

单词 messiah


Brit. /mᵻˈsʌɪə/, U.S. /məˈsaɪə/

α. Old English Messiam (accusative), Old English Messian (accusative), Old English– Messias, early Middle English Messyamm (accusative), early Middle English Messyass ( Ormulum), Middle English–1500s Messyas.

β. Middle English Messie, Middle English Messy, Middle English Myssye, Middle English–1500s Messe, Middle English–1500s Messye, 1600s Messihe.

γ. 1500s– Messiah.

Also with lower-case initial.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Partly a borrowing from French. Etymons: Latin Messias; French Messie.
Etymology: < post-classical Latin Messias (Vulgate) < Hellenistic Greek Μεσσίας < Aramaic mĕšīḥā < Hebrew māšīaḥ anointed (in the Septuagint rendered Χριστός Christ n. and int.) < māšaḥ to anoint. The α. forms are used in Old English in John 1:41 and 4:25 (the only passages in which the word is found in the Greek or Latin New Testament) and in scriptural commentaries. Messias was used by the translators of the Wycliffite Bible after the Vulgate, and by later translators from 1526 to 1611 directly after the Greek. The β. forms are < Middle French, French Messie (c1224 in Old French as Messies < post-classical Latin Messias (Vulgate), see above). These forms do not occur in any English translation of the Bible, though common in other literature down to the 15th cent. The form Messiah at γ. forms was introduced by the translators of the Geneva Bible of 1560, to give the traditional Messias a more Hebraic aspect in accordance with their policy of eliminating the Graecized forms of proper names from the Old Testament (though they retained them in the New Testament). In the King James Bible (1611) it was adopted in Daniel 9:25, 26, and although it occurs in no other passage of the King James version, it eventually became the only current form. The Revisers of 1880–4 substituted it for Messias in the two New Testament passages, but on the other hand removed it from its original place in Daniel 9, where they give ‘the anointed one’; most modern translations similarly have Messiah in both passages in John, but not in Daniel 9 (where wording varies greatly).
1. The promised deliverer of the Jewish nation and redeemer of the human race prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures; (Christian Church) Jesus Christ regarded as the fulfilment of this promise.Chiefly with the or modifying word, but occasionally treated as a proper name, e.g. in the three Bible quotations and in some poetry.
society > faith > aspects of faith > Bible, Scripture > Biblical personages > Old Testament > [noun]
the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > the Trinity > the Son or Christ > [noun] > as Messiah
Lord's Anointed1791
OE West Saxon Gospels: John (Corpus Cambr.) i. 41 We gemetton messiam þæt is gereht crist.
OE West Saxon Gospels: John (Corpus Cambr.) iv. 25 Ðaet wif cwæþ to him, ic wat þæt messias cymð þe is genemned crist: þonne he cymð he cyð us ealle ðing.
OE tr. Vindicta Salvatoris (Cambr. Univ. Libr.) in J. E. Cross Two Old Eng. Apocrypha (1996) 269 Ðys rice..ys eow geseald þurh Messian, þæt ys Cryst, Godes sunu.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 7238 Þær Messyass soþ crist. soþgodd To manne cumenn sollde.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 12753 We fundenn nu. Messyamm. þatt bitacneþþ. Soþ crist.
a1300 Woman of Samaria 55 in R. Morris Old Eng. Misc. (1872) 85 (MED) Nv quiddeþ men þat cumen is Messyas.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) John i. 41 We han founde Messias [L. Messiam], that is interpretid, Crist. [So all later versions down to 1611.]
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1905) II. 277 (MED) Þer doghter had conseyvid Messias.
1595 B. Barnes Divine Cent. Spirituall Sonnets x. sig. B2v Heauenly Messias (Sweete annointed King..).
1644 J. Howell England's Teares (1645) 181 To beat Religion into brains with a Pole axe, is to make Moloch of the Messias.
1686 J. Scott Christian Life: Pt. II II. vii. 1225 Therefore do the modern Jews say, that the Messias is not yet come.
1723 H. Rowlands Mona Antiqua Restaurata ii. 210 The Restitution of deprav'd Mankind, by a promised Messias.
1766 T. Amory Life John Buncle II. vii. 219 In the Bible many texts relating to the Messias are confirmed and explained by these books of the Rabbies, though not by them intended.
1842 A. T. de Vere Song of Faith 113 Priests He raised, And Prophets..Foreshewing the Messias: and He came!
1878 J. Ingelow One Hundred Holy Songs 83 How is it, mighty Love of God, O Great Messias how! Thou wilt of sinners ask for aid, thou wilt ‘have dealings’ now?
1949 New Life July–Aug. 135 In Palestine the crowd did not recognize the Messias..in ‘the son of the carpenter’.
β. c1390 Proprium Sanctorum in Archiv f. das Studium der Neueren Sprachen (1888) 81 87 Andrew þenne to Symound tolde: ‘Messye we ha founde’.a1439 J. Lydgate Fall of Princes (Bodl. 263) ix. 75 Saide openli that he was Messie.c1440 (?a1400) Morte Arthure 3998 (MED) Here I make myn avowe..To Messie and to Marie.1530 R. Whitford Werke for Housholders (new ed.) sig. Giv Chryst was god & man The messye & sauyour of the worlde.1534 Two Coventry Corpus Christi Plays (1902) 15 Yt ys seyd..That of the lyne of Jude Schuld spryng a right Messe.γ. 1560 Bible (Geneva) Dan. ix. 25 From the going forthe of the commandement..to builde Ierusalem, vnto Messiah the prince...26 And after thre score & two wekes, shal Messiah be slayne. [So 1611.]1606 J. Carpenter Schelomonocham xxvii. f. 111 Wee see how he typeth the holy Messiah.1673 J. Milton Psalm II in Poems (new ed.) 131 Against the Lord and his Messiah dear.1685 R. Baxter Paraphr. New Test. Acts ii. 39 The Messiah with his Grace of Remission, and the Spirit, is promised.1698 R. South 12 Serm. III. 354 All pretended false Messiah's vanish'd upon the appearance of Christ the True One.1797 Encycl. Brit. XII. 781/1 We find no particular place in the prophets in which it is said that the Messiah should be called a Nazarene.1847 J. Yeowell Chron. Anc. Brit. Church iii. 24 He is arguing with the Jews, that the Messiah..was already come.1866 R. W. Dale Disc. Special Occasions vii. 241 The world hardly knew what music was, till the genius of Handel did homage to the Messiah.1946 A. Koestler Thieves in Night 101 For the last two thousand years the believers left their doors open on Passover-eve for Messiah to walk in.1977 C. Bermant Jews (1979) ii. 15 The Messiah as a figure who will return Jews to their homeland and establish the Kingdom of Heaven largely derives from Jewish exile.
2. In extended use (now usually in form messiah): an actual or expected liberator or saviour of an oppressed people, country, etc.; a zealous leader of any cause or enterprise.
society > authority > control > person in control > [noun] > leader > liberating
society > authority > lack of subjection > freedom or liberty > liberation > [noun] > one who frees
1667 J. Dryden Annus Mirabilis 1666 cxiv. 29 The wily Dutch, who, like fall'n Angels, fear'd This new Messiah's coming.
1711 Vizier Azem Let. 29 May in A. N. Kurat Despatches Sir R. Sutton (1953) 52 Mustaffa..is the Refuge of Kings..by means of your Ambassador residing here, the Noble among the Great Lords of the Nation of the Messias Robert Sutton.
1776 J. Adams in J. Adams & A. Adams Familiar Lett. (1876) 158 We are waiting, it is said, for Commissioners; a messiah that will never come.
1822 P. B. Shelley Hellas 57 It is reported that this Messiah had arrived..in an American brig.
1844 tr. M. T. Asmar Mem. Babylonian Princess II. 205 She expected a regenerator of the world, or second Messias.
1939 Sun (Baltimore) 12 Dec. 9/5 Many messiahs are offering themselves to lead us to the promised land.
1951 R. Campbell Light on Dark Horse xvii. 257 Bloomsbury still awaits its ‘masculinist’ Messiah.
1989 Dillons Bks. Aug. 20/3 To forge his courage, he seeks out Manku Yupanqui, messiah of the Andean Indians.


Messiah complex n. Psychology a delusional mental condition in which a person believes that he or she is the true Messiah; (more generally) a belief held by any person that he or she is supremely powerful and capable of anything; cf. earlier Messianic complex n. at Messianic adj. Compounds.
1954 Far Eastern Q. 13 301 When Christianity is first brought to ardent and sensitive individuals, troubled by the need for change, it has not infrequently created in them a ‘Messiah complex’.
1970 J. Wain Winter in Hills iv. 348 Oh, take your shining armour off, Furnivall. Ever since you came into the district you've had a Messiah-complex.
1989 Guardian (BNC) 26 July 44 Fellow-teachers and ex-students were easy prey to Bradfield's messiah complex, feebly indulging his lunatic egocentricity.
Messiah figure n. a person regarded as having some of the attributes of a Messiah.
1957 N. Frye Anat. Crit. 190 The Messiah-figure of Moses.
1992 M. E. Marty & R. S. Appleby Glory & Power vi. 159 The justice that was originally denied them is restored with the return of a messiah figure known as the Hidden Imam.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2001; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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