

单词 mechanic arts

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mechanic arts
1. Relating to or involving manual labour or skill, esp. in mechanic arts (see etymological note). Cf. mechanical adj. 1. Now rare (chiefly historical).
society > occupation and work > work > [adjective] > manual
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) vii. 1693 (MED) Of hem that ben Artificiers, Whiche usen craftes and mestiers, Whos Art is cleped Mechanique.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) ii. 528 (MED) Who þat wer excellyng in practik Or any art callyd mekanyk..Was after sent to come to Priamus.
J. Metham Amoryus & Cleopes (1916) 453 (MED) Venus secretary, The qwyche in crafftys mekanyk hath experyens, As off..sorcery.
c1550 Complaynt Scotl. (1979) Prol. 7 To leyrne sciens craftis ande mecanyke occupations.
1612 S. Sturtevant Metallica iv. 55 Out of which words of holy Scripture it is apparent that all Mechanicke Arts and Inuentions, as well as the graces of saluation, are the peculiar workes, and gifts of Gods holy spirit in man.
1622 H. Peacham Compl. Gentleman xii. 100 Painting in Oyle..is..of more esteeme then working in water colours; but then it is more Mechanique and will robbe you of ouer much time from your more excellent studies.
1677 A. Yarranton England's Improvem. 187 The persons working in the Mechanick-Arts.
1774 J. Langhorne & W. Langhorne tr. Plutarch Lives (ed. 2) I. 349 If a man applies himself to servile or mechanic employments.
1838 W. H. Prescott Hist. Reign Ferdinand & Isabella I. i. ii. 44 He was a considerable proficient in music, painting, and several mechanic arts.
1891 W. C. Smith Poet. Wks. 46 Pure good from mingled good and ill, From tokens of mechanic skill Illimitable glory and might.
1943 J. S. Huxley TVA vi. 30 In 1862..Land Grant Colleges were established—so called because in every State lands were granted from the public domain to endow a College for the teaching of ‘Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts’.
1997 Times Lit. Suppl. 29 Aug. 3/4 During the Industrial Revolution, improvement in the mechanic arts was exemplified by..machines like the steam engine, the stocking-frame, or the spinning-jenny.
extracted from mechanicadj.n.
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