

单词 mean hand

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mean hand
mean hand n. Obsolete a neutral party serving as the custodian of a person, sum of money, etc.
1451 J. Osbern in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) II. 74 Ye wold..leve a summe if he wold a named it in a mene mannys hand, and seche as he hath trust to.]
c1460 (?c1400) Tale of Beryn 1532 (MED) When the relese selid was with a syde bonde, They were I-leyde..in a meen honde.
c1503 R. Arnold Chron. f. l/2 Tyll he hadde leyde downe in pledge..Crownes of golde in too the handis of Herry A. To kepe as in meane hande, tyll the sayd mater myght be duli examened and vndirstond.
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