

单词 mother of moses

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Mother of Moses
5. Mother of God (also †God's Mother): used as an oath or a strong exclamation of surprise, disbelief, dismay, etc. Hence in similar oaths Mother of Mercy, Mother of Moses (see Moses n. 1c), Mother of Heaven, etc.In the 16th and 17th centuries frequently euphemistically altered: see quot. ?1577 at motherkin n. and mother-of-pearl int.; cf. also quot. 1991.by God's mother: see god n. and int. Phrases 3b(a).
1575 W. Stevenson Gammer Gurtons Nedle iii. ii. sig. C iiv Gods mother dere, if that be true, farwel both naule an thong But who hais it gammer say on: chould faine here it disclosed.
1605 S. Rowley When you see Me sig. H3 Gods-mother Kate, thoust toucht them there, What say yee to that Bonner?
1764 H. Walpole Castle of Otranto ii. 86 Mother of God! said the Friar, is it possible my Lord can refuse a father the life of his only, his long-lost child!
1837 T. J. Serle Joan of Arc i. iii. 17 Mother of mercy, this is pitiful! Orleans! the best stay of my cause!
1868 T. Westwood Quest of Sancgreall 53 He turned to track its flight,—sweet Mother of God! What vision fixed him!
1884 D. Boucicault Shaughraun i. iii. 17Mother of Moses!’ ses he, ‘is that Conn the Shaughraun on my brown mare?’
1891 R. Kipling Courting of Dinah Shadd in Life's Handicap 46 ‘Mother av Hiven, sergint,’ sez I, ‘but is that your daughter?’
1900 S. J. Weyman Sophia (1922) vi. 75 Holy Mother!.. 'Tis not you ladyship!
1924 M. Kennedy Constant Nymph xxiii. 316 Mother of God! What a hurry the girls are in nowadays!
1955 E. Pound Classic Anthol. I. 21 Mother of Heaven, Shall no one be traist?
1972 J. Johnston Captains & Kings 51 The old man took his watch from his pocket. ‘Getting on for five.’ ‘Mother of God, I'll be murdered. She'll ask me questions.’
1991 R. Doyle Van (1992) 167 It was like a Pearl fuckin' Harbor. Jimmy Sr had half said—For a queue there, when they hit the van.—Oh, mother o' shite!
extracted from mothern.1int.
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