

单词 mid right

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with (also mid) right
(n) with (also mid) right: in accordance with reason or justice (cf. sense Phrases 2a(i)); rightfully, properly. Obsolete.
society > morality > rightness or justice > [phrase]
with (also mid) righteOE
by right?a1160
of right?c1450
by rights1738
eOE (Kentish) Royal Charter: Æðelberht to Æðelred (Sawyer 332) in W. de G. Birch Cartularium Saxonicum (1887) II. 116 Meda be eastan ee sue ðer mid riahte to ðem lande limpað.
OE Blickling Homilies 123 Seo mennisce gecynd..mæg mid rihte þæm Scyppende lof & wuldor secgean þara ara.
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) (Peterborough contin.) anno 1127 Þa forlæs he þet [sc. the archbishopric] mid rihte, forþi þet he hit hæfde æror beieten mid unrihte.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 1395 Enngless haffdenn heoffness ærd Forrlorenn all wiþþ rihhte.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 173 Seint beneit &..seint antoine..weren..ipruuet to treowe champiuns & swa wið richte of serueden kempene crune.
c1300 St. Brendan (Laud) l. 53 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 221 (MED) He..seide þat we ouȝten Ihesu crist þonki suyþe wel with riȝte.
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. iii. 238 Lorde, who shal..resten on þi holy hilles?.. Tho þat..han wrouȝte werkis with riȝte and with reson.
c1440 (?c1350) in G. G. Perry Relig. Pieces in Prose & Verse (1914) 23 (MED) With gud ryghte þay loue þe and Onoures þe and gloryfyes þe, all thy creatures.
a1475 Sidrak & Bokkus (Lansd.) (Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Washington) (1965) 11019 (MED) Kynges and princes oght with right Her londes to deffende with fight.
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. iii. 40 Mortall sight, Too weake to see the lightfull Iove that ruleth all with right.
1614 A. Gorges tr. Lucan Pharsalia iv. 148 Cæsar may with right confesse, That he in vs hath vndergone A bloody losse worthy of mone.
1651 T. Hobbes Philos. Rudim. i. 11 All men account to be done justly, and with right; Neither by the word Right is any thing else signified.
1752 C. Smart Poems on Several Occasions 205 Ye lawyers so just, who with slippery tongue, Can do what you please, or with right, or with wrong.
extracted from rightn.
with (also mid) right
(i) with (also mid) right: with legal entitlement or justifiable claim (cf. Phrases 1b(n)). In early use often with shall.
society > law > legal right > by right [phrase]
with (also mid) righteOE
by (good, etc.) rightc1330
of righta1425
by right ofc1434
in right of1439
society > morality > dueness or propriety > [phrase] > by right or with justifiable claim
with (also mid) righteOE
by (good, etc.) rightc1330
of righta1425
by rights1738
eOE King Ælfred tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Otho) (2009) I. v. 398 [Hi me habbað] benumen mines [naman þe ic mid] rihte habban sceolde.
OE Beowulf (2008) 2056 Þara banena byre nathwylces..þone maðþum byreð, þone þe ðu mid rihte rædan sceoldest.
c1300 St. Gregory (Laud) l. 29 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 356 Ȝif þat [lond] is swuch ase [þe] men beoth: name it hauez with riȝte.
c1350 (a1333) William of Shoreham Poems (1902) 59 He spekeþ of þyng þat his to come, Þat scholde be myd ryȝte Of treuþe.
c1450 (?a1400) Sege Melayne (1880) 1020 (MED) Slayne in the felde gif þat I bee, Kynge off Fraunce here make I the, With reghte þe Reme to lede.
1508 Golagros & Gawane (Chepman & Myllar) sig. diiii Yoght I myght reif thame with right rath to my handis.
1600 W. Shakespeare Henry V i. ii. 96 May we with right & conscience make this claime.
1698 E. Ravenscroft Ital. Husband ii. i. 21 The life I gave, I may with right call mine; And what is mine, my Honoor will defend.
1754 G. Jeffreys Misc. 46 But persevering Courage found the way To lose with honour, and invade with right.
1864 A. Trollope Can you forgive Her? I. xviii. 148 No one would be at Matching who could torment Alice, either with right or without it.
2003 S. W. Berry All that makes Man 10 Today, women's historians can claim, with right, that ‘in no way has the historical landscape changed more radically..than in the emergence from the deep shadows of the other half of the population’.
extracted from rightn.
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