

单词 meet-bodied

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1. Having the proper dimensions; made to fit. In later use: close-fitting, barely large enough. Now Scottish, and only in compounds, as meet-bodied adj.; meet-coat, meet-marrow (see marrow n.2).
the world > relative properties > order > agreement, harmony, or congruity > suitability or appropriateness > [adjective] > of appropriate size or amount
a1325 (?c1300) Northern Passion (Cambr. Gg.1.1) 1502 To þe bores a leiden is armes swete, To lok yef þei wer þer to mete.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) vii. 2899 (MED) His skyn was schape al meete, And nayled on the same seete.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Fairf. 14) 8809 Þe tre was als mete & queme as any mon..cowde deme.
c1480 (a1400) St. Matthias 50 in W. M. Metcalfe Legends Saints Sc. Dial. (1896) I. 223 Þar-for of spechis a cowyne þa mad til hyme met.
a1513 W. Dunbar Poems (1998) I. 157 Sowtaris, with schone weill maid and meit Ȝe mend the faltis of ill maid feit.
a1522 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid (1959) viii. viii. 10 Apon his feyt his meyit schois hoit War buklit.
a1700 Will Stewart & John in F. J. Furnivall Ballads from MSS (1868) III. 225 Iohn hee gott on a clouted cloake, Soe meete & low then by his knee.
1727 in R. Renwick Extracts Rec. Stirling (1889) II. 200 They will allow him [sc. the town's piper] a meet bodied coat with the towns livery thereon.
a1763 Sweet William's Ghost xiii, in F. J. Child Eng. & Sc. Pop. Ballads (1885) II. iii. 229 There's no room at my side..My coffin's made so meet.
1825 J. Jamieson Etymol. Dict. Sc. Lang. Suppl. (at cited word) Meet-coat, a term used by old people for a coat that is exactly meet for the size of the body, as distinguished from a long coat.
1900 Weekly Free Press & Aberdeen Herald 1 Dec. 3/1 When the finished production was sent home..Aunty Ann pronounced it the very ‘meet-marrows’ of the one she had held so long in loving memory.
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