

单词 milch animal

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milch animal
1. Of an animal, originally and usually a domestic animal. Chiefly in compounds, as milch animal, milch ass, milch beast, milch breed, milch camel, milch cattle, milch ewe, milch goat, milch neat, milch sow, etc. See also milch cow n. 1.
a. Yielding milk; in milk (opposed to dry adj. 4b). Obsolete (chiefly regional in later use).
the world > food and drink > farming > animal husbandry > dairy farming > [adjective] > yielding milk
in milk1797
c1300 St. Kenelm (Laud) 228 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 351 Fair and round heo was, And swyþe Mielch al-so... For þare ne was no oþur kov þat half so muche milk ȝeoue.
a1325 St. Giles (Corpus Cambr. 145) 44 in C. D'Evelyn & A. J. Mill S. Eng. Legendary (1956) 385 (MED) An hinde þer com gon, Wilde and swuþe milch wiþ alle.
c1450 Jacob's Well (1900) 37 Þe tythe of þe pasture to þe drye beestys owȝte to be payid as wel as to þi melche beestys.
?a1500 in G. Henslow Med. Wks. 14th Cent. (1899) 12 (MED) Take þe melke of a cow þat ys noȝt ryȝt melche and þat hauyþ no calf of xii monþe.
1593 W. Shakespeare Venus & Adonis sig. Fiij Like a milch Doe, whose swelling dugs do ake, Hasting to feed her fawne.
1623 J. Webster Dutchesse of Malfy iii. ii. 69 Get me three hundred milch bats, to make possets, To procure sleepe.
1626 F. Bacon Sylua Syluarum §778 Mixtures of Water in Ponds for Cattell, to make them more Milch.
1673 T. Shadwell Epsom-Wells ii. i. 27 This Woman is as outragious as a Milch Bear that wants her Breakfast.
1789 G. White Nat. Hist. Selborne 324 Though barrow-hogs and young sows found no inconvenience from this food [sc. yew-berries], yet milch-sows often died after such a repast.
1879 G. F. Jackson Shropshire Word-bk. at Melch Bin them barren or melch, Maister?
b. Bred or kept to provide milk.Of an individual animal, occasionally also implying sense 1a.
1530 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 249 To the sepulchre light in Ampton Church..too melche nete to be leten by ye churchwardens for the tyme beyng..the other half to bye another melche neete.
1548 in T. Wright & J. O. Halliwell Reliquiæ Antiquæ (1845) II. 17 Item, ij. mellche beastes, whiche were belonginge to the norcerye.
1560 Bible (Geneva) Gen. xxxii. 15 Thirty milche camels with their coltes.
1582 in H. M. Doughty Chron. Theberton (1910) vii. 95 Item thre of the best mylche neat, the wch are gyven to the children... Item fyve other mylche neat... Item two buds... Item one kalf.
1621 J. Ashmore tr. Horace Sel. Odes 21 If the milch Yewes to Fold she bring, And milking them doe something sing, [etc.].
1700 T. Brown Amusem. Serious & Comical iii. 33 And under that an Advertisement of a Milch-Ass, to be sold at the Night-Mans in White-Chappel.
1759 Ld. Chesterfield Let. 16 Mar. (1932) (modernized text) V. 2344 I have just now bought a milch-goat, which is to graze, and nurse me at Blackheath.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth III. 14 That fine milch breed, which excels the cattle of any other part of the world.
a1854 E. Grant Mem. Highland Lady (1988) II. xxiii. 142 In a space separated by a latticed-partition from the long row of milch cattle, the family lived.
1887 W. Morris tr. Homer Odyssey I. ix. 159 So to the milking his milch-ewes and his bleating goats he sat.
1889 Dict. National Biogr. XVIII. 394/1 Festing, Weidemann.., and Vincent..saw two children driving milch asses.
1928 H. Peake & H. J. Fleure Steppe & Sown 11 The mare cannot be used for milk on the southern steppe, and other milk is less complete and less sufficient as a food; the northern steppe-man with his milch-mares offers a contrast in this respect.
1930 T. S. Eliot tr. ‘St.-J. Perse’ Anabasis (1959) 47 Like milch-camels..let the hills march forth.
1988 Times of India 23 Feb. i. 5/4 The last straw was the forced ‘sale’ of their milch buffalo to a creditor in the last week of December.
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