

单词 mortification of body

> as lemmas

mortification of (the) body (also flesh, senses, †sin, etc.)
a. With of, as in mortification of (the) body (also flesh, senses, †sin, etc.).Now also in non-religious contexts (with allusion to religious sense).
the world > physical sensation > physical sensibility > asceticism > [noun] > mortifying the flesh, etc.
society > faith > aspects of faith > piety > asceticism or mortification > [noun]
mortification of (the) body (also flesh, senses, sin, etc.)c1390
c1390 G. Chaucer Parson's Tale 1080 This blisful regne may men purchace by pouerte espirituel..and the lyf by deeth and mortificacioun [v.r. mortificacion] of synne.
?a1425 tr. Catherine of Siena Orcherd of Syon (Harl.) (1966) 222 Hem þat putten her desier moore to suffre bodily peyne þan in mortificacyoun or distriynge of her owne wille.
a1475 (?a1430) J. Lydgate tr. G. Deguileville Pilgrimage Life Man (Vitell.) 327 (MED) Mortyfycacioun off the body.
1526 Pylgrimage of Perfection (de Worde) f. 1v Goostly exercyse, or mortifycacyon of the senses.
c1535 M. Nisbet New Test. in Scots (1905) III. Prol. to Rom. 342 Thann exhorttis he to gude werkis, and vnto contynewall mortificatiounn of fleische.
1671 J. Tillotson Serm. 219 Mortification of our lusts and passions, though..it have something in it that is troublesome, yet [etc.].
1674 J. Owen Disc. Holy Spirit iv. viii. 483 The Foundation of all Mortification of Sin, is from the Inhabitation of the Spirit in us.
1789 J. Bentham Introd. Princ. Morals & Legisl. ii. p. x Saints, who for the good of their souls, and the mortification of their bodies, have voluntarily yielded themselves a prey to vermin.
1836 J. H. Newman Parochial Serm. II. xvii. 221 Self-denial, mortification of life, bearing our cross, are especially insisted on by Christ.
1849 H. D. Thoreau Week Concord & Merrimack Rivers 287 The stern, imperturbable warrior, after fasting, solitude, and mortification of body, comes to the white man's lodge.
1908 E. F. Benson Climber 63 A remarkably interesting curate of St. Faith's, who wore a rope round his chest for the purposes of mortification of his flesh.
1958 J. K. Galbraith Affluent Society i. 1 This poverty..was the unedifying mortification of the flesh—from hunger, sickness, and cold.
1982 ‘L. Cody’ Bad Company ii. 18 I'm telling you, girl, there's no virtue in any mortification, either of the flesh or the spirit.
1992 18th-cent. Stud. 25 544 The rise in the nineteenth century of clinical medicine, the new forum for the mortification of the body.
extracted from mortificationn.
as lemmas




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