

单词 badge of arms

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badge of arms
a. Originally: a heraldic symbol worn as an identifying mark by a knight and his retainers (= cognizance n. 5a; sometimes more fully badge of arms). In later use: any distinctive device, emblem, or mark worn to indicate a person's affiliation, rank, office, name, etc., or membership of an organization or support for a cause; (now esp.) a small piece of metal, card, plastic, etc., bearing a distinguishing design or words (and now often worn purely for ornament).cap-, merit, name badge, etc.: see the first element.
society > communication > indication > insignia > [noun] > badge
Promptorium Parvulorum (Harl. 221) 20 Bage or bagge of armys: Banidium.
c1440 Thornton MS lf. 141, in J. O. Halliwell Dict. Archaic & Provinc. Words (1847) I. 132/2 He beris of golde a semely sighte, His bagges are sabylle ylkane.
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) l. 4181 It [sc. rede fire] tinds on tend lowe trappour of stede,..Bages & baners it blemyschid.
a1460 in Archaeologia (1814) 17 226 (MED) The Dukeshyp of Yorke with the Badges ben the Fawcon and the Feturlocke.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement f. 196/1 Badge of a gentylman—la deuise dung seignevr.
1569 R. Grafton Chron. II. 650 He gaue the Sunne in his full brightnesse for his Cognisaunce or Badge.
c1600 Diurnal of Remarkable Occurrents (1833) 158 My lord regentis armes and bage.
1618 S. Rowlands Sacred Memorie 50 The Crosse, which Christians for their badge do weare.
1678 Spanish Hist. 131 To wear a badg that they may beg alms.
?1710 Famous & Renowned Hist. Hunting on Chevy-Chase ii. sig. A3 In came a Messenger in a scarlet Livery, laced with Gold, and a Badge of Arms on a Plate of Silver, fastned on his Breast.
1783 T. Percy Let. 19 June in Percy Lett. (1954) IV. 150 What I put up were some of the old Badges and Connoissances of the ancient Earls of Northumbd together with their arms.
1800 P. Colquhoun Treat. Commerce & Police R. Thames xi. 328 They have their names and numbers on a metal Badge.
1836 Tait's Edinb. Mag. Aug. 486b The Mackenzie's badge is the deer-hair.
1884 Manch. Examiner 28 Nov. 5/1 He also declared that he incited no one to rip off Gladstone badges at the meeting.
1902 M. Jourdain & A. Dryden Palliser's Hist. Lace (rev. ed.) iv. 66 Milanese lace frequently has coats-of-arms or family badges woven in it.
1937 H. Jennings et al. May 12th Mass-observ. Day-surv. i. iii. 194 Newsagent's wife asks me to buy a tricolour badge, 6d.; I do so.
1987 E. E. Smith Miss Melville Returns (1988) xxiii. 190 Attached to [the beret] by what looked vaguely like a Girl Scout badge was a jaunty lavender feather.
2003 N. Slater Toast 146 My father had Robertson's orange [marmalade] instead and let me send off the labels for golly badges.
β. 1486 Bk. St. Albans Heraldry B ij a Theys bastardis shall adde more bagy to his armys or take a way a bagy of armys.a1509 King Henry VII Will (1775) 37 The hoole sute of Vestiments and Coopies of clothe of gold tissue, wrought with our badgies of rede Roses and Poortcoleys.a1522 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid (1957) ii. vii. 55 His schynand scheild with his bawgy tuk he.1544 P. Betham tr. J. di Porcia Preceptes Warre i. sig. Gv Of the badgies of the souldyours.?1617 Inscription in J. S. Richardson & M. Wood Edinb. Castle (1929) 13 Lord Jesu Chryst that crounit was with Thornse, Preserve the Birth quhais Badgie heir is borne [sc. in the chamber where James VI of Scotland was born in 1566].
extracted from badgen.
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