

单词 meadow saxifrage

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meadow saxifrage
meadow saxifrage n. (a) pepper saxifrage, Silaum silaus (obsolete); (b) (in full white meadow saxifrage), a white-flowered European saxifrage of dry grassland, Saxifraga granulata, which bears bulbils in the axils of its basal leaves.
1670 J. Ray Catalogus Plantarum Angliæ 277 Saxifraga Anglica facie Seseli pratensis Ger... Saxifraga Anglorum, foliis Foeniculi latioribus,..similis Silao J.B. Meadow-Saxifrage.
1683 J. Ray Corr. (1848) 132 Whether the Seseli pratensi Monspeliensium be a species distinct from our English Meadow Saxifrage? To me it seemed the same.
1796 W. Withering Arrangem. Brit. Plants (ed. 3) II. 295 Peucedanum..Silaus... Meadow Saxifrage, or Sulphurwort. Moistish meadows and pastures.
1831 W. J. Hooker Brit. Flora (ed. 2) 194 S[axifraga] granulata, Linn. (white Meadow Saxifrage)... Hedge-banks, meadows and pastures, especially on a gravelly soil.
1897 G. C. Druce Flora Berks. 212 S[axifraga] granulata.., Meadow Saxifrage... A great ornament to some of our gravelly meadows and pastures.
1984 D. Steel Nat. Hist. Royal Forest viii. 72 Stowood, although a mere shadow of its former self having lost species such as..meadow saxifrage (Saxifraga granulata) and nettle-leaved bellflower (Campanula trachelium), still retains some interest.
extracted from meadown.
Meadow Saxifrage
a. Any plant of the genus Saxifraga, esp. S. granulata (White Meadow Saxifrage). The numerous species are mostly dwarf herbs with tufted foliage and panicles of white, yellow or red flowers; many root in the clefts of rocks. Also applied to related plants, as the genus Chrysosplenium ( Golden Saxifrage), Pimpinella Saxifraga ( Burnet or Rough Saxifrage) and P. magna ( Great Saxifrage), Silaus pratensis ( Meadow or Pepper Saxifrage), the genus Seseli ( Meadow Saxifrage).
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > saxifrage and allies > [noun]
grass of Parnassus1578
mountain pennywort1578
white liverwort1597
lady's cushion1739
American bastard sanicle1760
queen's cushion1825
old man's beard1882
foam flower1895
Indian rhubarb1897
piggyback plant1946
c1440 Promptorium Parvulorum 442/1 Saxifrage, herbe, Saxifragium, Saxifragia.
c1450 Alphita (Anecd. Oxon.) 163 Saxifragia uel saxifraga similis est pimpinello, radice utimur, ge. et ae. saxifrage.
1526 Grete Herball ccccxxxviii. sig. Ziij/2 De Saxifraga minori. The lesse saxifrage.
1548 W. Turner Names of Herbes sig. H.iiijv The englishe mens Saxifragia, which they cal Saxifrage, hath leaues lyke smal perseley, & it groweth in middowes.
?1550 H. Llwyd tr. Pope John XXI Treasury of Healthe sig. N.vii Mingle it wyth Gillofloures and Sixfrag.
1551 W. Turner New Herball sig. O iiij Pimpinell or roughe saxifrage.
1568 W. Turner Herbal iii. 68 The white Saxifrage with the indented leafe is moste commended for the breakinge of the stone.
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball ii. cii. 287 Of white Saxifrage or Stone~breake.
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball ii. cii. 288 Golden Saxifrage.
1597 J. Gerard Herball ii. 887 Burnet Saxifrage. Pimpinella Saxifraga.
1612 M. Drayton Poly-olbion xiii. 218 So Saxifrage is good, and Harts-tongue for the Stone.
1651 D. Border Πολυϕαρμακος και Χυμιστης 139 The root of Saxafrage drunk with Wine and Vinegar cureth the Pestilence.
1683 J. Ray Corr. (1848) 132 Whether the Seseli..be a species distinct from our English Meadow Saxifrage?
1785 T. Martyn tr. J.-J. Rousseau Lett. Elements Bot. xix. 277 Common White Saxifrage flowers early and in great quantities among the grass.
1796 W. Withering Arrangem. Brit. Plants (ed. 3) II. 295 Peucedanum Silaus..Meadow Saxifrage, or Sulphurwort.
1841 Penny Cycl. XX. 486/1 White or Granulated Meadow Saxifrage.
1846 Penny Cycl. Suppl. II. 547/1 Silaus pratensis, Meadow Pepper Saxifrage.
1858 C. Kingsley Chalk-stream Stud. in Misc. (1860) I. 164 The first stars of the white saxifrage,..which shine upon some green cushion of wet moss.
extracted from saxifragen.
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