

单词 mediation


Brit. /ˌmiːdɪˈeɪʃn/, U.S. /ˌmidiˈeɪʃ(ə)n/
Forms: Middle English mediacioun, Middle English mediacon, Middle English mediacyoun, Middle English medyacioun, Middle English medyacoun, Middle English medyacyon, Middle English medyacyone, Middle English medyacyoun, Middle English mydiacioun, Middle English–1500s mediacion, Middle English–1500s mediacyon, Middle English–1500s medyacion, Middle English– mediation, 1500s medeacyon, 1500s mediatioun, 1500s medyacyon; Scottish pre-1700 medeacione, pre-1700 mediacioun, pre-1700 mediacioune, pre-1700 mediatioun, pre-1700 1700s– mediation.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French mediacion; Latin mediation-, mediatio.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman and Middle French mediacion, mediation (13th cent. in Old French in sense ‘division in two’, late 14th cent. in senses ‘mediation’, ‘intermediary between God and man’; French médiation ) and its etymon post-classical Latin mediation-, mediatio intervention, intercession (5th cent.; used by Augustine and others specifically of the intercession of Christ between God and man), halving (c1120 in a British source) < mediat- , past participial stem of mediare (see mediate v.) + -io -ion suffix1. Compare Italian mediazione (14th cent.), Spanish mediación (1683), Portuguese mediação (1813). N.E.D. (1906) lists medieval Latin parallels mediatio caeli and mediatio octavae for senses 3b and 3c, but these are apparently not documented elsewhere; the astronomical sense is attested in French, but only from 1691.
a. Agency or action as a mediator; the action of mediating between parties in dispute; intercession on behalf of another.
the world > action or operation > easiness > aid, help, or assistance > intercession or influence on someone's behalf > [noun]
society > society and the community > dissent > absence of dissension or peace > bringing about concord or peace > [noun] > settling quarrels or disputes > mediation
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1879) VII. 349 (MED) Malcolynus..made pees by mediacioun, so þat Malcolyn schulde be obedient to kyng William.
c1390 G. Chaucer Man of Law's Tale 234 By the popes mediacioun..They been acorded.
1431 in J. T. Smith & L. T. Smith Eng. Gilds (1870) 280 If these men..with good mediacion of the alderman mowe not brynge hem at acorde.
1447 O. Bokenham Lives of Saints (Arun.) (1938) 165 Be the blyssyd medyacyoun Of thys virgyne.
1535 A. Windsor Let. 7 Mar. in Lisle Papers (P.R.O.: SP 3/8/80) f. 112 Yff yt shall plesse yow to send a louyng letter to the Warden of yor lordshypps plessur yn this behalff I thynk by reasson of that same wt medyacyon of yor fryndes that sum good resonabull waye shall be takyn theryn.
1572 in J. H. Burton Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1878) 1st Ser. II. 134 Be freindlie mediatioun and laubouris.
1675 H. Neville tr. N. Machiavelli Prince vii, in tr. N. Machiavelli Wks. 207 The Ursini reconciled themselves to him, by the mediation of Seignor Paulo.
1788 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall IV. xlv. 462 As a Christian bishop, he [sc. Gregory] preferred the salutary offices of peace; his mediation appeased the tumult of arms.
1844 C. Thirlwall Hist. Greece VIII. lxiii. 243 Envoys..had been sent to offer their mediation for the purpose of terminating the war.
1914 E. Grey in Great Brit. & European Crisis 64 Mediation was ready to come into operation..if only Germany would ‘press the button’ in the interests of peace.
1955 Times 5 Sept. 9/5 Dr. Najib-Ullah..does not wish to bring the matter before the United Nations, ‘where so many disputes still remain unsettled’, but would be glad of the mediation of friendly nations.
1987 Christian Aid News 7 Jan. 4/1 Wars will continue, and if mediation fails there is little outside agency can do to prevent the tide of homelessness which follows violence.
b. Theology. The intercession of Christ; spec. the atonement. Cf. mediator n. 1a. Obsolete.
the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > the Trinity > the Son or Christ > [noun] > atonement of
?a1425 tr. Catherine of Siena Orcherd of Syon (Harl.) (1966) 124 Ȝe schulden perseuere and dure, til ȝe come to me þat schal ȝeue ȝou watir of liifly grace, þe which I schal delyuere ȝou by þe mediacioun of my..sone, Ihesu.
a1500 (?a1400) Stanzaic Life of Christ (Harl. 3909) (1926) 1132 (MED) Thre myschefs monkynde hade er God of vs wold haue mercy And mediacioun mekely made.
1581 N. Woodes Conflict of Conscience iv. i. sig. Fiv In the mercies of God, by Christs mediation: By whom I am sure of my preseruation.
1621 H. Ainsworth Annot. Five Bks. Moses & Bk. Psalmes Numbers xvi. 37 Antichristians, which abuse and despise Christ's mediation.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost iii. 226 All mankind Must have bin lost,..had not the Son of God,..His dearest mediation thus renewd. View more context for this quotation
1713 E. Ward Poet. Entertainer iv. 36 No solid Joy But flows, O God, from Thee alone; Nor can it be obtain'd, but by The Mediation of Thy Son.
1857 Westm. Rev. Apr. 348 The Mediation-Theology itself does not shrink from engaging the Christological problem.
c. The process of attempting to settle a dispute without recourse to litigation, through negotiation conducted by a neutral intermediary (now frequently a professional individual or organization employed for this purpose). Frequently attributive.
1916 J. H. Cohen Law & Order in Industry in Polit. Sci. Q. 31 471 [The industrial agreement] is a fundamental constitution for the doing of business between the workers and the employers, with a supreme judicial tribunal, a conciliation and mediation department, a department for the establishment of legislation by consent of both parties, and an administrative department.
1923 J. D. Hackett in Managem. Engin. May 344 Mediation. The adjustment of a controversy between employer and employees through the efforts of some independent agency.
1965 M. Michael tr. J. Myrdal Rep. from Chinese Village i. 27 If they persist, the matter [of a divorce] is taken up by the mediation committee of the people's commune.
1978 N.Y. Times 30 Mar. b10/5 A spokesman for the National Mediation Board said that the two sides ‘have a lot to talk about’ and could be in mediation for several weeks.
1992 Globe & Mail (Toronto) 6 Aug. 4/6 Last year, 740 criminal cases were referred to mediation in Manitoba.
a. Agency or action as an intermediary; the state or fact of serving as an intermediate agent, a means of action, or a medium of transmission; instrumentality.
the world > action or operation > advantage > usefulness > use (made of things) > instrumentality > [noun] > intermediate agency
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) iv. 162 How I be-stat..Wolde in no maner never occupie By oþer title þan fre elleccioun, Nat interrupt by mediacioun of procage [read brocage] roted vp-on mede.
a1450 ( G. Chaucer Treat. Astrolabe Introd. 12 By mediacioun of this litel tretys, I purpose to teche the a certein nombre of conclusions.
a1513 J. Irland Meroure of Wyssdome (1965) II. 70 The sone wyrkis nocht his operacioun bot be the mediacioun of the causis particular and inferior.
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. xxj His fellowes at home..wrot to Lewis the Frenche kinge, by the mediation of Erarde Marchiaue Byshoppe of Liege.
1615 G. Sandys Relation of Journey 168 Not to be touched but by the mediation of a sticke prepared for the purpose.
1646 H. Lawrence Of Communion & Warre with Angels 38 The understanding receives things by the mediation, first of the externall sences, then of the fancy.
1648 in S. R. Gardiner Hamilton Papers (1880) 205 I intend to corresponde with you by her mediation.
1682 N. Grew Of Mixture i. v. §5 in Anat. Plants 232 To mix them by mediation of some third..Body, which may be congruous in part to them both.
1710 J. Norris Treat. Christian Prudence iii. 135 By the Will those Motions or Operations (Imperate Acts as they are call'd) which are performed by the mediation of the Body.
1796 E. Burke Two Lett. Peace Regicide Directory France i. 82 To seek for peace..through the mediation of a vigorous war.
1796 R. Kirwan Elements Mineral. (ed. 2) II. 269 By the mediation of nickel it will unite to Bismuth.
1860 J. Tyndall Glaciers of Alps i. iii. 23 Through his mediation I secured a chamois-hunter.
1902 E. Carpenter Civilisation (ed. 7) ii. 70 An immaterial mediation..would simply remove the problem out of the regions of scientific analysis.
1988 A. Brookner Latecomers viii. 117 There was also in Yvette a will to overcome that was translated, without the mediation of her mind, into excellent bodily health.
b. Psychology. The interposition of stages or processes between stimulus and result, or intention and realization. Frequently attributive.
the mind > mental capacity > psychology > experimental psychology > stimulus-response > [noun] > mediation
the mind > mental capacity > psychology > experimental psychology > stimulus-response > [adjective] > involving mediation > through accompanying mark
1912 Amer. Jrnl. Psychol. Jan. 102 The occurrence of associations whose mediation does not come into consciousness in any recognizable manner is certainly an interesting and well-attested phenomenon.
1934 H. C. Warren Dict. Psychol. 162/1 Mediation, the interposition of one or more ideas or acts between an initial stimulus or idea and a given end result whose genesis is under investigation.
1953 C. E. Osgood Method & Theory Exper. Psychol. iii. ix. 395 Short circuiting enters into all behavior, and its most important role lies in formation of those representational mediation processes.
1971 A. Paivio Imagery & Verbal Processes ix. 320 The experimental and language-habit approach to the investigation of mediation paradigms.
1996 Appl. Linguistics 17 89 One frequently finds oneself repeating the number in one's head or aloud: this verbal mediation is necessary to keep the declarative information alive in working memory.
a. Division by two; division into two equal parts; halving, bisection. Obsolete.
the world > relative properties > number > specific numbers > two > division into two > [noun] > division into two equal parts
?c1425 Crafte Nombrynge in R. Steele Earliest Arithm. in Eng. (1922) 16 Mediacion is a takyng out of halfe a nomber out of a holle nomber.
c1450 Art Nombryng in R. Steele Earliest Arithm. in Eng. (1922) 38 (MED) Mediacioun is the fyndyng of the halfyng of euery nombre, that it may be seyne what and how moche is euery halfe.
1543 R. Record Ground of Artes i. sig. K.vv Mediation..is nothynge els but deuidyng by 2.
a1690 S. Jeake Λογιστικηλογία (1696) 33 To take the half of any Number called Mediation, Bipartition, or Division by 2.
1727 N. Bailey Universal Etymol. Eng. Dict. II Mediation (in Geom.) with respect to lines, is called bissection or bipartition.
b. Astronomy. In full mediation of heaven. The act of reaching or crossing the celestial meridian. Obsolete.
the world > the universe > heavenly body > movement of heavenly bodies > [noun] > approach or cross meridian
a1500 (?a1430) J. Lydgate tr. G. Deguileville Pilgrimage Life Man (Stowe) 16668 The loode sterre, which..neuere draweth ffor to declyn, by medyacion off which they [sc. Marynerys] guye and gouerne ther passage.
1633 H. Gellibrand in T. James Strange Voy. App. sig. R3 At the instant of the Moones Culmination or Mediation of Heauen.
c. Music. The division of the octave at the arithmetical or harmonic mean. Obsolete.
society > leisure > the arts > music > musical sound > pitch > system of sounds or intervals > [noun] > diatonic scale series > division at mean
1597 T. Morley Plaine & Easie Introd. Musicke Annot. sig. (∴)v The fourth may be set in the eight, either aboue the fift, which is the harmonicall diuision or mediation (as they tearme it) of the eight, or vnder the fift, which is the Arithmeticall mediation.
4. Music. An internal cadential formula in the plainchant tone for a psalm, canticle, or responsory; (also) the part of an Anglican chant which lies between the two reciting notes.The mediation of a plainsong chant is regarded by some as including the reciting note, and is then taken to be all that part of the first half of the chant following the intonation.
society > faith > worship > church music > plainchant > [noun] > part between reciting notes
society > leisure > the arts > music > type of music > vocal music > religious or devotional > [noun] > chanted > plainchant > part of plainchant
recitation note1844
1776 J. Hawkins Gen. Hist. Music I. 358 The essential parts of each of the tones, that is to say, the beginning, the mediation, and the close.
1845 J. Jones Man. Plain-chant 10 When, at the mediation of the 1st, 3d, 6th, and 7th tones, the last word is a monosyllable, it is joined to the preceding syllable.
1879 T. Helmore in G. Grove Dict. Music I. 337/2 In the modern Anglican chants the Intonation has been discarded, and the chant consists of the Mediation and Termination only.
1893 J. Heywood Art of Chanting viii. 21 Most of the early Anglican chants seem to require two accents in their mediation.
1980 New Grove Dict. Music XV. 324/2 The introit tones have in addition a second intonation for the second part of the verse, immediately following the mediation.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2001; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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