

单词 messuage


Brit. /ˈmɛswɪdʒ/, U.S. /ˈmɛswɪdʒ/
Forms: Middle English–1600s mesuage, Middle English– messuage, 1500s meswage.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French messuage.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman messuage, mesuage holding, dwelling house (late 13th cent.), probably < post-classical Latin messuagium , mesuagium (frequently from late 12th cent. in British sources), probably ultimately a derivative (perhaps via a Romance reflex) of mansio or mansus (see manse n., mansion n.). Compare Old French (Normandy) masuage property for which an annual rent is paid (c1290), post-classical Latin mansuagium (from late 12th cent. in British sources).A connection with post-classical Latin mansura (see masure n.) is not now normally considered likely.
Originally: a portion of land occupied, or intended to be occupied, as the site for a dwelling house and its appurtenances. In later use (chiefly Law): a dwelling house together with its outbuildings and the adjacent land assigned to its use.capital messuage: see capital adj. 6b.
the mind > possession > possessions > [noun] > real or immovable property > land > a piece of land > messuage
messuage stead1546
1290 Rolls of Parl. I. 53/2 De uno Messuagio cum pertin' ibidem.]
c1405 (c1390) G. Chaucer Reeve's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 59 The person of the toun..In purpos was to maken hir his heir Bothe of his catel and his Mesuage.
1434 in F. J. Furnivall Fifty Earliest Eng. Wills (1882) 99 (MED) Y wil that..my wyf haue..duryng her lyf all my mesuage, with the curtylage and all the appurtenance, set & lyeng in the paressh of Hakeney..I will that the foreseyd messuage, [etc.].
1463 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 24 I..be qwethe to William Baret..myn hefd place, othir wyse callyd a mesuage, wiche I dwellyd in.
1517 Domesday Inclos. (1897) I. 257 A messuage in Tynton inferior belongyng to John Richerdson.
1531 in J. W. Clay North Country Wills (1908) I. 130 I wille that all thos personnes which stand seasid in oon meswage..in Cusworth..shall stand to the use of me.
1577 in Misc. Gen. & Her. 3rd Ser. 1 83 The said William was also seised..of one messuage non edeficat.
1588 A. Fraunce Lawiers Logike i. vi. f. 31v A messuage is made of two partes, del terre et structure.
1609 J. Skene tr. Regiam Majestatem f. 33 Reservand alwaies the chiefe messuage, to the eldest sonne.
1639 MS Indenture, estate at Knedlington, co. York A sellion, being the fourth part of one messuage lying on the marsh.
1704 in A. S. Batchellor et al. Probate Rec. New Hampsh. (1907) I. 511 The Said Thomas Row have then the one halfe of all the Houses Lands Messuages Cottages Barns.
1797 Trans. Soc. Arts 15 120 John Sutton certifieth, that he is the occupier of a messuage and a farm.
1820 M. R. Mitford in A. G. L'Estrange Life M. R. Mitford (1870) II. v. 91 Our residence is a cottage..—a messuage or tenement, such as a little farmer..might retire to.
1842 Ld. Tennyson Edwin Morris 126 They wedded her to sixty thousand pounds, To lands in Kent and messuages in York.
1907 Rep. Tax Cases IV. 506 The Lessees also covenanted not to permit anyone to sleep on the demised premises or to do or to suffer any act whereby the same or [printed of] the messuage of which they form part shall become liable to inhabited house or any other similar duty.
1962 Conveyancer 26 723 ‘The Building’... The Messuage (comprising—Flats) hereby demised including the garden grounds and other appurtenances thereof.
1978 W. M. Spackman Armful of Warm Girl 4 This Nicolas Romney,..left..his messuage and out-farms.


messuage stead n. English regional (northern) Obsolete a site for a dwelling house, a farmstead.
the mind > possession > possessions > [noun] > real or immovable property > land > a piece of land > messuage
messuage stead1546
1546 in W. Page Certificates Chantries County of York (1895) II. 277 ij messuage steids, with one kilnehouse.
1546 in W. Page Certificates Chantries County of York (1895) II. 334 One mesuage stede, not buylded upon.
1773 East Cottingwith Incl. Act 7 Messuage steads and cottage steads.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2001; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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