assembly of Gods (1896) 306 (MED) Clad all in purpur was she more & lesse.
1567 Compend. Bk. Godly Songs (1897) 29 Quhat I haif tholit les and mair.
1578 J. Rolland Seuin Seages 243 I sall ȝow schaw the mater mair and min.
extracted from moreadj.pron.adv.n.3prep.
more and less
1. With plural agreement. People of high rank. more and less (also more and min): persons of all ranks; everyone without exception. (neither) more nor less: no one. Cf. great n. 2b, much pron. and n. 3. Obsolete.
the world > people > people collectively > [noun] > all people
all the worldOE
all ledea1275
more and minc1275
most and leasta1300
much and litec1330
mo and lessc1426
the whole world1530
cut and long tail1576
all outdoors1833
John Q.1937
the mind > attention and judgement > importance > [noun] > one who is important > one who is more important
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 15600 Nefden heo nane are of þan lasse no of þan mare.
c1300 Assumption of Virgin (Cambr. Gg.4.27) (1901) l. 62 Heo seruede boþe lasse and more.
c1330 (?c1300) Bevis of Hampton (Auch.) 4252 (MED) Þer ne scapede lasse ne more.
c1330 (?a1300) Arthour & Merlin (Auch.) (1973) 6650 ‘As armes!’ gred alle..Boþe þe more & þe lasse.
a1400 (?c1300) Lay Folks Mass Bk. (Royal) (1879) 136 Haue mercie on vs, more & mynne.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) I. 345 I woll nat be knowyn of neythir more ne lesse.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1897–1973) 22 (MED) Fare well les, & fare well more..I will go me to hyde.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1897–1973) 148 (MED) Folk shall bow vnto his hand Both more and myn.
1567 Compend. Bk. Godly Songs (1897) 43 Christ..gaif the same Till his Apostillis mair and min.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Macbeth (1623) v. iv. 12 Both more and lesse haue giuen him the Reuolt, And none serue with him. View more context for this quotation
1867 W. Morris Life & Death of Jason vi. 116 Thereat was Argo brought up to the shore, And straight all landed from her, less and more.
extracted from moreadj.pron.adv.n.3prep.
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