

单词 mother church

mother churchn.

Brit. /ˈmʌðə ˌtʃəːtʃ/, U.S. /ˈməðər ˌtʃərtʃ/ (in sense 1)Brit. /ˌmʌðə ˈtʃəːtʃ/, U.S. /ˌməðər ˈtʃərtʃ/
Forms: see mother n.1 and church n.1
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: mother n.1, church n.1
Etymology: < mother n.1 + church n.1 Compare Middle Dutch moederkerke , Middle Low German mōderkerke , in sense 2.With sense 1 compare post-classical Latin mater ecclesia (late 2nd cent.), Italian madre Chiesa (a1342). With sense 2b compare Old French mere eglise (c1100), Old Occitan mayre gleysa (1283).
Christian Church.
1. Usually with capital initials. The Church, esp. the Roman Catholic Church, considered as a mother in its functions of nourishing and protecting the believer. Cf. mother n.1 4d.
society > faith > sect > Christianity > Roman Catholicism > person > [noun] > collective
mother churchOE
mother kirkc1430
Lady of Rome1574
Western Church1577
scarlet whore1590
Lady of Babylon1605
red letter1608
scarlet lady1807
scarlet woman1816
OE Homily (Corpus Cambr. 190) (Dict. Old Eng. transcript) And heom biþ forwirnd cyrclic ingang oþþæt hig geendodre openlicre dædbote eft beon onfangene mid bisceoplicre lefe on bosm þære modorcircan.
c1475 Wisdom (Folger) (1969) 992 Now haue ye for-yeffnes þat were fylyde, To prey yowur modyr chyrche of her proteccion.
1539 T. Pery Let. in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1827) 2nd Ser. II. 145 Acording to the lawdebwll usse and costom of owr holly mother Chwrche.
1591 Troublesome Raigne Iohn ii. sig. B3 Vnworthie man..That dost oppugne against thy Mother Church.
?a1645 A. Stafford Just Apol. in Life Blessed Virgin (1860) p. xxii A base Desertour of my Mother Church.
1656 A. Cowley On Death of Crashaw in Poems 30 Pardon, my Mother Church, if I consent That Angels led him [sc. Crashaw] when from thee he went, For even in Error sure no Danger is When joyn'd with so much Piety as His.
1726 J. Ayliffe Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani 22 The Good of Mother Church, as well as that of Civil Society, renders a Judicial Practice in criminal Cases entirely necessary.
1785 W. Cowper Task ii. 576 So we, no longer taught By monitors that mother church supplies [etc.].
1827 J. Keble Holy Comm. vi To feel thy kind upholding arm, My mother Church.
1888 S. Moore tr. K. Marx & F. Engels Manifesto Communist Party iii. 24 Has it not preached in the place of these, charity and poverty, celibacy and mortification of the flesh, monastic life and Mother Church?
1934 T. S. Eliot Rock i. 45 I have a great respect for Mother Church. She is the bulwark of society.
1997 Sunday Times 26 Oct. (Books section) 8/2 Dali's opportune allegiance to fascism and Mother Church.
a. A church (as a parish church) which has responsibility for or oversight of another (as a chapel of ease, chantry, etc.). Now rare.
society > faith > artefacts > sanctuary or holy place > church or place of worship > [noun] > parish
mother church?1316
parish churcha1387
mother kirka1447
?1316 Short Metrical Chron. (Royal) 923 in J. Ritson Anc. Eng. Metrical Romanceës (1802) II. 308 Fifti moder chirchen ant mo He lette falle ant chapeles bo.
c1460 in A. Clark Eng. Reg. Oseney Abbey (1907) 112 For-asmuch as þey saide the church of Saunforde to be þe modur church, And oþer seyde hit to be a chapell to þe church of Barton perteynyng [etc.].
a1475 in A. Clark Eng. Reg. Godstow Nunnery (1906) ii. 649 Except the tethys of wolle & lambys of the modurchurche of Bloxham.
1546 in W. Page Certificates Chantries County of York (1895) II. 228 The same chauntery is distaunt from the parysshe church..whych they calle the mother church, ij myles.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory iii. xiii. 473 A Square Steeple, or Parochiall, or Mother Church Steeple.
1712 J. Addison Spectator No. 452. ¶7 We are inform'd from Pankridge, that a dozen Weddings were lately celebrated in the Mother Church of that Place.
1765 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. I. 112 If any..great lord, had a church within his own demesnes, distinct from the mother-church, in the nature of a private chapel.
1895 Dict. National Biogr. XLIV. 29/1 Pateshull, Martin de The chapel of Berrow and, perhaps, its mother-church of Overbury, Worcestershire.
b. The principal church of a country, region, or city; a cathedral or a metropolitan church.
society > faith > artefacts > sanctuary or holy place > principal place of worship > [noun]
cathedral church1297
High Churchc1325
mother churcha1387
parish churcha1387
High Kirk1422
see churchc1449
parish kirk1563
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1869) II. 77 Þe þridde chirche was þe chief moderchirche of al Wales.
1389 in J. T. Smith & L. T. Smith Eng. Gilds (1870) 37 (MED) Þe ordenaunces of þe gilde of Carpenteris..shullen ben holden perpetuelliche in þe moder Chirche of Norwiche.
c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 543 (MED) Religiose monasteries..han large and wijde chirchis like sumwhat to cathedral or modir chirchis of diocisis.
a1500 Eng. Conquest Ireland (Rawl.) (1896) 43 (MED) The archebyschope..his holy crovne bare ayeyn the naked Swerdes forto smyte, and that in the modyr chyrch, heighist of al the lond.
a1513 H. Bradshaw Lyfe St. Werburge (1521) ii. iii. sig. n.v Whiche churche was principall to all the citie And the mouther churche called withouten doubt.
1577 W. Harrison Descr. Eng. i. ii. i. 15 Our deanerie churches..now called mother churches and their incumbents archpreests.
1660 E. Waterhouse Disc. Arms & Armory 175 St. Pauls, thy viduated Mother Church.
1683 J. Crowne City Politiques ii. 14 Why is not a Cathedral a Mother-Church Sir?
1719 J. Bingham Origines Ecclesiasticæ VI. xv. ii. 611 It was the Custom at Rome to consecrate the Fermentum..in the Mother Church, and send it thence on the Lord's Day to the Presbyters in the..lesser Churches.
1738 J. Chamberlayne Present State Great Brit. (ed. 8) i. ix. 106 St. Paul's, the Mother Church of London Diocese.
1845 J. Lingard Hist. & Antiq. Anglo-Saxon Church (ed. 3) I. iv. 161 The chief minster was the cathedral or mother-church.
1871 E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest IV. xviii. 125 The mother church of the whole land, the church of Christ at Canterbury.
1937 E. Underhill Worship (ed. 3) xv. 335 The Cathedral is now once more recognized as a sacred shrine, and the Mother Church of the diocese.
1976 K. Amis Alteration i. 7 This was the Cathedral Basilica of St. George at Coverley, the mother church of all England.
c. The original church of a particular Christian movement, serving as an organizational or spiritual centre; esp. the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, that of the Christian Scientists.
1892 Christian Sci. Jrnl. Nov. 373 The church to be erected on the lot..donated by her [sc. Mary Eddy]..is in the fullest sense the mother church... There will be many church buildings erected all over the world..; but none of them will take the place of ‘The First Church of Christ Scientist’.
1910 Encycl. Brit. VI. 291/1 A purely local and congregational form of government was adopted, but Christian Scientists naturally looked to the mother church in Boston..as their centre.
1991 Canada Lutheran Nov. 26/3 They..established a congregation, calling it Wuoristo Finnish Church. It became the ‘mother church’ of many congregations ministering to Finns across Canada.
1992 N. Smart World's Relig. xv. 364 The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston.., which serves organizationally as the mother church to all the churches round the world.
1999 Santa Fe New Mexican (Nexis) 6 Nov. b7 The mother church of Divine Science is located in Denver.
3. The church (i.e. organized body of Christians) of which another church or denomination is an offshoot; (also) the oldest or original church from which all others have sprung. Also in extended use.
society > faith > aspects of faith > religion > a religion or church > [noun] > original
mother church1574
society > faith > sect > Christianity > person > [noun] > collective
holy churchc897
Christ's churchOE
Peter's bargea1393
Church of Christc1400
body of Christ?1495
Peter's ship1571
mother church1574
St. Peter's ship1678
Peter's bark1857
Peter's boat1893
1574 G. Scot Briefe Treat. Errors Romish Church sig. Aiijv Herein that wicked mother-churche We may to witnes call.
1645 E. Pagitt Heresiogr. (ed. 2) To Rdr. sig. D 2 The Brownists arrogate to themselves the name of Separatists, which well they may, being separated from their Mother Church, from all the Reformed Churches, and malitiously divided amongst themselves.
1667 M. Poole Dialogue between Popish Priest & Protestant 35 Not Rome, but Ierusalem should be the Mother Church.
1836 Biblical Repertory July 411 He saw..that this important something was possessed in common by the mother church and by her daughter here.
1882 F. W. Farrar Early Days Christianity I. 94 In reading St. James we can realise the sentiments of the Mother-Church of Jerusalem.
1908 P. T. Forsyth in Contemp. Rev. Feb. 159 Puritanism is the mother church of Western democracy.
1991 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 1 Apr. 13/1 Dr Carey, 55, is on the radical evangelical wing of the Church of England, mother church of the world's 70 million Anglicans.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2002; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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