

单词 milan gloves

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Milan gloves
a. Designating any of various products, esp. textile fabrics, garments, and steel products, made or originating in Milan, as †Milan bonnet, †Milan fustian, †Milan gloves, †Milan groat, Milan hauberk, Milan knife, Milan mail, †Milan sleeves. Now chiefly historical or Obsolete.
1488 in H. E. Malden Cely Papers (1900) 197 I receivid of increce in the chaunge of iij mylleyn grotes..iijd ob. fl.
1503 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1900) II. 234 Item for thre elne Melane fustiane.
1507 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1902) IV. 15 Five Melane bonetis.
1530 Roll of Provisions in S. Pegge Forme of Cury (1780) 167 A pair of Myllen Sleves of white sattin.
1532 Proclam. 18 Aug. in Chron. Calais (1846) 116 To apparell there servauntes in..red Myllen bonnettes.
1545 Rates Custome House sig. bviij Millin gloues or canary the groce xxvi.s. viii.d.
1548 E. Halle Chron. f. lxxxiii Myllaine bonettes of crimosyn satten drawen through with clothe of golde.
1573 in E. Roberts & K. Parker Southampton Probate Inventories, 1447–1575 (1992) II. 355 A dublett of myllyane fusten, x s.
a1600 ( W. Stewart tr. H. Boece Bk. Cron. Scotl. (1858) I. 235 The Millane melȝeis mendit nocht ane myte, The brandis bricht sa bitterlie did byte.
1601 J. Wheeler Treat. Commerce 23 Milan Fustians.
1655 A. Brewer Love-sick King ii. sig. A3 I change these myllan fustian Needles into eggs, then my eggs into money, and then am I a Merchant.
1699 K. Arthur & K. Cornwall 168 in Percy Fol. MS I. 68 He sayes, ‘Collen brand Ile haue in my hand, And a Millaine knife fast by my knee.’
1772 Pennsylvania Gaz. 9 Apr. 3/3 (advt.) Also an assortment of German linen.., all sorts of straw knives and scythes, Bavaria and Milan whetstones, best oil flints, Dutch tobacco-pipes, with sundry other goods, too tedious to mention.
1772 Pennsylvania Gaz. 29 July 1/2 Account of the Sales of Silk, London, April 10, 1772. Five Lots of Pennsylvania Silk... Milan [Silk]. Highest, 19s. Lowest, 17s.
1819 W. Scott Ivanhoe I. vii*. 127 He hath on sale six Milan harnesses, the worst would suit a crowned head.
1831 Lady's Bk. Oct. 234 His superb figure was cased in a suit of Milan harness, over which was thrown a cloak of the richest Genoa velvet, fastened at the throat by a clasp of pure gold.
1862 Delaware County Republican 16 May (advt.) She has opened a full line of Spring and Summer Millinery of all kinds. All the latest styles of English Dunstable, Coborg, Milan Platt, and Silk Casing Bonnets on hand and made to order.
1902 J. Payne Poet. Wks. II. 86 He armeth him well..In armour of proof of Milan mail.
1914 S. Lewis Our Mr. Wrenn vii. 95 So I came home & howled & burned Milan tapers before your picture.
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