

单词 metel nut

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metel nut
1. More fully nut metel, metel nut, nut of metel. A poisonous fruit or seed with narcotic properties, variously identified with nux vomica (the fruit of Strychnos nux-vomica) or with the fruit of a species of thorn apple (genus Datura). Now historical.The nut metel of the Arabic physicians has often been identified with Datura metel, which was thought to be native to India or China, but most modern botanists now believe that all of the members of the genus Datura are native to the New World.
the world > physical sensation > use of drugs and poison > an intoxicating drug > [noun] > a) narcotic drug(s) > miscellaneous narcotic drugs from plants
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1528 T. Paynell tr. Arnaldus de Villa Nova in Joannes de Mediolano Regimen Sanitatis Salerni sig. Qiiv The nutte methel: whiche as Auicen sayth, is venomous, wherfore hit sleeth.
1568 W. Turner Herbal iii. 49 Of the nutte called the vomitinge nutt, and of the nut of Methel. The vomitinge nut and the Methel are not in al poyntes vnlyke... Matthiolus writeth that the flat nuttes like litle cheses which haue ben solde hytherto: for vomitinge nuttes are nuttes methel, and they that haue bene hytherto vsed for methel nuttes are the righte nuces vomicæ.
1597 J. Gerard Herball ii. 278 The first of these Thorne apples may be called in Latine Stramonia, & Pomum or Malum spinosum:..of Serapio & others it is thought to be Nux methel: Serapio in his 375. chapter saith, that Nux methel is like vnto Nux vomica.]
1633 T. Johnson Gerard's Herball (new ed.) iii. clviii. 1547 Avicen and Serapio make Nux vomica, and Nux Methel, to be one, whereabout there hath been much cauelling, yet the case is plaine..that the Thorne Apple is Nux Methel.
1681 N. Grew Musæum Regalis Societatis ii. i. iv. 210 The true Methel; or the Vomiting-Nut commonly so call'd.
1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. Metel,..the name of a sort of nux vomica, of the same shape with the common kind, but somewhat larger.
1959 A. G. Avery et al. Blakeslee: the genus Datura ii. 33 The species [Datura metel] has also been identified with the metel-nut of the Arab writer Avicenna.
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